Neighborhood Grants Program

The Baltimore Community Foundation aims to help neighborhoods become and remain safe, vibrant, clean and green, and to be supporters and champions of their local schools. The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a private philanthropy that creates a brighter future for the nation’s children by developing solutions to strengthen families, build paths to economic opportunity and transform struggling communities into safer and healthier places to live, work and grow.Together these foundations are partnering to support leadership and engagement opportunities for Baltimore’s youth.

The NGP YOUTHLEADERSHIPFOR CHANGE GRANTS of up to $10,000will support projects and/or programs targeted at addressing issues in the community that impact Baltimore youth, projects that foster new youth leaders or improves existing leadership in the community,and/or builds the confidence, knowledge, skills, and collective leadership of youth while addressing injustice and inequity in their lives and communities. Projects/Programs should be youth led or driven or carried out in partnership with youth.

Organizations in Baltimore City and Baltimore County may apply. To apply, your organization must have 501(c)(3) status.Organizations that do not have 501(c)(3) status may apply if they have a nonprofit fiscal agent.All applications must show a connection to one of BCF’s objectives of increasing the livability of Baltimore neighborhoods or developing and supporting community leaders to be advocates for issues that are important to them.


  1. Demonstrate authentic youth leadership, youth participation and/or opportunities to strengthen youth leadership and engagement in community projects or programs;
  1. Create opportunities for youth to work in partnership with adults to take on authentic, meaningful decision-making roles in the programs, projects and/or organizations in which they participate that support communities in Baltimore.
  1. Develop youth leadership capacity. Rather than focusing solely on individual skill-building, the leadership development model should actively work to develop the shared, collective leadership of a group of young people, and encourage young people to take an active role in supporting the leadership development of their fellow participants.
  1. Impact not just individual youth, but a broader community.Community Based Organizations should actively encourage and support young people to explore, discuss, investigate and address the realities of their lives, experiences and the communities in which they live.
  1. Becomplete, and follow application guidelines; and
  1. Show careful planning and appropriate budget allocationsand reflect the ability to implement the proposed project.

Priority will be given to projects that accomplish one or more of the following:

Include diverse perspectives and participation by residents of all ages, specifically youth;

Increase participation by youth residents, organizations and businesses in neighborhood activities and community associations;

Increase confidence of youth leaders to take on leadership roles within the community; and

Build partnerships between youth and adult residents, community-based organizations, schools, religious institutions, local merchants, city officialsand/or others.

Projects/program that support new leaders and connects leaders across communities.

We DO NOT Fund:


Capital Campaigns

Grants for re-granting purposes

Multi-year funding request

Activities, projects or programs completed before funding becomes available (no retro funding)

For questions about the application process, contact:

Dion Cartwright, Program Officer, at , or410-332-4172 ext. 144

1 Neighborhood Grants Program | 2016 Application

Neighborhood Grants Program

Email one copy of your completed application to:

If emailed, the complete applicationMUST BE MERGED INTO ONE PDF DOCUMENT including any attachments.

Please save the PDF file in the following format: organization name-2017LEAD (ex: BCF-2017LEAD)

OR mail one copy of your completed application to Neighborhood Grants Program, Baltimore Community Foundation, 2 East Read St., 9th Floor Baltimore, MD 21202

Grantseeker Workshops July 21st at 12pm and 6pm (Optional). Go to for Details.

Applications due to BCF by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 2016.

1 Neighborhood Grants Program | 2016 Application

Neighborhood Grants Program

1 Neighborhood Grants Program | 2016 Application

Neighborhood Grants Program

Organization Name:
Tax ID Number:
If applicable, OR complete Fiscal Sponsor section
Organization Address:
Organization Phone:
Organization Fax:
Organization Website:
Primary Contact Required
Secondary Contact Required (Non-Relative)
Fiscal Sponsor Contact (If applicable)
Organization Name:
Tax ID Number:
Contact Name & Title:
Organization Phone:
Organization Fax:


Name of project: ______

Amount requested: $______Total project budget: $______

(Maximum request = $10,000)

Start and end dates of the proposed program/project: Start ______End ______

(Project must take place between December 1, 2016 and november 30, 2017)

Project Location: (check one) Baltimore City Baltimore County

In what specific neighborhood is your project/program located? ______

What are the areas of expertise for your organization?Check all that apply:

Social JusticePolicy/AdvocacyCommunity Engagement

Community Organizing Leadership DevelopmentOther______

If provided with learning opportunities, what topics interest your organization? Please state below.

Briefly answer EACH of the following questions (maximum 6additional pages, 12 pt. font):

  1. Briefly describe your organization’s history and mission, the vision it is working toward and goals to get there.
  1. Describe how you currently engage the voice, experience and leadership of youth in your organizations activities.
  1. What specific issue/challenge do you want to address? Why isthispriority for your community or organization at this time?
  1. Describe in detail the project/program for which your organization is seeking funds. Describe the activities to be undertaken. Describe the process by which your organization chose this project/program to address the issue/challenge named in Question C.
  1. How did this process include diverse perspectives and participation by residents of all ages and backgrounds? Describe how you plan to engage the voice, experience and leadership of youth in the development, implementation and evaluation of this program/project.
  1. Is this a one-time project or an annual project? Is this a new project/program for your organization or something you have done before? Where did the idea come from? Who was involved? How many adults/youth took part in the planning?How are residents, and specifically youth, involved in planning and carrying out this project/program?
  1. BCF distributes leadership grants to develop new youth leaders or improve existing leadership. Explain how the proposed project will improve youth leadership and how those leadership skills will be used within the neighborhood, the organization, or within the Greater Baltimore Metropolitan area.
  1. What types of challenges have you encountered in your efforts to engage youth leaders? What types of technical assistance would you need to overcome those challenges?
  1. How might this youthleadership grant support community action? How will you measure its success?
  1. If applicable, how does your organization address racial equity, or work to advance racial equity? What types of challenges have you encountered in your efforts to advance racial equity?


Please note: (1)Grant funds may only be used for direct project/program expenses; they may not be used for administrative or overhead expenses.Please attach most recent audited financials.

List each item in the budget and include the reason it’s needed and the cost.Please attach a copy of the price source or a quote for each item. It can be printed directly from a website or a formal quote.

Item / Reason Needed / Cost
Example: 30 Notebooks / For training manuals / $105.00


If you have support from other groups/people for this project, whether financial, in-kind, donated materials, etc. please list below:

the contributor’s name – an organization or individual

form of support – cash, materials, in-kind support

the monetary value of the contribution

If total project budget exceeds the requested amount, this list should include the difference.

Contributor Name / Form of Support / Value
Example: Jerry’s Book Store / Donated materials / $105.00


Please provide a list of Board members or Officers from your organization (if applicable):

Board Members/Officers / Email or Contact Number


In addition to funding support, BCF will offer grantees an opportunity to build their individual and organizational capacity through access to technical assistance, trainings, workshops, networking and other resources.

A small stipend of up to $2,500 will be made available to each grantee organization to support additional learning opportunities. More details will be provided after grantees have been selected.

If you receive a grant, you must submit a final report. You may also be invited to:

  • Participate in quarterly learning groups with other grantees;
  • Participate in racial equity and inclusion training;
  • Provide stories of your projects/programs work; and
  • Provide pictures from your project/program.

Grantseeker Workshops July 21st at 12pm and 6pm (Optional). Go to for Details.

Applications due to BCF by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 2016.


  • Strong City Baltimore (formerly Greater Homewood Community Corporation): Non-Profit Business Services including Fiscal Sponsor Program.
  • Maryland Nonprofits:Provides training and resources to develop the next generation of leadership at your nonprofit, and strengthen existing leadership.
  • Baltimore Community Toolbank provides an inventory of tools (rakes, shovels, gloves, etc.) to allow nonprofit organizations to successfully complete their projects. Membership required.
  • Parks & People Foundation has twice-yearly greening grants of up to $1,000 and $5,000.
  • Adopt-A-Lot Program: For information about getting permission to create gardens on city-owned property, visit more information or contactAnika Middleton, 410-396-3800.
  • MISS Utility marks underground utilities call before you dig so you don’t damage gas and other utility lines. In Baltimore there can be a charge. 1-800-257-7777.
  • University of Maryland Extension Service and the Master Gardeners can provide technical assistance for community gardens and beautification projects. They can also help with plant selection, and often with volunteers. The Home and Garden Info Center: or call 1-800-342-2507. Baltimore City Master Gardeners: 410-856-1857 x121.
  • Chesapeake Bay Trust funds grants of up to $5,000 for projects that focus on native plants and water quality improvements.
  • The Community Greening Resource Network, a joint program of Parks & People and Maryland Extension, provides community green spaces in Baltimore City with seeds, plants, tools, networking opportunities, and educational workshops.
  • Neighborhood Design Center provides landscape and architectural planning.
  • Community Law Center provides legal counsel to community organizations.


Required Documents / Yes / No
Organization Profile
Proposal Narrative – Answer Questions A-J
Project Budget
Additional Support
List of Board of Directors
Project Budget Quotes Attached
Copy of 501c3 Attached
Annual Report or Newsletter (if applicable)
File Saved as ONE PDF document in Required Format
Most Recent Audited Financials

This page does not need to be submitted with the application.

It is just to assist each applicant organization in fully completing their application prior to submission.

Grantseeker Workshops July 21st at 12pm and 6pm (Optional). Go to for Details.

Applications due to BCF by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 12, 2016.

1 Neighborhood Grants Program | 2016 Application