NDUS Admission & Recruitment FUG
FebruaryMeeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 19(2-4pm)
Conference Information: Call (701)-777-5900, Conference ID –139664
Roll Call
*Voting MembersNamePresent?
- Bismarck State College*Karen EricksonYes
Tess GierkeYes
- Dakota College at Bottineau *Jillian MoomawYes
- Dickinson State University *Lyn WelkYes
Anastasia KrehlikYes
- Graduate schools representative *Joshua LindenbergYes
Laura LookYes
- Lake Region State College *Stephanie ShockYes
- Mayville State University *Jacqueline MooreYes
- Minot State University *Seinquis SlaterYes
Erica ZieglerYes
- North Dakota State College of Science *Aggie FettigYes
Barb MundYes
Justin GramsYes
- North Dakota State University *Merideth SherlinYes
Sara MaxwellYes
- University of North Dakota*Debi Melby (Chair)Yes
- Valley City State University *Charlene Stenson (Secretary)Yes
- Williston State College *Leah WindnagleYes
Campus SolutionsNamePresent?
- Business Analyst Mary BergstromYes
- Business AnalystHeather HoytYes
- DirectorThomas McNaughtonNo
- Programmer Ralph TinjumYes
- Programmer Bradley HolcombYes
- Assistant DirectorJanie AdamYes
- Programmer AnalystSheri GilbertsonYes
- ProgrammerAcey OlsonYes
- NDUSLisa JohnsonYes
Old Business
- Roll Call: Charlene Stenson
- Review and approval of minutes
Adjustment to the spelling of last name of a member along with adding Justin Gram(NDSCS)
- Changing the Color of Stage update: Tom McNaughton (Stephanie Shock)
Cannot change the color of the background but can change look similar to HR, Heather emailed the look to us. When it is added to STAGE, Mary will let us know so we can see how it moves page to page.
- Index Calculator update: Lisa Johnson
Small sub-group did work on this. Working with board and created three task forces(Admissions index scoring for students, remedial or developmental and best practices). Will share more when there is more guidance.Members of these groups are; Ray Gerszewski (MaSU), Prakash Mathew (NDSU), Lori Reesor (UND), Collin Hanson (student rep), Randy Fixen (DCB), Lisa Feldner (NDUS)
How do we work with project directed schools for lack of GPAs? The group agreed to follow the following business practice - Put them into individual reviewand place notes into their folders. Northwest Passage high school is one example of a project directed school that is working on putting together a GPA for their students.
- Application Fee Update: Merideth Sherlin
Nothing new at this time.
- CS transition of Letter Gen to Comm Gen: Heather Hoyt & Mary Bergstrom
There is not a deadline at this time. Brad is working on getting the letters into Comm Gen. UND and NDSCS are working on letters and will get them to Heather soon.
- ACT/SAT scores & PS applicant layout between PS and Connect: additional modification to add highest super composite score like we approved for subtest scores: Seinquis Slater or Debi Melby
Would like to add a super score which is the change from the previous agreed upon DR for ACT/SAT. A clear explanation would need to be provided because of the amount of scores coming in. A motion to add the super score by Charlene, seconded by Senquis. Vote against – none.
- Common Application Workinig Group Update: Lisa Johnson & Debi Melby
- March 22, 2013, FUG & System office approved guidelines
- Criminal History Questions (legal counsel opinion). NDSU requesting to have last question removed: Merideth Sherlin, NDSU
This question is not in board policy, so not needing to ask it. NDUS general counsel suggested it. The paper work could delay the admission process when it may not pertain to the student at all when they actually mark the box. Debi will send back to her VP of Student Affairs to see how they would like to proceed from here because the group is not in consensus about this.
- LRSC & BSC suggestions, any others?
A subgroup of Merideth, Karen, Debi, Senquis, Kylie, and Tom will meet on March 6 to compile. There were concerns that we have everything together to keep the updates going because of the timeline coming up. Full approval will need to happen at our next User Group meeting. Please take the time to read through all documents that will be sent out by the group after the March 6 meeting.
- Inclusion of supplemental questions throughout the common portion of the application where appropriate. Would schools be willing to share your supplemental questions with the working group?
If there are still concerns you would like to submit to Debi, please do so soon. Would institutions mind sharing their supplemental questions to see if others have the same and if they could be added into the flow? If possible, send to Debi by next Wednesday, February 26 so she can forward them.
- Paper App Flow to match PS
New Business
- Admit Type: Early Entry/Dual Credit: Laura Glattemail via Debi Melby
It was discussed that admit type would be early entry with the action reason of being dual credit. What process would the group like to use for next year? Registrars do not want multi careers for a student. Some schools have many dual credit students, so what would it take to do a correct history and adjust admit type to EE compared to a new application. Could use location to determine what the charge for credit would be. We will leave the dual credit admit type for current juniors and seniors. The group recommends any student who was entered as EE or DC stay as is and start entering only EE starting this summer for any student in high school wishing to take college credit. HLC has a mandatory reporting of dual credit. Lisa could work with HLC for clarification of the definition of dual credit as this may help understand more clearly what is needed. There will be a place on the e-transcript to show this.
- Experiential Education & Project Based Curriculum’s (Northwest Passage HS, MN): Debi Melby
- SSN Masking: Charlene Stenson
Adm user group approves. This will be shared with CC User Group
- HiSet Scores and cut off scores for new GED testing standards: Merideth Sherlin
College Board has set these scores and some states have approved these scores. TASC – McGraw Hill is a test available for high school equivalency along with HiSet. Lisa has not heard anything about themso she will make a contactand bring the information back to group group. What direction should we take? This will be kept on the agenda to discuss next month. GED scoring will be indicated with“passing” and a college career readiness in the future.
- High School Student email address: Mary Bergstrom
Project Vital link was the past way to collect student information from high schools, last year the student directory was used. HS do not have email addresses listed. SDLS will not be sending this. If institutions have an email for a student it is because they are in PS already.
- DR for NDU ADM 79 Admissions Data Extract: Mary Bergstrom
Making additions to. Not all information was added earlier and will be in the future. Query writers will be notified of these additions.
- DR for NDU CC 116 Campus Community Data Extract: Mary Bergstrom
Changing to include applicant’sinfo such as residency, etc… Check status update for more info.
- DR for RAPP: Karen Erickson
Please take back to the appropriate people on your campuses to see what their thoughts are on this DR. This DR will be placed on next month’s agenda.
- Common Core/E-Transcript: Heather Hoyt & Mary Bergstrom
SLDS can only be for ND students. Core Technologies is working on somewhere to enter manually the core and other information so thatit is available. There was discussion about why this DR is being worked on when it is unsure of when or how to use. The core information is not currently entered for a student so there is concern on why this is being asked of. Lisa provided names of members who are on the Admission Index score subcommittee. Visit with those people if they are on your campus to clarify. If it is automated, campuses will not need to entry and the system wants this information, it concerns us that it does not cover a very large group of students. Less than 30 percent of ND high schools. There are other more pertinent projects that could be worked on that would benefit more.
Standing Items
- Core Technology Services Report –Tom McNaughton & Staff
Ralph – testing ADM 9 – Delivery method was added. The Report for the collection of ACT scores in Pathways 103. Let CTSR know so they can move to PROD next week.
- NDUS System Office/Staff Report – Lisa Johnson
NDUS staff updates – Strategic planning person not yet hired –Academic Affairs position was not filled, so position description was rewritten and is now open internally. Michelle Olson has moved on so this could possibly be another position opening.
Committee Reports
- Development Requests –
- Members: Stephanie Shock, LRSC; Seinquis Slater, MiSU; Debi Melby, UND
- Develop a key with the help of Ralph for the PS layout applicant file and where fields are pulling from in PS: Debi Melby
Not yet met.
- Testing –
- Members: (Karen Erickson & TesGierke, BSC); Seinquis Slater, MiSU; Merideth Sherlin,NDSU
Nothing at this time.
- Training –
- Members: Stephanie Shock, LRSC; Debi Melby, UND, Jacque Moore, Mayville State
Where to store admission training documents (CS moving to a new storage location)
Update to bio-demo handbook & expand that document
Identify other areas for training & prioritize
- Best practices on clean up in AY
- Best practices on clean up in Connect from PS and attributes
- Glossary of Terms
Nothing at this time.
Future Meeting Dates
2014 Dates 2-4pm
- March 19
- April 16
- May 21
- June 18
- Meeting Adjourns –Senquis moved to adjourn, seconded by Charlene