PO Box 33 email:
Inverness, CA 94937 cell phone: (650) 996-3122
Professor of Law, Jindal Global University, Delhi/Haryana, teaching Energy, Climate and Environment, August-Sept. 2014; Solar, Wind and Nuclear Law and Climate Litigation, Spring 2015; Advanced Environmental law and the US Supreme Court, spring 2016;Globalization, Trade and Environment and Energy, Climate and Environment, Spring 2017; with shorter teaching stints at the National University for Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, NLSIU, Bangalore and Griffiths Law School, Brisbane, Australia.
Fulbright Senior Specialist, the Philippines, Jan.-Feb. 2014, teaching international law (international organizations, environment and human rights) at three Filipino law schools.
Faculty, U. of Virginia Semester at Sea, Jan.-April 2013, teaching a large class on International Law (global energy, environment, climate and human rights) and a seminar on the history and politics of India and Pakistan.
Consulting Professor, International Relations, Stanford, 2009-2012, teaching “Energy and Climate.”
Fulbright Senior Specialist, Udayana University, Bali, October-November 2011, teaching environmental law and related subjects.
Senior Visiting Fellow, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and Environment, Bangalore, fall, 2009; also teaching an advanced seminar in environment, energy and climate law at National Law School of India, Bangalore.
Visiting Professor, Georgetown Law Center London Summer Program, teaching international climate law and litigation, summer 2009.
Visiting Professor, GraduateSchool of Public Policy and School of Law, University of Maryland. 2006-08, teaching global environmental policy and law; environment and development; climate change science and policy; U.S. environmental policy and law; globalization, trade and labor; comparative environmental law.
Faculty member, Semester at Sea (University of Virginia), spring ’04, fall ’08, May-June ’11 and spring ’13.
Professorial Lecturer, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University, 2006-08, teaching energy and environment in India and Pakistan; teaching energy and climate policy, Bologna campus, Spring 2009.
Consulting Professor, Stanford in Washington, winter 2007 and 2008, teaching energy, environment and security in South Asia and climate science and policy.
Visiting Professor, VermontLawSchool, summer 2007, teaching climate litigation.
Consulting Professor in Human Biology, Stanford University, teaching courses in U.S., international and comparative environmental policy, 1995–2006.
Faculty member, University of San Francisco Law School program in Prague, summer 2004, and TouroLawCollege’s programs in India, summer 2004, China, summer 2005 and India, summer 2010, teaching international and comparative environmental law.
Director of Environmental Program, University of San Francisco Law School, Bali, Indonesia, summers 2000 and 2001; Cambodia, summer 2002.
Director, India Visiting Environmental Law Fellows Program, 1992-2007.
Founder and President, Pacific Environment, an international environmental NGO, Sausalito and San Francisco, CA. April 1987 to April 1996.
Lecturer, Environmental Science, Policy and Management, U.C. Berkeley, teaching courses in U.S. environmental policy and law and natural resources/energy policy and law. January, 1988 to December 1994.
Adjunct Professor, Boalt Hall School of Law (U.C. Berkeley) and Golden Gate Law School in San Francisco, teaching seminars in international environmental law, Spring 1994 (Boalt Hall) and Spring 1993 to summer 2003 (Golden Gate).
Executive Director, The Pacific Pioneer Fund (a philanthropic foundation), Stanford, CA, 1980 to present.
Director, International Comparative Study of Transboundary Air Pollution, Environmental Law Institute, Washington, D.C. 1979 to 1980.
Author of American government textbook on contract with Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1977 to 1978.
Ph.D., Political Science, StanfordUniversity, 1970
M.A., Political Science, StanfordUniversity, 1963
J.D.,StanfordLawSchool, 1962
A.B., Politics, PrincetonUniversity, 1958
District of Columbia and U.S.SupremeCourtBars
Commission on Environmental Law, IUCN, 2003 – present.
Committee on Ethics, Rights and Freedoms, American Political Science Association (1977-1980, and 1990-93)
Board Member, Enviro-Legal Defense Fund (India)
Co-Chair, Int'l Environmental Law Subcommittee, State Bar of California (1988-1991).
Member, Board of Trustees, StanfordUniversity (1974-78).
Associated Students of Stanford University, Teacher of the Year, October, 2005.
Phi Beta Kappa of Northern California, Award for Teaching Excellence, May 2005.
Stanford Phi Beta Kappa Distinguished Teaching Award, June 2003 (elected by graduating seniors).
Fulbright Senior Specialist, the Philippines, Jan.-Feb. 2014.
Fulbright Senior Specialist, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia, October-November 2011.
Visiting Professor, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, teaching a seminar on Asian environmental law, Summer 1998.
Visiting Professor, MarmaraUniversity, Istanbul, teaching a seminar on international environmental law, Summer 1997.
USIA lecturer in Nepal, 1992; India 1992 and 1996; Austria 1994.
Visiting Professor, University of Bologna, teaching a seminar on European environmental law, Summer, 1994.
Fulbright Professor to India, teaching environmental law at the National Law School of India, Bangalore, 1992.
Fulbright Senior Scholar Award to lecture at various Australian universities on international and comparative environmental law, 1987.
USIA lecture tour to India and Sri Lanka, 1986.
USIA lecture tour to West Germany, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, 1985.
Fulbright Professor to India, teaching environmental law at the Universities of Cochin and Poona, 1983-84.
Swedish Bicentennial Fund Award, re the ECE "Acid Rain" Convention, 1983.
Climate Change Science and Policy, Island Press, 2010(with Stephen H. Schneider, Michael Mastrandrea and Kristin Kuntz-Duriseti).
Climate Change Policy,Washington, DC:Island Press, 2002 (with Stephen H. Schneider and John Niles).
Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Materials and Statutes, Second Edition, New Delhi: OxfordUniv. Press, 2001 (with S. Divan). Third edition forthcoming.
International Environmental Law, monograph for Global Change Instruction Program, University Corp. for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO. Commissioned by the National Science Foundation, July 1999. (with P. Kibel and K. Yurchak).
Economic Approaches for a Green India, New Delhi: Allied Press, April 1999. (withA.Pandian and R. Campbell).
CFCs and the Ozone Layer, Ambio(Stockholm) special issue, Oct.-Nov. 1990 (editor).
Acid Rain in Europe and North America, Washington, DC: ELI Press, 1983 (with G. Wetstone).
American Government,New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979, 1982 (with J. Chapin: sold 400,000 copies)
Congress and the Public Trust,New York: Atheneum, 1970 (with J. Kirby).
Lawyers in the House of Commons, dissertation, 1970. (Stanford, CA)
Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain Origin, TRUTHOUT, February 24, 2016.
“Tracing the History of GATT Article XX [b] and [g] Disputes,” Environmental Policy and Law 45/6 (2015) with AdityaVora.
“Waste to Energy projects: Comparing Approaches,” Environmental Policy and Law 45/4 (2015), with Harsh VardhanBhati.
“Illegal Smuggling of Ozone-Depleting Substances,” Environmental Policy and Law 45/2 (2015) with SiddharthJohar.
“The Dutch Disease,” chapter in Natural Resources in India, P. Bhat ed. 2015
“State Minister Jailed: Illegal Mining in Bellari,” Environmental Policy and Law,45/1 (2015), with TitusJames.
“Assessing the National Green Tribunal After Four Years, Journal of Indian Law and Society, 2015, with GeetanjoySahu.
“Interlinking Indian Rivers,” Environmental Law Reporter, May 2014 (with George Jain).
“Tellez v. Dole: Nicaragua Banana Workers Confront the U.S. Judicial System,” commenting on pending cases against the DoleBanana Company, Golden Gate L. Rev. Spring,2014(with Stephen Roblin).
“Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum: The Supreme Court Advances Corporate Interests and Eviscerates the Alien Tort Claims Act of 1789,” commenting on
the US Sup. Ct. case Kiobel v. Shell (2013),published by CEERA, Bangalore, 2015 (with James Goodwin).
“The Current State of Environmental Litigation in India,” in Down to Earth Magazine, March, 2011 (with GeetanjoySahu and Ayesha Khan). Also presented at the International Law Section, American Bar Association, April 6, 2011.
“Environmental Compliance and Enforcement in India,” a report to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, January 2011, unpublished manuscript.
“Environmental Law in India and Pakistan,” chapter inThe Law and Politics of Sustainability, Berkshire Press, 2011 (with Dominic Nardi).
“Transboundary Environmental Issues in the Indian Sub-Continent,” Env.Policy and Law, December, 2010 (with A. G. Jain and RaeesaVakil).
“Requirements of Justice [the Bhopal disaster],” Economic and Political Weekly, Nov. 13-19, 2010 (with SairamBhat).
“Energy: Past, Present and Future,” a book review essay in GlobalEnvironmental Politics, fall, 2010 (with Michael Jackson).
“America’s Climate Change Challenges,” chapter inInto the Wilds of Climate Law, Australian Center on Climate and Environmental Law, March2010.
“Climate Change Adaptation, Policies and Measures in India,” GeorgetownInternational Environmental Law Review, Symposium Issue, Spring 2010 (with Dilpreet Singh and JahnaviPai).
“National Green Tribunal Bill, 2009: Proposals for Improvement,” Economic and PoliticalWeekly,November 28, 2009 (with GeetanjoySahu)
“Court-Appointed Monitoring Committees: The Case of the DahanuTaluka Environmental Protection Authority,"Law, Environment and Development (LEAD) Journal, New Delhi, Fall, 2009 (with GeetanjoySahu)
“Whither the National Environmental Appellate Authority of India?”
Economic and PoliticalWeekly,August 29, 2009 (with GeetanjoySahu and VyomRaghuvanshi)
“Doling Out Environmental Justice to Nicaraguan Banana Workers: The Jose Adolfo Tellez v. Dole Food Company Litigation in the US Courts,” GoldenGate Law Review, Fall 2009 (with Stephen Roblin and Nicole Ballofet)
IndiaCountry Report, Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 1991 – 2013.
“The Forest Rights Act, 2006: High Aspirations, Low Realization,” Indian LawInstitute Journal, special anniversary issue, 2009(with Dilpreet Singh).
“Supreme Court and India’s Forests,” Economic and PoliticalWeekly, Feb. 4-11, 2008 (with SharadLele).
“Holding Oil Companies Liable for Human Rights Violations in a Post-Sosa World,” New England Law Review, symposium issue, spring 2008 (with J. Goodwin).
“The Arctic and UNCLOS: The Melting and Partitioning of a Global Commons,” Env.Policy and Law, Feb. 2008 (with B. Sobel and I. Smith).
“The Godavarman Case: The Indian Supreme Court’s Breach of Constitutional Boundaries in Managing India’s Forests,” EnvironmentalLaw Reporter, January 2007 (with E. Boenig and B. Dutta)
“What Has Become of Separation of Powers in India’s Forest Sector?” KareLaw Journal (India), 2nd Issue, 2006 (with E. Boenig, B. Dutta and V. Upadhyay)
Natural Resources Depletion, in Encyclopedia of Globalization, 2006.
US Country Report, in Yearbook of International Environmental Law, 2005.
“Doe v. Unocal: Holding Corporations Liable for Human Rights Abuses on Their Watch,” Chapman Law Review, symposium issue, spring, 2005 (with David Louk).
“Judicial Review of Environmental Cases: Comparing the U.S. and India,” Env.Policy and Law, April, 2005 (with VidehUpadhyay).
“Origin and Emergence of 20 Core International Environmental Norms,” HastingsInt’l.and Comp. L. Rev., symposium issue, fall, 2003.
“Can the Supreme Court of India Manage India’s Environment?”Env.Policy and Law, April, 2003 (with Michael Jackson).
“The Delhi Pollution Case and the Limits of Judicial Power,” Columbia
Jnl.Env. L. Spring 2003 (with Michael Jackson)
“Foreign Environmental and Human Rights Lawsuits AgainstU.S. Corporations in U.S. Courts,”Stanford Journal of Environmental Law, June, 1999 (with Richard Campbell).
"Rio Plus Five: Environmental Protection and Free Trade in Latin America," Georgetown Int’l.Envir. L. Rev., Spring 1997 (with R. Campbell and D. O’Neill).
“Recent Developments on International Environmental Law and the Rights of Children to a Clean Environment,” in Shaping the Future By Law: Children, Environment and Human Health, 1997 (with P. Kibel and S. Klinski).
."Progress on the Environmental Front: The Regulation of Industry and Development in India," Hastings Int'l & Comp. Law Rev, Spring 1996 (with K. Yurchak)
"The Need for International Timber Trade Reform," Review of European Communityand International Environmental Law, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1995 (with P. Kibel)
The Right to a Healthful Environment under the Constitution of India," Env.Pol.And Law, Vol. 25, No. 4, Sept. 1995 (with S. Rustomjee)
Greening the Blueprint: Environment and Development in Northeast Asia,@Amicus Journal, Spring, 1995 (with P. Kibel and A. Weiss)
"Environmental Protection Under NAFTA,"International Trade - The Western Hemisphere Across the PacificBasin, The Recorder, Special Supplement, Summer 1994. (with P. Kibel, J. Walsh and S. Patrick)
"A Blanket Spread Too Thin: Compensation for Bhopal's Victims,"Economic and Political Weekly, Bombay, July 2, 1994. (with P. Kibel)
"Legal and Political Repercussions in India from the Bhopal Disaster," in S. Jasanoff, Ed., Learning from Disaster: Lessons of Bhopal, 1993 (with A. Scott and S. Divan)
"The TumenRiver Development Program: A Pandora's Box of Environmental Exploitation," Christian Science Monitor, April 19, 1993. (with D. Gordon).
"India's Judiciary and the Environment," with NandanNelivigi and Poojitha, M.G.,Env. Policy and Law, Vol. 23, No.2, March 1993.
"BaselAfterRio. The International Movement of Hazardous Wastes," Env. Policy and Law,Vol. 22 No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1992.
Reports on "Energy" for the Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol. II (1992), Vol. III (1993), Vol. IV (1994).
"Siberia's Threatened Forests," (with A. Scott), Nature, (Jan. 23, 1992).
"Cutting Down Siberia," Washington Post,August 18, 1991, C3.
"Siberia, Environmentalism, and Problems of Environmental Protection," (with A. Scott), Hastings Int'l and Comp. Law Review, Vol. 14, No.4, 1991.
"Montreal Protocol: Bringing the Developing World on Board," (with A. Scott), Env. Pol. and Law, Vol. 20, No. 6, December 1990.
"Chlorofluorocarbons and the Ozone Layer: The Needs of Developing Countries," (with R. Milligan), Ambio, Vol. 19, No. 6-7, October 1990.
"The Bhopal Settlement," (with S. Divan), Env. Policy & Law, Vol. 19, No.5, October 1989.
"Bhopal Victims: Twisting Slowly in the Wind," (with S. Divan), Env. Policy & Law, Vol. 18, No. 6, December, 1988.
"Writ Jurisdiction in India," (with S. Divan), Encology (India), vol.3, No.4, September 1988.
"Bhopal, Transnational Corporations, and Hazardous Technologies," Ambio,Vol, 17, No. 5, 1988.
"The Twists and Turns of the Bhopal Lawsuits," Env. Policy & Law, Vol. 18, No. 3, June 1988.
"Environmental Protection in Australia," (with P. Drekmeier), Encology (India), vol.2, No. 7, 1987.
"Some International Law Aspects of the Bhopal Disaster," (with Y.K. Tyagi), Soc. Sci & Med., Vol. 27 No. 10, 1988.
"Policies and Institutions" chapter, World Resources 1987, World Resources Institute (Washington, D.C.), 1987.
"Compensating Victims of Environmental Disasters: Some American Models," in R. Khan, et al., eds., Law, Science and Environment, 1987.
"India's Pollution Control System," (with C.M. Abraham), Environmental Awareness (India), Vol. 9, No. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1986).
"The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster and Transboundary Pollution,"Acid News (Sweden), June, 1986.
"An Evaluation of Pollution Control Legislation in India," (with C. M. Abraham), Columbia J. Env. Law.Vol. 11, No. 1, 1986.
"The Acid Rain Controversy in Europe and North America: A Political Analysis," Ambio, Vol.15, No.1, 1986. A revised and updated version of this article later appeared in J. Carroll, ed., International Environmental Diplomacy, 1988.
"The Transboundary Pollution Reciprocal Access Act," Env.Policy & Law, vol.15, No. 3-4, 1985.
Columns printed in The Statesman (Delhi and Calcutta): "How Union Carbide Can Help Bhopal Victims, November, 1985; "The Bhopal lawsuits: A Challenge for India," June, 1986; "Bhopal Victims: Twisting Slowly in the Wind," September, 1988.
"The Condition of Native American Tribal People in the United States," Cochin Law Review, June, 1984.
"Transboundary air Pollution: The Search for an International Response," (with G. Wetstone), Harvard Envir. Law R. Winter, 1983-84.
"The Control of Air Pollution and Acid Rain in the United Kingdom," Cochin Law Review, October, 1983.
"Transboundary Air Pollution in Europe: A Survey of National Response," (with G. Wetstone), Columbia J. Envir.Law, vol.9, No.1, 1983.
"Transboundary Air Pollution BetweenCanada and the United States," (with G. Wetstone), UCLA Pacific Basin L.J., Fall, 1982.
"The Control of Sulfur Pollutionin the European Economic Community," Ambio, December, 1982.
"Limestone: One Answer for AcidLakes,"Christian Science Monitor,May 12, 1982.
"The Politics and Law of Transboundary Air Pollution," Stanford Lawyer, Fall/Winter, 1981.
"The E.C.E. Convention," Zeitschrift fur Unweltpolitik, Vol. 4, 1981.
"The E.C.E. Convention of 1979 on LongRangeTransboundary Air Pollution," Amer. J. Int'l Law, October, 1981.
"Economic Approaches to Air Pollution Control," Environment, October, 1981.
"The European Conference on Acid Rain," Env. Pol. & Law, Sept. 1981.
"The Politics and Law of Transboundary Air Pollution," Ved P. Nanda, Ed., in World Climate Change: The Role of International Law and Institutions, Westview Press, 1981.
"Acid Rain, A Small Step forward," Christian Science Monitor, June 10, 1981.
"The International Law and Politics of Acid Rain," Denver J. Int'l Law & Policy Spring, 1981.
"Transboundary Air Pollution: The European Experience," delivered at the Canada-United States law Institute, cleveland, Ohio, March 27, 1981 (subsequently published in The Transnational Implications of Acid Rain, Case Western Reserve University Press, 1981).
"Transboundary Air Pollution: International law, Agreements and Other Remedies," delivered at a joint conference of the American and Canadian Bar Associations, Banff, Alberta, March 1981 (subsequently published in Common Boundaries, Common Problems, American Bar Association, 1981).
"AcidRain: Victims Complain, Polluters Stall," Christian Science Monitor,December 10, 1980.
"International Forecast: More Acid Rain," Science '80, July-August 1980.
"The Problems of Transboundary Pollution," Environment, June, 1980.
"Acid Rain," Transatlantic Perspectives, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1980.
"The Health of Presidents," Wall Street Journal, March 28, 1980, p.20.
"International Perspectives on the Long-Range Transport of Sulfur Oxides," in Air Pollution Control: National and International Perspectives, American Bar Association, 1980.
"The Future of Environmental Defense," Amer. Bar Assn. J., March, 1975