Neighborhood Festival/ Annual Picnic
With Assistance from Mr. Dave Waldek
Though this announcement is coming a little late (sorry, I was busy with the Retreat. You can beat the editor later) we are trying something new this year with our Family Festival. In past year’s we held our Family Festival at the end of our VBS week. This year we are shifting the Festival and combining it with our Annual Sunday School Picnic.We hope our combined annual Neighborhood Festival and Church Picnic will work together to create one fun filled day.
The event with be held Sunday, September 9th from 12pm to 4pm at the church. All the usual activities will be available. The Bouncy-Bounce and pony rides, a basketball shooting contest, games, crafts, spin-art and face-painting.
Our menu will consist of the usual hot dogs, hamburgers and brats. We ask our members to help by preparing side dishes, salads and desserts and helping to cook sausage and peppers. We will also need assistance with face-painting, monitoring the Bouncy Bounce, helping with crafts, the bubble station, cotton candy and snow-cone manufacture and grilling the food.
Sunday School Begins!
By Mr. Charles Waterstram
Our Sunday School year will begin on September 9th. Each Sunday we will begin with openings beginning at 9:15. The children in pre-K through 2nd grade meet in the “blue room”. Adults, teens and children in grade 3 and up meet in the Activity Center. This year all of the children will be learning lessons from the New Testament about Jesus’ life and teachings.
The following suggestions are meant to help our children get the most out of the Sunday School year:
- REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT. Since the lessons are sequential and themes reoccur it helps the children to have previous knowledge to draw from to learn the next lesson. Regular attendance also teaches your children that you value the learning of God’s Word and impresses that value into their thinking.
- Prompt attendance is important. The children benefit from the full opening and are ready to learn.
- Being prepared is important. Children should have their lesson folders and memory work material with them for each class. Have a special place at home to put the Sunday School material and get it ready on Saturday night.
- Memory work is important. When God’s Word is committed to memory it is readily available and useful in many situations in life. It provides a guide for decisions, comfort when troubled, strength in trials, courage to witness, correction when needed, and the assurance of God’s love. Parents can help their children by setting aside a time and quiet place for them to work. Listen to them recite. Review it several times during the week. Ask them if they understand the meaning.
- Parental involvement is important. Parents can discuss the lesson with their children. Ask them about the facts of the lesson (who, what, wen, where, why, and how are good for openers). Draw out from them the application to their lives (examples: “What does this lesson say to you?” What does it tell you to believe?” What does it teach you to say or do?”). Answer any questions they may have.
We are looking forward to another year of growing in the knowledge of God’s Word!
King of Kings Ev. Lutheran Church September 2012
King of Kings Lutheran Church
1593 Crescent Road
Clifton Park, NY 12065
Youth take over Schroon Lake
By Mr. Ernie Selke
The day started with perfect weather in the mid-eighties and sunny, a perfect day. Twenty five plus youth and adults arrived at Schroon Lake around 10:00am. In a few minutes, we unloaded the cars, set up chairs and were ready for fun. Immediately everyone started to get on with what they came for, whether it was relaxing in a chair, swimming in the lake or playing some Frisbee.
Before lunch some of us played ultimate Frisbee for a while. When it was time for lunch we had a pleasant surprise, the town put in new grills. Several people commented about how good the burgers and hot dogs were. I think they were just hungry.
After lunch it was time for some more serious activities where Pastor Kluball held an interesting bible study focusing on the use of prayer books. Then it was back to the fun with some swimming.
We then played the obligatory annual huge football game for those that wanted to play (a few other visitors joined the recreation). Did I mention it was really warm out? I learned that playing football with people 1/3 your age can wear you out, even though it was a lot of fun.
After the game we all were ready for a swim. Around five we headed to town to check out the general store. We headed home and some of us stopped for pizza along the way. It was just a great day.
If you have not attended this event be sure to come with us next year. Everyone is invited, whether they are part of the youth group today or a couple decades ago.
King of Kings Ev. Lutheran Church September 2012