Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Results
Introduction and Respondent Profile
The questionnaire was distributed to all households in the parish and was available on the website for on-line completion. 258 responses were received 45 of which were completed online.
All percentage figures in this report relate to a percentage of the 258 respondents. In many cases the answers to a question do not add up to 100%. This is because some people skipped questions and in some cases multiple answers were allowed.
Responses were received from all parts of the parish:
- 34% of respondents live in Ansty ward, which contains 55% of the electorate in the parish.
- 29% of respondents live in Staplefield ward which contains 28% of the electorate in the parish.
- 8.5% of respondents live in Brook Street ward which contains 17% of the electorate in the parish.
- A further 22.5% of respondents did not consider themselves to live in Ansty, Staplefield or Brook Street. This is because the wards cover large areas outside of the central villages. For example, Valebridge Road in Burgess Hill is part of the Ansty ward, but the residents would be unlikely to associate themselves with Ansty. The respondents who ticked the “other” box were asked to state where they live. It appears from the areas stated that approximately 40% of these people live in the Ansty ward, 8% live in Staplefield, 32% live outside the parish and the remaining answers were too vague to be sure, for example, someone answering Haywards Heath could live either inside or outside the parish.
- Staplefield is therefore slightly overrepresented in the survey compared to the distribution of houses in the parish.
86% of all respondents own their own home, 9% are in rented accommodation and less than 1% are in share ownership, housing association or homes linked to employment.
Most respondents live in households occupied by two people:
Respondents were asked the ages of the people living in their household:
Sustainability and Economic Growth
Respondents were asked whether various business activities should be encouraged in the parish:
People who answered “other” were asked to identify which businesses they wish to support. Farming and village shops were the most popular answers. Other suggestions included a Post Office, Artisan Workshop, pubs and cafe.
48% of respondents believe their broadband to be too slow, 22% felt it was acceptable and 4% believe it to be good.
Mains Gas
44% of respondents would like to be connected to mains gas if it were available and 33% would not be interested.
Place of work
52% of respondents work outside the parish and 14% work inside the parish.
Means of Transport to work.
The majority of respondents travelled to work by car, one person used a bus, one person used a taxi, four people walked, fifteen people catch a train and one person uses a plane!
The AONB is very import to 84% of respondents. , 8% felt it to be important and less than 1% felt it to be not very important. No-one stated that it is unimportant.
Protection of environment
Over 80% of respondents wanted to protect hedges, ponds, groups of trees, open spaces and streams. Respondents were asked if there were other physical features that should be protected; the answers were varied with the most popular answer being farmland, other answers included; views, air quality, light and noise pollution, wild flowers and the gap to other villages.
Projects to enhance the environment in the parish
People were asked to suggest projects to enhance the environment of the parish. The most popular answers were to maintain and plant more trees (c25%). Other suggestions included bat boxes, flower meadows, maintenance of footpaths, cycle paths and trails, re-instating Staplefield pond, rubbish collection from hedgerows and rural areas, wider pavements, more walking routes.
Housing and Development
26% of all respondents felt that the parish can accommodate new housing in Ansty and 20% felt that it cannot. 30% stated that it depends what it is. However, of the 88 residents who state that they live in Ansty, 20% believe that Ansty can accommodate new housing, 27% say it can’t and 51% say it depends what it is.
Scale of housing developments that would be acceptable in Ansty.
The most favoured scale of housing in Ansty is small groups, single dwellings and converted buildings.
NB: In the following two graphs the percentages for Ansty Residents is a percentage of the 88 respondents who state that they live in Ansty. The percentage of all respondents is of the total 258 respondents.
Type of housing that should be built in Ansty
The most popular type of housing for Ansty is detached and semi – detached houses.
The respondents who stated “other” suggested affordable homes, Park Homes, homes for the elderly, eco houses, variety but in keeping with existing homes.
If houses were to be built in Ansty where should they be located?
Popluar answers included redundant buildings, brownfield sites and in the gaps between exisitng homes within the village and the very edge of the village. Some people also suggested the Ansty Farms site, Deaks Lane and along the A272. The complete list of responses is attached as Appendix 1.
Brook Street
14% of respondents thought that new housing could be accommodated in Brook Street 28% disagreed and 20% stated that it depends what is. However, of the 22 Brook Street residents responding 10% i.e. 2 people were in favour, 50% were against and 36% stated that it depends what it is.
Scale of housing that would be acceptable in Brook Street.
The most favoured scale of housing in Brook Street are small groups, single dwellings and conversion of redundant buildings .
Type of housing that would be acceptable in Brook Street.
The most popular type of housing for Brook Street is detached, semi-detached houses and cottages.
If houses were to be built in Brook Street where should they be located?
The most popular suggestions were the Borde Hill site, brownfield sites, redundant buildings and infill. The complete list of answers can be seen at Appendix 2.
26% of respondents felt that new housing can be accommodate in Staplefield, 27% disagreed and 22% said that it depends what type. Of the 75 Staplefield residents answering this question 49% were opposed to new housing in Staplefield, 25% said that it could accommodate new housing and 24% said that it depends what it is.
Type of housing that would be acceptable in Staplefield.
If houses were to be built in Staplefield where should they be located?
Popular answers included Tanyards Field and within the village. The full list of answers can be seen at Appendix 3.
Character of the parish.
77% of respondents felt that all future developments should be designed so as to not compromise the character of the parish, to maintain a green gap between settlements to prevent coalescence and maintain the views in and out of the villages. 2% disagreed.
Highways and Transport.
The questionnaire asked whether people consider speeding to be an issue in Ansty, Staplefield, Brook Street or other areas. The chart shows that residents of each area considered there to be a speeding problem where they live.
Rerouting of the A272
31% of all respondents were in favour of rerouting the A272, 47% were not. However it is Ansty residents who are most likely to be affected by this change and amongst Ansty residents alone 46% are in favour and 36% are not.
Improvements to Highways
People were asked to provide details of projects that they would like to be considered that would improve highways transport within the parish. The most popular answers included: mending potholes, maintain verges/road edges and speed reduction. The complete list of answers can be seen at Appendix 4.
Children’s Playgrounds
39% of respondents felt that the facilities provided in the children’s playgrounds are good or reasonable and 15% that they are unacceptable. There was little variation in opinion by the residents of different areas.
Improvements to playgrounds
People were asked to suggest improvements that could be made. There were lots of suggestions for upgrading the facilities; the full list can be seen at Appendix 5.
Sporting Facilities
45% of respondents thought the sporting facilities in the parish are good or reasonable and 8% thought that they are poor. Staplefield residents were slightly less satisfied with the sporting facilities than respondents living elsewhere.
People were asked what improvements could be made to the sporting facilities in the parish. Some people asked for a wider variety of sports; the full list of suggestions can be seen at Appendix 6.
Leisure Facilities (art classes, adult education etc)
30% of respondents thought that the leisure facilities in the parish are good or reasonable. 13% thought they were poor. Staplefield residents were slightly less satisfied with the leisure facilities than those living elsewhere.
People were asked what improvements could be made to the leisure facilities in the parish. Some people were unaware of the facilities, others asked for more classes or a new hall in Ansty. The full list can be seen at Appendix 7.
Footpaths and Bridle Paths.
85% of respondents thought that the footpaths and bridle paths in the parish are good or reasonable. 9% thought they are poor. There was little variation in opinion by the residents of different areas.
People were asked what improvements could be made to footpaths and bridleways. Improved maintenance and signage and more bridleways were common suggestions. The full list of suggestions can be seen at Appendix 8.
Parish Consultation and Communication
People were asked how they usually find out about parish activities:
55% of respondents felt that the questionnaire did reflect local concerns. 20% did not agree.
67% of respondents felt that they have been able to express their views and 15% did not.
People were asked what issues have yet to be addressed. A number of people expressed concern at various possible developments; the full list of suggestions is included at Appendix 9.
People were asked how they felt the results of this survey should be made known:
People were asked if suggestions raised in the consultation require funding, where should that money come from:
People were asked to identify any other sources. Most people identified grants and fundraising, some suggested all of the above; the full list can be seen at Appendix 10.
And Finally..
People were asked what is most important to them about the parish:
People were asked to rate possible infrastructure projects in terms of their importance. 30mph speed limits and rural broadband received the most support. Ansty Village Centre and play park upgrades were also popular. The least popular were a primary school in Ansty, connection to mains gas, rebuilding Stpalefield Cricket Pavilion and Re-routing the A272.
People were asked what are the two highest priorites for our parish. Popular answers include maintaining village life or character, trees, speeding, Ansty Village Centre, preventing large scale development, community and environment. The full list of suggestions can be seen at Appendix 11.
Appendix 1
If houses were to built in Ansty where should they be located?
- In proposed areas within Ansty as shown on visioning day. Re use brown field site on old social club when community center is built. Burgess Hill northern arc proposal.
- Site shown on display on Saturday More sites needed
- Sites should be proposed
- Sites displayed
- As per visioning day with a mix of Social and privately owned housing to not ghetto-ise residents and to enable correct provision of services i.e. schools, public transport etc.
- I propose the use of redundant buildings. I would be opposed to building on existing farmland.
- not at the proposed current site at Ansty Farm
- As per visioning day proposals.
- Make use of brownfield sites and redundant dwellings. I feel very strongly about this.
- they should start be as close to the m23 as is viable. I don't see why developers should be offered prime sites in the heart of the villages which although benefit the land owner and developer financially are to the detriment of the existing village and the beautiful surroundings which attract people to want to live in this location. Developers should be made to work for their profit and create environments in less that prime locations, that people want to live. The west of the village also has a natural barrier (the motorway) which will mean that the villages do not just become part of Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill or Cuckfield.
- As visioning plan
- As shown on visioning day
- On brownfield sites
- On brownfield sites
- As shown on the plan, plus other suitable areas
- I do not know - infill
- On land where there is space within the village, not ribbons of housing developments on the edges;
- As per website
- No additional housing should be built in Ansty
- as per website
- anywhere you like as long as you have the houses, people and problems all others in the south east endure. plus you will have young families to continue the life of the village under 65
- with in the village
- As shown on plans, plus other agreed areas depending on number of houses to be built.
- as per visioning day
- On redundant land (brownfield sites) or buildings. I would like to see the former Ansty Cross public house turned into affordable flats for example.
- as per website
- as per website plans
- In the field opposite Cuckfield Cricket Club
- Large parcel of land between Ansty and Burgess Hill
- where they do least damage to the environment.
- site next to Ansty Cross pub
- Both in and around the village
- Proposed site by old pub and garage as shown on website map
- Ansty Farms proposal
- Site proposed next to Ansty Cross pub
- Ansty Farms
- By old pub
- Spread between the two sights at Ansty Farms
- Ansty Farms site - scale needs reduction
- Within current village - no sprawl
- adjacent to existing housing
- Redevelop social club Field next to old pub
- I cannot find a map of the Parish and do not know its extent.
- Ansty Farms
- Reuse redundant buildings
- Only where infrastructure can support them
- Edge of Village
- Bolney Road
- Gardens -spaces around existing building
- Gaps between current homes
- South of village
- Between Bolney Road and Cuckfield Road
- In-filling
- On one field south of A272 -Bolney Road
- Along A272 to mirror what’s there also small scale development -also create a hearts to villages?
- Sites as per website
- As per visioning day
- Areas specified on visioning day
- Burgess Hill, Northern Arc, Rocky lane and Brownfield site where the Social Club is being redeveloped
- As visioning plan
- Infill
- Down Deaks Lane
- Down Deaks Lane
- Down Deaks Lane
- Within the village
- Maybe on the Ansty Cross pub site -no-one is going to be able to turn this one around in this financial climate
- Ansty or Staplefield
- On side of Ansty Cross
- Start with brownfield sites
- South of Bolner Rd./Deaks lane
- They should not be located in the areas proposed by Ansty Farm
- In & close to the village
- Deaks Lane, Burgess Hill Road
- 3500 are proposed for Ansty why not build more
- 173 A272 between Ancient Farm & Butlers Farm
- Within village
- In groups on outskirts of village
- Infill, extend building line
- At edge of village (outside the present limits)
- Where existing house are, also extension
- In the village
- Along the edge of the A272 -or in village
- Close to A272
- Brown fill sites
- In Burgess Hill!!
- In my field next is my house at Ansty placemaybe!
- Brown sites if possible
- Near existing housing/buildings
- Close to village centre
- Built in infill sites
- Infill / site of village hall / pub
- In-fill
- Not buying up residents gardens. On the outskirts of the village
- At southern end near burgen hill
- In amongst existing dwelling and land sold voluntarily by owners
- Edge of village
- Northern Ash
- Appendix 2
If houses were to be built in Brook Street where should they be located:
To be determined - To be discussed and agreed
- As close to the motorway as possible as per my comments above
- On brownfield sites
- Needs to be investigated
- I do not know about this area so can not judge.
- Wherever there is space
- Not in Haywards Heath as proposed
- Borde Hill Proposal
- Borde Hill site
- Borde Hill
- adjacent to existing housing
- Infill sites need to be put forward
- Reuse redundant buildings
- Adjacent to existing e.g. not in middle of field
- Sites need to be identified
- Areas to be determined
- Needs diascussion
- Away from the main street area of outstanding beauty
- In & fairly close to houses already there
- On brownfield sites & outskirts of Parish
- Within village
- Along the main roads to protect countryside
- Not agricultural land
- Balcombe Road near Cuckfield
- The land on the right coming down the hill if it is on the land that only the pathment not going into the field behind
- Near existing housing/buildings
- Infill
- In amongst existing dwelling and land sold voluntarily by owners
- Edge of village
- Bolne Hill
Appendix 3
If new houses were to be built in Staplefield where should they be located?