NENA Next Generation Transition Planning Committee
Scopes/Goals/Direction/Status – UPDATED 04/30/17
STRUCTURE: The NGTPC operates within the NENA Development Group under the direction of the Development Steering Council.
SCOPE/GOAL: NG9-1-1 is defined as the next evolutionary step in the development of the 9-1-1 emergency communications system known as E9-1-1 that has been in place since the 1970s. NG9-1-1 is a system comprised of managed IP-based networks and elements that augment present-day E9-1-1 features and functions and add new capabilities. NG9-1-1 will eventually replace the present E9-1-1 system. NG9-1-1 is designed to provide access to emergency services from all sources, and to provide multimedia data capabilities for PSAPs and other emergency service organizations. There will be a multi-year transition to NG9-1-1. Work has already begun in some regions that are putting in place IP infrastructures. In order to support transition planning, the NGTPC has published the second version of a Transition Plan. The Transition Plan includes the beginning points (i.e. the legacy environment) and the ending points (i.e. the NG9-11 environment). It outlines options for network and data transition to NG9-1-1.
The thirdpart of the Transition Plan is focusing on operational considerations for transition and ongoing operations associated with NG9-1-1. This effort is just beginning and will require participation of many of the NENA committees and working groups.
DIRECTION: The primary objective of the NGTPC is to identify technical and operational gaps in the transition to NG9-1-1 and make recommendations on how to mitigate those gaps These recommendations are targeted at Public Safety Authorities and other stakeholders to assist them in moving from each 9-1-1 system and service environment starting point to NG9-1-1. These recommendations include the related actions needed to enable transition to a fully capable NG9-1-1 service.
CURRENT STATUS as of 04/30/2017:
The committee has begun the third leg of the transition plan which will focus on the operational implications of the transition to NG9-1-1. This effort will be sheparded by NGTPC with involvement from other committees and working groups that have operational experience. Each committee chair has been asked to review their committee documents to identify potential gaps relating to the transition to NG9-1-1.
Estimated Completion Date: Version 2 of the Transition Plan is on
Bob Sherry, ENP: r 630.300.2838
Jim Goerke, ENP: r 512.402.9733
GROUP NAME: Monitoring & Managing NG9-1-1 Working Group (M&M WG)
STRUCTURE: The M&M WG operates under the Next Generation Transition Planning Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: The working group is tasked with creating a NENA document that addresses specific operational topics and makes general recommendations on operational procedures associated with the transition to monitoring and managing NG9-1-1 software functions and infrastructure. The output is targeted to those personnel who develop and manage PSAP processes and procedures, and to those responsible for ESInet, NG9-1-1 Core Services, and PSAP infrastructure. The effort will identify and describe what needs to be monitored and how that is different than current practices within E9-1-1, including the acquisition and provisioning of the capacity involved. The level of detail will be sufficient to identify areas that should be considered in RFPs and Service Level Agreements. Expertise Needed: Subject Matter Experts that have been involved in monitoring and managing large, complex systems and networks, or that have been involved in writing and negotiating SLAs for them are invited to join the working group in this important effort.
CURRENT STATUS as of 04/30/2017:
The Monitoring and Managing NG9-1-1 Working Group meets on Wednesdays from 2-3PM Eastern time. The group is developing text for the body of the document. The group has been accepting previously reviewed text and making edits as needed in the process. Text that applies to both NGCS systems and PSAPs is moved into its own section, and that section is being referenced in the NGCS section. This should help the group move faster on the PSAP section once the current review task is completed. After the existing changes are accepted, the group will finish reviewing the few remaining contributions that apply to state, regional, or provincial 9-1-1 authorities, and then move on to PSAP-specific topics.
Estimated Completion Date:1Q2018
Michael Smith: or 606-877-2788
Rick Blackwell: or 864-467-5912