NDMA Learning Plan (individual) ~ Cynthia Vold’s class ~ 2012/2013

Week: January 22-25

Your child’s student number can be found on the inside cover of their communication binder written on the business card in black.

Standard alignment is in progress. I have decided to list the strand rather than the number. You can browse the standards yourself at; http://education.state.mn.us/MDE/EdExc/StanCurri/K-12AcademicStandards/index.htm

Student # / Presentation(s) / Album Reference / Standard
01 / Beginning sound matching
Teen board review
Constructive tri box 2 / Language
Sensorial / Prep for reading
Number & Operation
Geometry and Measurement
03 / Moveable alphabet review
Addition box of sums and charts
Superimposed geometric figures / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Number & Operation
Geometry and Measurement
04 / Bird nomenclature
Short chain review
Constructive tri box 2 / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Beyond K standards
Geometry and Measurement
05 / Phonetic reading lists
Stamp game – static addition
Geometric cabinet / Language
Sensorial / Prep. for reading
Beyond K standards
Geometry and Measurement
06 / The logical adjective game
Static addition
Constructive tri box 1 / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Beyond K standards
Geometry and Measurement
07 / The preposition
Addition cut tables
Constructive tri box 2 / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Number & Operation
Geometry and measurement
08 / Sandpaper letter lessons
Number rod review
Easel painting / Language
Art / prep for reading
Number and Operations
09 / Object box 2 – phonograms
Dynamic Addition
Geometric cabinet / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Number and operations
Geometry and measurement
10 / Object box 2 – phonograms
Addition snake game
Sound cylinders / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Number & Operation
Geometry and measurement
11 / Moveable alphabet review
Addition chart and cut tables
Animal Homes / Language
Science / Prep for spelling
Number and operations
Life science
12 / Phonetic commands
Hundred board
Constructive tri box 1 / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Number and Operations
Geometry and measurement
13 / Phonetic reading lists
Tens boards
Constructive tri box 2 / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Numbers and Operation
Geometry and measurement
14 / The conjunction
The dot game – dynamic addition
Superimposed geometric figures / Language
Sensorial / Spelling
Beyond K standards
Geometry and measurement
15 / Beginning sound matching
Golden bead quantity and sym.
Geometric cabinet cards / Language
Sensorial / Prep for reading
Number and operations
Geometry and measurement
16 / Beginning sound matching
Tally mark review
Pressure cylinders / Language
Sensorial / Prep for reading
Number and operations
Geometry and measurement
17 / Beginning sound matching
Tens boards
Baric tablets / Language
Sensorial / Prep for reading
Number and operations
Geometry and measurement
18 / Transportation nomenclature
The dot game – dynamic addition
Constructive tri box 3 / Language
Sensorial / Reading
Beyond K standards
Geometry and measurement
19 / The adjective
The dot game – dynamic addition
Geometric solids / Language
Sensorial / Grammar
Beyond K standards
Geometry and measurement
20 / Sandpaper letter lessons
Short chains
Knobless cylinders / Language
Sensorial / Prep for spelling
Number and operations
Geometry and measurement
21 / Sandpaper letter lessons
Golden bead quantity and symb.
Superimposed geometric figures / Language
Sensorial / Prep for reading
Number and operations
Geometry and measurement
22 / The adjective
Addition chart and box of sums
Pressure cylinders / Language
Sensorial / Reading/grammar
Number and operations
Geometry and measurement