Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences



For Potential Graduate Research Applicants
CRICOS Provide Number: 00008C /

v  Potential applicants for graduate research programs (excluding Doctor of Psychology – Clinical and Clinical Neuropsychology) in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences (MNHS) at Monash University may complete this form and have it signed by a potential supervisor before applying for admission. Alternatively, you may provide email evidence of in principle support of supervision. Applicants for Doctor of Psychology – Clinical and Clinical Neuropsychology please read the application information that the School of Psychology and Psychiatry provides before submitting an application.

1. Personal Details
Title / Family Name /

Given Names

Citizenship / /

Domestic (Australian/New Zealand Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident)

/ /

International - please specify country of citizenship

Have you previously applied for a research degree in the Faculty of MNHS? / Yes / No / Monash Student Number (if applicable)
2. Contact Details

Please give contact details that are valid for at least one month after submission of this form.

Email Address /


3. Proposed Enrolment

The Faculty of MNHS offers several graduate research programs. Eligibility for admission to these programs is based on the criteria set out in the Monash Graduate Education (MGE) policy for Handbooks for Doctoral and Research Master's Degrees . Please indicate which degree you are interested in applying for.

Program / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Biomedical Science, Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Master of Reproductive Sciences, Master of Surgery

Candidates enrolled in graduate research programs in the Faculty of MNHS are located in approved Schools and Departments or Institutes, collectively known as academic units. In which academic unit do you wish to undertake your research?

Academic Unit

Graduate research candidates in the Faculty of MNHS can commence their program on any day of the year. Please provide details of your proposed commencement below. This is required for your academic unit and potential supervisor to identify whether it is possible to provide appropriate resources for you at the time you wish to undertake your degree.

Commencing /

as a

/ /

Full-Time candidate

/ /

Part-Time candidate

Month / Year /

Please note that part-time enrolment is not available for international candidates studying in Australia on a student visa. It may also not be possible in all research fields.

4. Research Interests

Faculty of MNHS graduate research can be completed in any field of research where sufficient expertise and resources are available to carry out research. Search for potential supervisors in our Schools and Departments or Institutes or at Monash Researcher profiles.

Please briefly outline your proposed research project or research interests (100 word maximum). The information you provide will be the starting-point for discussions with a potential supervisor.

·  The details you provide here help the school/institute expedite their assessment.

5. Academic Qualifications and Research Training Experience

Selection for admission to graduate research programs in the Faculty of MNHS requires that applicants have sufficient previous research training experience to satisfy the eligibility for admission.

Please complete the fields below or attach a curriculum vitae containing this information.

Academic qualifications - Please list qualifications attained for all previous tertiary studies. Insert additional rows into the table as required.

(give expected completion date if incomplete) / Degree
(eg. Master of Science) / Institution
(e.g. Monash University, Australia) / GPA/Grade
(e.g GPA 6.59/7.00)
from / / / / to / / /

Publications - List your 10 most recent (or all) publications.

Year / Title of publication / Authors (underline your name) / Journal Reference
(e.g. Nature. 2013 Oct 24;502(7472):433-4)
6. English Language Proficiency

Proficiency in the English language is a requirement for admission. Please review the Monash policy on English Language Proficiency admission requirements and answer the relevant questions below.

Is English your first language?

No – please complete below
Tick the appropriate box to indicate any English test you have completed within the last two years:
Academic IELTS

Please indicate the scores achieved in your English test:

7. Scholarship Support

The University may award a living allowance (stipend) and /or international tuition-fee scholarship to a graduate research candidate. Scholarship numbers are limited and only available for exceptional candidates with a highly competitive record. Information on major scholarship schemes can be found on the MGE Scholarships and support website.

Tick all boxes that apply:

I have applied for or been awarded a living allowance scholarship from an external organisation

I have applied for or been awarded an international tuition fee scholarship from an external organisation

I wish to be considered for a living allowance scholarship

I wish to be considered for an international tuition fee scholarship

I am self-funded and do not require any scholarship support

8. Supervisor agreement

Please identify the name of your proposed supervisor. Please note that gaining in principle support from a supervisor or having a signed expression of interest form is not a guarantee of an offer of candidature or scholarship.

(Insert additional rows if necessary)

Supervisor Name /

Academic Unit


Email address

Statement by Supervisor
I have considered the information provided in this Expression of Interest form and I provide in principle support to supervise provided the application meets all entry requirements for admission, my academic unit can provide the necessary resources, and the applicant is successful in receiving an offer of candidature from Monash University.
Name /

Academic Unit






v  Applicant is required to upload this form into their online application.

v  This process does not apply to Doctor of Psychology applicants. These applicants do not require a supervisor or project proposal prior to submitting an application. Please read the application information that the School of Psychology and Psychiatry provides before submitting an application.

Privacy Statement

The information on this form is collected for the primary purpose of assessing whether you are to be provided with an invitation to apply for a research degree at Monash University. In submitting this information you give your consent for it to be shared with Faculty staff who will make this decision.

You have a right to access personal information that Monash University holds about you, subject to any exceptions in relevant legislation. If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the University Privacy Officer on 9902 9589.

CRICOS Provider number: 00008C Page 3 Last Updated 10 April 2017