Math 180/RTI – 2017-2018

Miss Mielke

Math is not a spectator sport! In order to learn and understand the wonderful world of mathematics, you must “get your hands dirty” and experience it for yourself. The goal of our math team (class) is to get everyone in the best possible mathematical shape that they can be in. You, your teammates (classmates) and your coach (me!) must work together to accomplish this goal. Therefore, we must make the most of our practice time (class time) and work in the off-season (out of class) so that we are in peak shape for game days (assessments).

Necessary Materials

You will need the supplies by this Friday. Please see me ASAP if this is going to be a problem.

Scientific Calculator (must have YOUR OWN but does NOT need to be a graphing calculator)

Writing Utensils (pencil and non-red pen)

1 notebook or looseleaf paper in a folder

Student Responsibilities

1. Respect yourself, others, property, and Mathematics.

2. Be in your seat when the bell rings, ready to learn. Students not in their seats will be tardy and 3 tardies is a detention.

3. Have all necessary materials for class when you arrive. No locker passes for being unprepared.

4. Help others learn by sharing your thoughts and ideas! (Class participation does count!!)

5. Come to class with a positive attitude and the desire to be successful.

6. Cell phones are NOT allowed to be seen or heard in my classroom unless otherwise directed by me. If I see your cell phone out during class, I will confiscate it for the remainder of the period.

7. Food/drink: You may have a beverage in class as long as it has a lid. You may NOT have food unless necessary and it cannot be disruptive or messy. Please see me if this affects you.

8. MP3 Players: You may listen to your MP3 player during work time as long as your work on your assignment and those around you cannot hear your music. Players used during notes will be confiscated.

9. Electronics/Wireless Devices: Any form of electronic devices, including cell phones, that have access to the World Wide Web are ONLY allowed during times when instructed. During all other times, they are to be off and stored. If I see these items out during class, I will confiscate it/them for the remainder of the period.

10. Chromebooks: Chromebooks are expected to be carried with you daily and charged as we will use them in class periodically. However, they are to remain shut and logged out during class time unless I specifically instruct you to use them or you have asked permission to use. If they are being used at all during notes/quizzes/tests, you will immediately receive a zero on that assignment and the chromebook will be confiscated for the remainder of the period (unless I have told you to use your chromebook for the notes/quiz/test).

* Those who do not follow student responsibilities will be dealt with accordingly, i.e. time after school, conference with parents, removal from class, etc.

Assignment Policies

·  Assignments will be given two days per week. These are in class assignments and must be completed before you leave the classroom. There is no out of class assignment and adequate time is built in for you to complete your assignment.

·  Assignments will be done in your math 180 workbook and will be graded before you leave.

·  When working on the computer part of the course, focus and effort are expected. As well, there is no talking during this time do to all students being on individual assignments.

·  If you miss a day, you will be expected to catch up on the lesson that you miss.

·  Additional computer time will be expected outside of class, about 30 minutes per week. This can be done in a study hall, at home, or if you are caught up on your homework for other classes.

·  The other 3 days of the week, you will be expected to have homework to work on quietly for all of your daily classes. If you are done with your homework, you will be expected to have something else to quietly work on.

·  Class participation and notes are an expected part of your grade. We are all in this together so we work as a team to get through it!

I understand the before mentioned policies and agree to do my best to meet them. I understand that if I have any questions or concerns, I may contact Miss Mielke at any time.


(Student Signature) (Date)


(Parent/Guardian Signature) (Date)