In-Service Training for Judges & Prosecutors
General Training Guidelines
Information Session for Participants
The evening prior to the start of the ‘In-Service Training on Justice for Children’ an ‘Information Session’ for the participants should be organized in order to inform them about the practical issues related to the training. The purpose of the ‘Information Session’ is to guarantee that the overall time schedule can be respected and the actual training can start on the morning of the first training day. If the ‘Information Session’ is organized, only 10 minutes have to be spent on practical information during the ‘In-Service Training on Justice for Children’ itself.
Trainers should make sure that the following points are raised and discussed/shared with the participants during the ‘Information Session’.
Ø Training coordinator, full name, tel. no.
Ø Training venue
Ø Overall training schedule:
· Training day 1: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 2: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 3: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 4: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 5: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 6: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 7: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 8: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 9: …………………… (day, month, year)
· Training day 10: …………………… (day, month, year)
Ø Holiday arrangements (if any holiday)
Ø Friday prayers arrangements
Ø Daily time schedule:
· Training session 1: from ………… till ………… (90 minutes)
· Tea/coffee break - morning: from ……… till …………
· Training session 2: from ………… till ………… (90 minutes)
· Lunch break: from ……… till …………
· Training session 3: from ………… till ………… (90 minutes)
· Afternoon tea/coffee break - afternoon: from ……… till …………
· Training session 4: from ………… till ………… (90 minutes)
Ø Per Diem
Ø Transportation arrangement
Ø Food arrangement
Ø Sleeping accommodation
Ø Certificate Criteria
Participants’ List
The following judges and prosecutors (name and phone number) have participated in the ‘In-Service Training on Justice for Children’ organized from ……………… (day, month, year) till ……………… (day, month, year) in ………………………………… (name of the town)[1]:
Full name: Tel. No.:
1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
8. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
10. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
11. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
12. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
13. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
14. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
15. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
16. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
17. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
18. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
19. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
20. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
21. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
22. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
23. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Full name: Tel. No.:
24. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
25. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
26. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
27. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
28. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
29. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
30. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Training Material List
The following training material/equipment[2] should be ready at the beginning of the ‘In-Service Training on Justice for Children’:
Ø Name/address list participants
Ø Chairs for participants (horseshoe + small group work) and for trainer(s) and visitors/observers
Ø Tables for participants (plenary and small groups) and for trainer(s) and equipment
Ø A4 paper (one package)
Ø Whiteboard (or Blackboard)
Ø Markers for whiteboard (non-permanent) (various colours) (medium)
Ø Chalk (coloured)
Ø Alcohol (to remove permanent pens from whiteboard/transparencies)
Ø Eraser (for white board)
Ø Flipchart stand
Ø Flipchart paper (two packages)
Ø Adhesive tape (to stick the flipcharts on the wall)
Ø Overhead projector
Ø Overhead screen
Ø Overhead sheets/transparencies (prepared sheets and blank sheets)
Ø Overhead pens (non-permanent) (fine/thin)
Ø Cover (for overhead sheets) (1 A4 cardboard)
Ø Computer/Laptop or LCD (for DVD’s)
Ø Screen/Television (for DVD’s)
Ø DVD (Halima/Demeke/Abduction)
Ø DVD-player
Ø Audio/Cassette-player
Ø Amplifier (DVD’s and cassettes)
Ø Audio-tape (VFB)
Ø Handouts (copied for all participants)
Ø Perforator
Ø Extension cord(s)
Ø Scissors
Ø Stapler
Ø Glue (expectations/contributions)
Ø Pens (two different colours) (for all participants)
Ø Post-It (green or red and brown or yellow) (if not available: coloured paper (green or red and brown or yellow))
Ø Coloured paper (green and red)
Ø Cardboard (name-tents)
Ø Clock (or mobile)
Ø Material box
Ø Wastebasket
Ø Aerogram (or envelopes & stamps)
Ø Energizer material (rope, ball, etc.)
Ø …
Ø …
Ø …
Trainers Manual - Workbook for Judges & Prosecutors – General Training Guidelines
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In-Service Training for Judges & Prosecutors
Overall Timeframe
‘In-Service Training on Justice for Children’
The ‘Training on Justice for Children’ takes 10 days (= 10 x 6 training hours = 60 training hours)[3].
1 training day = 4 training sessions + 2 tea/coffee breaks + 1 lunch
1 training session = 90 minutes
1 training day = 4 x 90 minutes (= 360 minutes = 6 hours)
tea/coffee break = 20 or 30 minutes (to be decided by the trainer(s) (together with the participants))
lunch break = 60 or 90 minutes
(to be decided by the trainer(s) (together with the participants))
Training Day 1:
Session 1: / Introduction
Chapter 1 ‘About This Workbook’ / 180 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 1 ‘About This Workbook’
Chapter 2 ‘Children, Childhood and Development’
Buffer / 36 min.
84 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Training Day 2:
Session 1: / Chapter 2 ‘Children, Childhood and Development’
Extra / 165 min.
15 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 2 ‘Children, Childhood and Development’
Chapter 3 ‘Communication with Children’
Buffer / 81 min.
39 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Training Day 3:
Session 1: / Chapter 3 ‘Communication with Children’
Extra / 167 min.
15 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 4 ‘International Legislation on Children's Rights’
Buffer / 120 min.
30 min.
28 min.
Training Day 4:
Session 1: / Chapter 4 ‘International Legislation on Children's Rights’
Extra / 150 min.
30 min
Session 2: / Field Visit 1 ‘Justice for Children System’ (excluding break) / 180 min.
Training Day 5:
Session 1: / Chapter 4 ‘International Legislation on Children's Rights’
Chapter 5 ‘Child Offenders in Ethiopia’
Extra / 71 min.
94 min.
15 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 5 ‘Child Offenders in Ethiopia’
Buffer / 138 min.
30 min.
12 min.
Training Day 6:
Session 1: / Chapter 6 ‘Justice for Child Offenders’
Extra / 165 min.
15 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 6 ‘Justice for Child Offenders’
Buffer / 120 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Training Day 7:
Session 1: / Chapter 6 ‘Justice for Child Offenders’
Extra / 165 min.
15 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 6 ‘Justice for Child Offenders’
Chapter 7 ‘Child Victims/Witnesses in Ethiopia’
Buffer / 42 min.
78 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Training Day 8:
Session 1: / Chapter 7 ‘Child Victims/Witnesses in Ethiopia’
Extra / 150 min.
30 min.
Session 2: / Field Visit 2 ‘Justice for Children - NGO’ (excluding break) / 180 min.
Training Day 9:
Session 1: / Chapter 7 ‘Child Victims/Witnesses in Ethiopia’
Chapter 8 ‘Justice for Child Victims/Witnesses’
Extra / 77 min.
88 min.
15 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 8 ‘Justice for Child Victims/Witnesses’
Buffer / 120 min.
30 min.
30 min.
Training Day 10:
Session 1: / Chapter 8 ‘Justice for Child Victims/Witnesses’
Extra / 165 min.
15 min.
Session 2: / Chapter 8 ‘Justice for Child Victims/Witnesses’
Chapter 9 ‘Evaluation and Follow-Up’
Buffer / 19 min.
143 min.
18 min.
Total Training Time / 3.600 min.
= 60 hours
Note: ‘Extra – Session 1’ includes ‘Questions-Answer-Session’ (5 minutes), ‘Looking Back on Yesterday’ (10 minutes) and two times ‘Preparation Field Visit’ (15 minutes) and ‘Half Day Evaluation’ (5 minutes).
‘Extra – Session 2’ includes ‘Energizer’ (15 minutes), ‘Daily Evaluation’ (10 minutes) and ‘Responsibilities’ (5 minutes).
Note: In principle each training day, except the two training days that have a Field Visit in the afternoon (training day 4 and 8), includes a buffer of about 15 to 30 minutes.
Explanation of Symbols and Colours
The following four symbols are used in the Trainers Manual:
è = explain/invite/introduce/instruct
¸ = watch/check/mention the time
" = training material/aid/equipment
= reference to the Workbook on JfC
The following four colours are used in the Trainers Manual:
Black = Exact copy of the content of the ‘Workbook on JfC’ (text, diagrams, exercises, discussions, quotations, cases and Test Yourself!)
Red = Box at the beginning of each chapter (regular font) that includes the general guidelines for that chapter (timetable, seating arrangement, training aids/equipments, learning objectives, methods and preparatory activities)
Red = Box at the beginning of each section (regular font) and each subsection (italic font) that includes the general guidelines for that section or subsection (time, objectives, methods and aids)
Red = Content of the training aids (flipcharts, overheads and handouts) that has to be developed/completed together with the participants during the training
Blue = All text in this ‘Trainers Manual’ that is only included in the ‘Trainers Manual’ and not in the ‘Workbook on JfC’
Blue = Box that includes the method and instructions concerning the content that follows immediately afterwards
Blue = Content of the training aids (flipcharts, overheads and handouts) that is already prepared/has to be prepared by the trainer(s) before the start of the training or that training session
Blue = Possible answers and suggestions concerning the exercises and discussions and the questions of Test Yourself!.
Note: The Red and Blue coloured boxes, parts and sentences are part of the ‘Trainers Manual’ only and are not included in the ‘Workbook on JfC’ for Judges and Prosecutors.
The Black coloured parts and sentences are part of the ‘Trainers Manual’ as well as part of the ‘Workbook on JfC’ and exactly the same in both documents. The only exception is the reference to the page of the ‘Workbook on JfC’ (p.xx of Wb-JfC) that is given for each (sub-)section, exercise, discussion, light bulb and pointing finger. These references are in black, but not included in the ‘Workbook on JfC’.
Purple = Box that includes a ‘Background Note for Trainers’ regarding the content of the ‘Workbook on JfC’ on that page. These boxes are included in the ‘Trainers Manual’ only and not in the ‘Workbook on JfC’.
Interactive Adult Training
The ‘In-Service Training on JfC’ is developed for judges and prosecutors and thus for adults. When conducting training for adult participants, also called ‘adult training’, trainers have to keep the following principles in mind (p.92 of Wb-IAT)[4]:
Ø Adults learn best from experience
Ø Adults learn best through discovery
Ø Adults learn best through discussion
Ø Adults learn best when they are active
Ø Adults learn best when involved
Ø Adults learn best when they are challenged
Ø Adults learn best when they can share their experiences and can contribute
Ø Adults learn best from peers
Ø Adults learn best what is relevant to their lives and work
Ø Adults learn best what helps them to cope with daily life and/or daily work effectively
Ø Adults learn best what helps them to perform a task or solve a problem
Ø Adults learn best when they know why they should learn something
Ø Adult learn best when addressed as self-directing and responsible grown-ups
Ø Adults learn best when internally motivated
Respecting these principles of adult training implies that trainers have to conduct the ‘In-Service Training on JfC’ in an interactive manner and keep the following guidelines in mind:
Ø Trainers should clearly define the learning objectives of the training as a whole as well as the learning objectives of each training session and each part of the training session
Ø Trainers should create a safe and comfortable learning environment
Ø Trainers should treat participants with respect, understanding and genuine concern
Ø Trainers should assist participants to direct their own learning experience
Ø Trainers should identify ways to build on and make use of the participants’ experience
Ø Trainers should invite the participants to share their knowledge and experience
Ø Trainers should relate the training content directly to situations the participants consider as relevant
Ø Trainers should use a variety of active training methods
Ø Trainers should be flexible
Ø Trainers should provide opportunities to practice
Ø Trainers should provide feedback
Ø Trainers should ensure transfer of learning to the workplace
Interactive Training Methods
In the ‘Training on JfC’ sixteen interactive training methods are used. We discuss the main characteristics of each training method briefly (p.30 – p.67 of Wb-IAT).
Explanation (p.30 – p.31 of Wb-IAT)
Explanation, also called lecture, is not an interactive training method. Explanation implies that the trainer gives information to the participants. There is no participation of the participants. Sometimes trainers have to explain, especially when new information on which the participants have no relevant personal experience has to be given. In general the following guidelines can help to make an explanation more effective and better received by the participants (p.95 of Wb-IAT):
Ø Speak clearly and loudly enough to be heard
Ø Speak slowly
Ø Repeat your points in different ways
Ø Stress important points
Ø Give the participants time to think and to make notes
Ø Be aware of your audience
Ø Be enthusiastic
Dialogue (p.32 – p.35 of Wb-IAT)
Dialogue can be described as an interactive explanation. The trainer asks questions and by means of the answers of the participants and additional information by the trainer the content is composed. In general there are several techniques that improve the use of dialogue (p.99 of Wb-IAT):
Ø After asking a question, wait for a response
Ø Ask only one question at the time
Ø Reinforce answers
Ø Build on the participant’s response
Brainstorming (p.36 – p.38 of Wb-IAT)