Applicant’s name:
NENS Stipends for Training Stays
Application Pack
Closing Date for Application:15April 2018
Please complete the following application form and submit your application via email to the NENS Office on . For further information on how to fill in the application form, please refer to the “Application Information Pack” available for download at
1. Cover Sheet
Personal Details
Project title of the proposed training stay:
Date of Birth:
Country of Residence:
Current Address:
FENS membership ID (check here how to retrieve your FENS member ID):
Date of Commencing of Master’s Degree:
(Expected) Completion Date of Master’s Degree:
Start of PhD Education (if not PhD student):
(Expected) Completion Date of PhD degree:
2.1Proof that applicant is a registered student at a NENS member institution
Contact Details
Name of Programme:
Programme Coordinator:
Letter of Confirmation
Hereby I confirm that ______is enrolled in
name of applicant
______as a______
name of programmeMaster/PhD student
since ______.
starting date of studies
______is registered as a NENS member
name of programme
datesignature of school coordinator
2.2 Proof of NENS membership of the host institution
Contact Details
Name of Programme:
Programme Coordinator:
Letter of Confirmation
Hereby I confirm that______is registered
name of programme
asa NENS member programme.
datesignature of school coordinator
3. Statement on motivation for intended training stay
(250 words max./ to be completed by student only)
4. Short description of Master’s/ PhD project
(250 words max./ to be completed by student only)
5. Description of proposed project during training stay
(500 words max./ to be completed by student only)
Duration of Planned Training Stay:
Exact Dates of Planned Training Stay:
6. Description of methods to be learned or course to be followed during training stay (250 words max.)
7. Declaration of expected costs
for travel (by airplane, train, bus, car):€
for accommodation
(rental fee for a room in a guest house or apartment):€
Total costs:€
If the financial support you require exceeds 3.000 € awarded by NENS then explain why andgive here sufficient proof of additional funding needed:
8. Letter of recommendation from Master/ PhD supervisor
(500 words max.)
9. Letter of support from host laboratory
(500 words max.)
10. Applicant’s declaration on the obligation of mentioning the NENS support in any resulting publication and abstract
In case of receiving a NENS Stipend for training stay I, ______,
name of applicant
hereby commit myself to mention the NENS support in any resulting publication or
abstract following the aforementioned awarded NENS Stipend.
datesignature of applicant
NENS Exchange grants
Application Pack
Closing date: 15April 2018