Nectar in a Sieve Vocabulary
1. acrid [ak_rid] adj. bitter
2. injunctions [in jun_k_shənz] n. restrictions; limitations imposed on a person’s or institution’s freedom
3. jauntily [ jo_n_tə le ̄] adv. lightly; easily
4. ravenous [rav_ə nəs] adj. extremely hungry
5. reproach [ri pro ̄ch_] v. to blame; to criticize
6. ruddy [rud_e ̄] adj. reddish
7. solace [sol_is] n. comfort
8. taciturn [tas_ə turn] adj. silent; reluctant to talk
9. avidly [av_id le ̄] adv. eagerly
10. cleave [kle ̄v] v. to cut
11. exuberant [i_ zo ̄ ̄o ̄_bər ənt] adj. joyfully enthusiastic
12. furtively [fur_tiv le ̄] adv. secretively
13. incoherently [in´ko ̄ he ̄r_ənt le ̄] adv. without logic
14. malignant [mə li__nənt] adj. evil
15. speculatively [spek_yə la ̄´tiv le ̄] adv. questioningly
16. taper [ta ̄_pər] n. candle
17. usury [u_zhər e ̄] n. lending practice in which unusually high rates of interest are charged
18. amity [am_ə te ̄] n. friendship
19. benignly [bi n  ̄n_le ̄] adv. kindly
20. dolefully [do ̄ l_fəl le ̄] adv. sorrowfully
21. fitfully [fit_fəl le ̄] adv. irregularly
22. inexorably [i nek_sər ə ble ̄] adv. mercilessly, relentlessly
23. poignancy [poin_yən ce ̄] n. bittersweetness
24. saunter [so_n_tər] v. to stroll
25. truculently [truk_yə lənt le ̄] adv. fiercely