NDMS Commanders Meeting December 2010

Dr Nicole Lurie ASPR

“slow Hurricane Year”

  • H1N1 vaccination programs and contingency planning with Fit testing/Vaccination Teams
  • American Samoa Tsunami Response
  • Haiti
  • Deep Water Horizon

Succession Planning as work Force of leaders 50-60 yrs

Right Team with right skills with right Stuff. Leaner . quicker to deploy.

Behavioral Health a key Component of Response with FEMA Whole of Community response model. Response to Katrina/Deep Water had lots behavioral issues.

Most morbidity Mental Health.

Don’t Treat as Victims, look upon community for assets and resources for whole community recovery.

Hire Local, Buy Local, Support and allow process for whole community recovery.

Training will be a priority this year with available resources.

Dr Yeasky Dep Director OPEO

“We will: Get ready for events, Stand Forward even if the other agencies initially say NO”

We are not going to be the Hurricane Response system.

We will have scalable, modular responses, with resources leaned forward.

Cholera team 8Hr shift

  • 1 MD
  • 1 MH
  • 1 Peds MD/Midlevel
  • 11 RN
  • 8 Paramedics
  • 8 EMT’s

Human Resources

New ASPR HR Chief, “have had lots of personnel issues”

Moved an HR unit and people just quit instead of move offices, leaving huge lag .

Plan is to do 40 EOD letters a pay period with less than 6 month total process time

Very cumbersome process and lots different departments.


New employees will need to take new federal Ethics one hr training (paid)

Within 90 days of hire.

USERRA-new letter on Teams website

USERRA can be used:

  1. Public Health Emergency
  2. Threat of Public Health Emergency
  3. Authorized Training (not warehouse work or HQ work)


Three Mission Support Centers:

  1. East Frederick MD
  2. Central Dallas Texas
  3. West TBD Southern Calif.
  4. FEMA Atlanta FEMA Center

They will be central resupply and have Push Packages.

Have Training Classrooms and Training Cache

Savings from Regionalization will be used for Equipment Purchase and Training

TEAM Survey:

  • On Avg Teams meet monthly or Quarterly 8 Days a year 40+ people
  • 80% drive within 78 mile hub 95% less than 103 miles
  • Most have Monthly Command Mtg
  • 76% do hiring interview and 13% more would do if had an office
  • 59% prefer remote Command IT resources
  • Most teams have avg. 730 Sq Ft Team Supplies
  • Most use Federal Equipment in office/ private homes
  • Recommend 3 home office setups with office space availability
  • Limited Office with IT resources is goal

Dr Dobbs CMO Shop

CMO Shop 5 doctors

Linda Cashion Chief Nursing Officer ( Military Flight Nurse)

DMORT Forensic Path ______

NVRT Chief Vet ______

Definitive Care Ops ______

200 Haiti Workman’s comp cases

Case management and analysis to be released.

Did have lots GI Illness, Dengue, Malaria and TB conversions.

Team Medical Director training this year for OCC Health Record and HERA analysis for deployment using online repository… NO PAPER is the goal as cant store.

Also All Work Comp will be put in new version of HER and will automatically generate forms and reporting within 7 day window.

Will Continue Team Based Mental Health for Force Protection and

Will utilize at Mobilization centers and for other ESF #8 Responders.

Human Capital Work Group

Confidential Process:

  1. Vacancy with Director approval to fill with acting Officer
  2. Announcement made to team Tim Walton In person or Conference Call
  3. Resume’ sent to HQ
  4. Human Resources checks minimal qualification of job with Resume
  5. Sent to Management Work Group
  6. Resume’s scored and information gathered. Is there Leadership skills and experience?
  7. 4 Members interview with Summary recommendation
  8. Jack Beall accept/deny/ start over (has never went against recommendation )
  9. Kevin Yeasky Approval (big delays)
  10. Announcement to Team

Position descriptions Pending Official Approval:

Commander Deputy supposedly done

OPS section Chief

Planning Chief

Admin Officer

IT Specialist

Safety officer (more food, environmental, occ health not Fire Based as in past)

Process very cumbersome as GS 13-15 are high level Leadership Positions.

Must ensure training, background, leadership and budget experience there to support High GS score (Captain in Navy, Colonel in Army)

TEAM Rotation Calendar

Teams now never on same months

On Call Midnight Day one to Midnight Last day in month but may stay over 14 days

3 Year schedule in advance Operational and developmental teams separate

North east South East Central and West Rotations

To make rotation there is an every other month and 4 month off pattern built in.

Team Leadership Manual Work Group:

Based on Old AO handbook with expanded as Leadership Play book.

Uniform Work Group

Dave Wilson leader

Look to Khaki for all with Heat Gear issue to be addressed

Will Have Team specific Shirt with ID

New NDMS Patch ???

Uniforms Will be Vendor Managed and shipped direct with order

Addressing Head Gear, Foot Gear (stipend and get locally) Cold Weather gear,

Name Strips Command (Gold) Chiefs, Medical, Logs

Will all have pantone uniform Color shade

OH1 Largest Staffed and Deployable Team with CA1 and MA2 !!!

Training Issues

Playbook Radiation with IED
Will use Mob Center for training Missions, IRCT, LRATS and Locals

FTX centered training pending budget approval and will do Austere environment. Model.

March first training

NDMS Boot Camp-Developmental Teams first

Day one Orient Classes

Two LRAT with Logs DMAT with IRCT training

Three All train together with IRCT

Four Same

Five After action

JPATS ---- To deploy for NLE, and other trainings

Mobile Acute Care Teams (we have not been trained) Basic and advanced training pending. For airhead ops with DOD airlift ops. ?? Flight teams


Grapevine Opryland Texas May 3,4,5

Sunday May 1Fly in

Monday May 2All hand Training Cmd. DC AO TO CMO

Tuesday May 3 AO with asst AO Boot camp (in May 1 out May 3)

Wed May 3 4-5 Summit

(May bring one additional team member for summit only)

Bold above funded

Online: Blackboard to Moodle platform, TO can get more statistics and more capabilities.


Position one on any list is the Leader Main roster, strike team etc..

Will have blast email and blast notification system soon from RMS roster

For 2011 Each on call month will roster DMAT, DMAT Heavy, and extra standby

  • 35 member
  • 15 extra
  • 5 standby for with Team
  • 5 Standby available outside
  • Standby
  • May have sub roster for 24 member medical Strike team

For 2012 member DMAT standard


Online emulation program pending testing

Training with Moodle system

Then get on line and enter data

Get feedback and certification

Will be position specific

JPATS going to states and EMR to ? Military

Tim Walton

Paid on deployment only for time working

> 12 hrs day need approval IRCT Commander

No one work >16 hrs need 8 hrs rest

Went from 33 to 14 warehouses

AL1 AL3 AR1 CA11 FL3 FL6 OH5


All will consolidate with warehouse lease expirations.

Priorities for Vacancies

  1. Commander/Deputy
  2. Ops Chief
  3. Plans Chief
  4. Team Medical Director
  5. Safety officer
  6. Admin Officer
  7. Training Logs Chiefs

Team Evals

Team strength and Readiness

Rosters actual with promised

Admin Functions

Training Evals

On line training

Incident Command Completion

Field Performance

Delinquent Credit Card Pathway:

30 Days past due all get notified TC AO XO

60 Days all get notified Card suspended employee non deployable
Supervisory directive 1st part discipline

90 Days Re-notified step 2 discipline

120 Days IBO Closed Non deployable till paid off

No Govt rate for cars hotels Cannot re-apply for 1 year

150 Days Card charged off employee terminated for Misuse

Travel Changes

Used only approved lower cost airports on Mini- City-Pair program

(we will use Detroit)

Save $400-900 avg per person round trip

More people can go on Training with savings.

Will pay for parking and miles to more distant airports

My New Recommendations:

No one placed on roster without :

  1. Online training complete
  2. Valid visitor Passport
  3. Health Clearance completed

Develop Rating system Function:

  1. Leader
  2. Independent
  3. Need supervision
  4. New Not fully Trained
  5. Deadwood

Develop medical typing system : Per CMO

1.Healthy Good to Go

2A Heat related restrictions BMI >35, Hypothyroid etc

2B Infection Risk Meds, MS, Diabetes

2C Cardio-Pulmonary CAD, Stents, Asthma COPD

3 Not deployable