Nepean Girls Hockey Association

2005/2006 Board meeting

Date: January 18, 2006

Time: 7:15 pm

Place: 54 Knowlton Drive


Present: Cathy Devenny- Bennett, Kelly Ford, Mary Lou Zywicki, Heather Mallette, Allan Marcille, Vicki Marcille, Ted Capes, Gordon Powers, Alex Kincaid, Pat Brault, Linda Watson

Late: Charlie Pilson, Michele Evans

Regrets: Don Parrington

1.0  Call to order

- Meeting called to order at 7:15pm

2.0 Review of Previous Minutes

- Motion #1 – To accept the minutes as presented. Moved by Vicki Marcille, seconded by Ted Capes. Carried.

3.0 Reports

3.1 Registration

- Mary Lou discussed the timing of Registration for next year’s registration. She suggested that the end of March be considered so that any conflict with playoff schedule could be avoided.

- There will be a hand out sheet for all players/parents to check the website

for registration starting dates and times.

- Registration will run through to September. Players/parents will be able to either register or update their registration throughout the spring and summer.

- Registration for all programs will be done on line and will be available throughout the registration period.

- Program committee are to determine what programs will be offered and the cost of each program.

- Intermediate registration will still be offered with a review of numbers before next season begins.

- Intermediate registration will still be offered for Summer hockey.


- Current fees are as follow:

- Fall $265 early registration

$300 late/new registration

$265 Fundamental

- Summer (jr) $60 vets

$75 new players

- Summer (int) $75 vets

$90 new players

- Skills $200

- Pre-season $75

- Ice going up to $119 for June, $168.32 for July and August, and $119 for the fall/winter.

- Fee for the fall of $265 comes very close to actual cost.

Motion #2 – To raise vet fee by $5.00 and to leave the fee for late/new registration at $300. Moved by Gordon Powers, seconded by Mary Lou Zywicki, Carried.

- Summer rates to stay the same.

*February meeting to determine what can be registered for and when.

3.2 Program

- Reclassification methodology – teams are reviewed only if other teams express concern.

- For NGHA, the Peewee B and Midget B teams were under scrutiny.

Midget B was left status quo. Peewee B was reclassified to Peewee BB.

- Peewee B team is appealing the decision and it should be resolved on Monday.

3.3 Evaluations

- Survey Monkey being used for evaluations

- Gord will send out an introduction to coach evaluations along with a short Q & A.

- All parents will be able to do evaluation on line.

- Novice, atom and peewee girls will do the evaluations in person with convenor.

- Evaluation process to start in the next 3 weeks.

3.4 Finance

- Budget up to date.

- Finances are in good shape.

- We need to update the Quick book program to match new banking procedures.

Motion #3 – Proposal to update Quick book program to new version. Motioned by Ted Capes, seconded by Vicki Marcille. Carried.

3.5 Ice

- Summer ice has been booked and contract has been signed.

- Changing Sunday 7pm start time.

- Summer ice schedule will be posted as soon as possible.

- Carleton U application has been submitted for same ice times as we have currently.

3.6 Miscellaneous


- photos should be ready mid January.


- Dave Aubut has volunteered to update Showcase at Walter Baker Centre.

4.0 Next Meeting

- Wednesday February 22, 2006

5.0 Adjournment

Motion #4 – to adjourn meeting at 8pm. Moved by Alex Kincaid and seconded by Heather Mallette. Carried.