NEIU 3rd Place
Chyanne Kemp, Wallenpaupack High School
Forming genuine student –teacher relationships is a valuable part of High School. A good teacher can act as one’s mentor, role model, and friend. Within the four years I have spent at Wallenpaupack Area High School, my art teacher, Lisa Peet, has become all three of these things.
A mentor. Mrs. Peet’s impact on my life has been overwhelming positive. Art has been a lifelong interest but it was Mrs. Peet who gave me the attention and guidance I needed to realize my potential during my introductory art class freshman year. Since then, she has been consistently encouraging and patient and has helped me refine my skills and have the courage to step outside my comfort zone. An artist’s worst enemy is self-doubt and I think that one of the most important lessons Mrs. Peet has taught me as well as her other students is to believe in oneself and see things through until the end. Even more, she is sincerely interested in the success of her students; not once have I missed out on a scholarship opportunity, contest, class, or trip thanks to her.
A role model. Dedication is one of Mrs. Peet’s most role model worthy qualities. She puts her job before herself and is one of the most committed people I know. As an officer of the art club I see, first hand, the hours and hours of time she volunteers to make the club, set painting, and any other project she involves herself in as enjoyable and productive as possible. Along with this I admire her versatility. Mrs. Peet is able to teach a range of art classes from special needs to advanced placement with the same enthusiasm and care. I’d like to think her worth ethic has rubbed off on me and inspires me put 110% of my effort into my projects and endeavors.
A friend. I am so grateful to have an authority figure that I can also consider my friend. High school is stressful and classes get intense. Having an honest, helpful teacher like Mrs. Peet makes the experience much more enjoyable. I and any of her pupils can whole heartedly accept her critiques and criticism of our work because we’re certain she only wants the best for us.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with many brilliant teachers at Wallenpaupack. Lisa Peet is one of the stand outs because she has allowed me to realize my strengths and challenge my weaknesses. With the help of her teaching I have grown as a student and as an individual. The positive impact that she has made on my life will follow me far beyond graduation and into my future and career – one that will surely involve art.