Neighbors for Justice, Inc.



MISSION:Neighbors for Justice, Inc. is a charitable organization that supports the Pima County Attorney's Office's Community Justice Board Program. Neighbors for Justice, Inc. raises and distributes funds to guide and support youth by providing programs, activities, and rewards to Community Justice Board youth participants.

The Community Justice Board Program is an alternative, community-based program for youth ages 8-17 years old. This program uses restorative practices to hold first or second time youth offenders accountable for their legal offenses. It guides youth to make positive life choices, achieve their full potential, and become responsible and productive members of society.

Internship Specifics


Angela Hackett, Neighbors for Justice, Inc. Chair

or 520-990-4053

School of Government & Public Policy Office Supervisor

or 520-621-7602

Location of Internship:

Pima County Attorney’s Office

32 North Stone Avenue

Tucson, AZ 85701

Location Supervisor:

Brandy Finley, Community Justice Unit Supervisor

or 520-740-5611


●Attend CJB Orientation and observe boards (these occur in the evening throughout Pima County)

●Attend all NFJ meetings (these occur once a month in the evenings at the PCAO offices)

●Research grants and funding opportunities and relay info to board for further action

●Develop spreadsheet of potential donors: organizations, foundations, community members

●Create and implement funding strategies

●Complete applications for funding include grant and foundation applications for board to review

●Track donations submitted to NFJ and mail donor thank you letters

●Gather updates (photos, spending, members, etc.) for website

●Send reminder on quarterly spending logs to treasurers

●Tabulate spending categories from logs and send to board in report form

●Relay board balance and assist treasurer with other banking duties

●Organize and update files as needed

Assessment Expectations:

●Interns will demonstrate a high degree of professionalism in written and verbal communication as well and appearance and demeanor when addressing community members

●Interns will submit written responses to board observations and the mission of NFJ

●Internship requires a high degree of professional written communication and specific grant/foundation financial requests. Interns will seek guidance as needed prior to application submissions on behalf of NFJ

Interested Applicants:

●Submit a current resume and statement of interest to

●Email Subject line: “Internship Application Fall 2015”

●Application will be accepted until 9:00 am on August 28, 2015. No exceptions.

●Questions should be directed to Angela Hackett at