NDUS Admission & Recruitment FUGMeeting
July 15, 2015 2:00pm-4:00pm
Call: 701-328-1601 or (8-1601) Conf ID: 56385#
Roll Call
*Voting MembersNamePresent?
- Bismarck State College*Karen Erickson(Secretary)
Tess Gierkex
- Dakota College at Bottineau *Robyn Poitra
- Dickinson State University *Lyn Welkx
Alanna Smith - Graduate schools representative *Laura Look (UND)x
- Lake Region State College *Stephanie Shockx
Samantha Goeser
- Mayville State University *Mindy O’Connorx
- Minot State University *Meghan Stewartx
Pennyx Erica Ziegler x
Anne Nordgaard
- North Dakota State College of Science * Barb Lund Justin Grams x
Tammy Fogle
- North Dakota State University *Merideth Sherlinx
Sarah Maxwell
Melissa Ostby(Grad School)x
Karie Abrahamsonx
- University of North Dakota*Debi Melbyx
- Valley City State University *Charlene Stenson (Chair)x
- Williston State College *Leah Windnaglex
Campus SolutionsNamePresent?
- Business Analyst Mary Bergstromx
- Business AnalystHeather Hoytx
- DirectorThomas McNaughton
- Programmer Bradley Holcomb
- ProgrammerAcey Olson
- ProgrammerSheri Gilbertsonx
- Software DevelopmentJanie Adam
- NDUSLisa Johnsonx
Old Business
- Review and approval of June FUG minutes
- HUEG – Tom McNaughton/Charlene Stenson
- Civic Center, Bismarck on October 28-29, 2015
- Topics decided on by group. Who would like to present or co-present from our user group? Sessions are 50 minutes. Lisa suggests that for lengthy presentations, split among two session times.
Process of entering an application: Stephanie may be interested Mindy at Mayville willing to present with someone (2 part)
Residency: multi-module; Which schools require proof of residency to validate; VCSU currently only institution practicing this
Process for Readmit students: joint effort with records and admission; Tess willing to present
Com Gen: Heather H will present
Mindy at Mayville suggested test rejects, hobson’s rejects
Lisa: Common app session; wishlist for common app, prioritize as a group (perhaps readmits, dynamic questions)
Life cycle of a student: multi-module, with different areas presenting.
It was decided we will offer:
- Process of entering an application (2 part session)
- Process for Readmit students
- Comm Gen
- Commom app session
- Discontinuation of the ACT Compass program by December 31, 2016 – Lisa Johnson
- Sent e-mail re: person who administers placement tests on your campus. Please respond so Lisa can reach out to these individuals to bring to divisions
New Business
- Common Bio SSN – CC Users Group – Karen Erickson (attached doc)
- Updated verbiage
- Charlene: If a student changes existing SSN, they need to show gov’t issued ID AND SSN; what if online only student
- Can be sent as a copy via mail
- Mary: this way it is at least saved
- Stephanie: are we allowed to Image SSN, etc.? Mary: Registrars say yes, Image Now installers will say no
- Perhaps save it, but not image it. Each campus should do what they feel most comfortable with.
- Lisa will report this concern to Mahtavi; this group recommends scanning in and retaining, as SSNs are on additional documents in student file
- At Mayville state during registration, encourages students to bring card to verify card. Finance office has staff present to do this.
- Concerns with taking SSN off college transcripts, as we do not know verification process at that school
- SSN not verified at time of FAFSA, so those could come over incorrectly. It’s recommended to not take directly off FAFSA.
- Group would like to review further, bring back to campus community with concerns; tabled until September meeting
- Applications with only last name, no first name. Should enter just a . for first name. When name goes through bio/demo sync, it will match what student says their name is. Should not change to NA.
- Review DR for Core GPA – Debi Melby(attached doc)
- Will be discussed with eTranscripts to see if ND transcripts can have this core GPA, so that they will be accurate among all institutions. May still have a variance with out-of-state students.
- Investigation re: modify current pathways report
- Decision to add passes unanimously.
- Gender identity/sexual orientation on application – Merideth Sherlin
- See attachment. Discuss and raise awareness within your campus; table until September. HR will need to be included as well.
- AY annual update – Erica Ziegler: Changed date to mm/yyyy, PS is not changing to reflect this
- Should we verify with school actual graduation date if only month/year is listed? i.e. if transcript lists “graduated June 2015”, which date do schools enter?
- Some 1st of month, some last day of month, some on 15th of that month
- NDSU calls each school to confirm; international students are the exception. Require new one, not able to take over the phone.
- Charlene will bring forward to user group
- Hobsons merging with StarFish – Mindy O’Connor
- Hobsons not recommending schools purchase Hobsons Retain, but have suggested utilizing StarFish
- UND, VCSU currently using Starfish
- Best practices – Leah Windnagle
Online only students. How are they flagged within your admission office, and do you have safeguards to prevent them from registering in on-campus courses? ie – holds, etc
All schools are coding with action reason, no holds placed.
Could build query of online only student who has registered for on-campus course
Standing Items
- Core Technology Services Report –Tom McNaughton & Staff
- NDUS System Office/Staff Report – Lisa Johnson
- July 1 new Chancellor started
- New Vice Chancellor (Interim) for Academic Affairs
- Reverse transfer workshop had about 20 people sign up for subgroups.
Committee Reports
- Development Requests
- Members: Stephanie Shock, LRSC; Debi Melby, UND
- Testing
- Members: (Karen Erickson & Tess Gierke, BSC); Merideth Sherlin,NDSU
- Training
- Members: Stephanie Shock, LRSC; Debi Melby, UND
Where to store admission training documents (CS moving to a new storage location)
Update to bio-demo handbook & expand that document
Identify other areas for training & prioritize
- Naturalized vs. Native in Citizenship Detail: How should we be coding this field?
- Best practices on clean up in AY
- Best practices on clean up in Connect from PS and attributes
- Glossary of Terms
Open Discussion / Matters Arising
Future Meeting Dates
Third Wednesday of the month
August – none
September – New Chair, Leah Windnagle
Meeting Adjourns