Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Chieftain Conference Center, Carrington
Members Present: Randy Nelson-Fargo Shanley, Curt Jones-West Fargo, Tyler Senn-Bowman, Troy Cody-Fargo North, Todd Olson-Grand Forks, Peggy Stibbe-Fargo Discovery, Brad Foss-Hazen, Robby Voigt-MLS, Kevin Morast-Hettinger, Mike Callahan-Minnewaukan, Mike Sorlie-North Sargent, Pete Moe-Washburn, Lorell Jungling-Mandan, Mark Rerick-Dickinson, Cory Lehman-Fargo South and Patti Aanenson-Larimore. Absent: Ed Lockwood-Fargo
I.Meeting called to order by President Cory Lehman.
II.A motion was made by Mike Callahan, seconded by Brad Foss to approve the October 20, 2011 General Membership minutes with a correction to the September 17, 2011 minutes to read “revenues of $500-$600 from memberships.” The motion carried.
III.A motion was made by Todd Olson, seconded by Peggy Stibbe to pay the bill in the amount of $387.92 for the Hospitality Room at the National Conference. The motion carried.
IV.A motion was made by Todd Olson, seconded by Robby Voigt to approve the Treasurer’s report as handed out. The motion carried.
V.Lorell Jungling shared that based on the February 3, 2011 decision by the Board of Directors of North Central Association Commission to grant accreditation to the NIAAA, the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction has agreed to allow attendance at
NIAAA and NDIAAA conferences and workshops to count towards administrative credential renewal for athletic directors employed as administrators. It will go into effect, retroactive to February, 2011. The 2011 NDIAAA Spring Conference, 2011 Fall Workshop, and 2011 NIAAA National Conference attendees, provided they attended the conference for 16hours, would count for Administrative Credential Renewal.
Correspondence was shared regarding the graduate degree program being offered by Indiana State University.
An update from the Section V office was shared.
Congratulations were extended to Lorell Jungling for his continued efforts in membership growth. Membership is currently at 146.
VI.A.NDIAAA/NIAAA - A report from Ed Lockwood was shared regarding updates within NIAAA.
B.NDHSAA – Pete Moe reported that they met in November and will meet again on Saturday, January 28th. The NDOA has requested a 2.5% increase. Member schools are using 3-man crews in approximately 1/3 of their games. Other items discussed included redistricting, strategic play, coaches education, District Chair recommendations, moving of WDA hockey from Minot to Bismarck and WDA swimming from Minot to Mandan, language clarification of post season and regular season and the football survey regarding 4 divisions.
C.NDCEL – Troy Cody reported that they had met in November. Measure 2 was discussed. Currently numbers show that 40% are against and 37% are in favor. Administrators cannot declare their position.
D.Membership – Lorell Jungling reported that membership is currently 146. Regional representatives were reminded that candidates for Regional Athletic Director must be a member of NDIAAA. The next publication date will be in coordination with the Spring Conference.
E.Professional Development – Peggy Stibbe and Cory Lehman reported that the regional classes were not held due to lack of interest. The course evaluation process is changing. Discussion is being held about a fourth level such as “highly qualified.” On-line classes have been very successful for other groups. Seven LTI classes are scheduled to be revised. The NIAAA magazine is looking for articles. Jim Roaldson passes his CAA exam at the National Convention. Todd Olson is serving on the National Certification Committee which is looking at guidelines for renewing CMAA certification.
F.Awards – To be discussed later in the meeting.
G.Regional Representatives:
A West – Mark Rerick reported that they had met and discussed 2012 spring schedules, 2012-2013 winter schedules, WDA 75th anniversary in 2014, ticket prices, Athletic Review and Class A going to 3 regions.
A East – Randy Nelson reported that they had met January 11, 2012 and discussed Athletic Review, the baseball/softball proposal and continuing the existing tournament structure.
B SW – Tyler Senn reported that they had met January 11, 2012 and discussed football plan, coaches education, basketball season, Region 7’s tournament proposal, officials rate increase, possibility of a 3-person crew fee schedule, scheduling issues for junior high basketball and moving golf to the fall.
B SE – Mike Sorlie reported that they had met January 11, 2012 and discussed concussion management, coaches education, co-ops, post season officials, coaches box, District Tournament format, softball, moving golf to the fall, football plan and the By-Law vote.
B NW – Robby Voigt reported that they had met January 18, 2012 and discussed concussion management, Impact Testing, coaches education, officials fees, coaches box, District Tournament format, scheduling, softball, moving golf to the fall (17 of 22 are in favor), junior high and elementary basketball, football plan, Athletic Review, By-Law vote, position open at NDHSAA, NDIAA Conferences, NDIAAA scholarship, switching of girls and boys basketball seasons, new basketball and wrestling weight classes.
B NE – Mike Callahan reported that they are scheduled to meet in March. Items discussed in other regions have been shared with members.
VII.Old Business
A.A motion was made by Todd Olson, seconded by Pete Moe to approve the 2012-2013 NDIAA calendar with the following changes: NDIAAA Board Meeting-June 8, 2012, NDIAAA Board Meeting-September 15, 2012, NDCEL Convention-October 18-19, 2012, NDHSAA Athletic Review-January 26, 2013, NDHSAA General Assembly-January 28, 2013 10:00 am. The motion carried.
B.NDIAAA Sponsors – Cory Lehman reported that Daktronics has agreed to be a sponsor at the 2012 Spring Conference, Universal Athletic will be a sponsor at the 2012 Fall Conference and also 10% of sales from the logo shop will be forwarded to NDIAAA and Sanford Health will be a sponsor with the amount yet to be determined.
VIII.New Business
A.NDHSAA Coaches Education – Representatives from Mayville State, Valley City State and NDSU were contacted about adding “Fundamentals of Coaching” to their coaching minor curriculum. Response has been positive. Sherm Sylling is certified to teach “Fundamentals of Coaching” to those wishing to become certified instructors.
B.NDIAAA Quarterly E-zine – The next issue will correspond with Spring Conference information.
C.Athletic Review items were discussed and recommendations were shared.
D.2011 NIAAA Conference Reports - Peggy Stibbe was awarded the NFHS Athletic Administrator Citation. A certificate was presented to Cory Lehman at the President’s meeting for increase in membership.
E.Nominations – Names to be brought to the April meeting for the following positions: 2nd Vice President-Robby Voigt and Randy Nelson, A East Representative-Randy Nelson, B NE Representative-Mike Callahan, and B SW Representative-Tyler Senn. A motion was made by Todd Olson, seconded by Randy Nelson to elect Peggy Stibbe as LTI Coordinator, Cory Lehman as Assistant LTI Coordinator and Patti Aanenson as Secretary. The motion carried.
F.Awards – ADOTY for Class A and B will be voted on in March using Survey Monkey and announced at the Spring Conference.
A motion was made by Curt Jones, seconded by Pete Moe to nominate Lorell Jungling for the State Award of Merit. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Randy Nelson, seconded by Kevin Morast to nominate Gary Walhaug and Al Feist to the NDIAAA Hall of Fame. The motion carried.
Dick Karlgaard is currently in the pool for the NIAAA Hall of Fame.
A motion was made by Lorell Jungling, seconded by Pete Moe to nominate Jim Haussler for the NIAAA Distinguished Service Award-Member and Sherm Sylling for the NIAAA Distinguished Service Award-Non-Member. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Peggy Stibbe, seconded by Randy Nelson to nominate Todd Olson for the NFHS Citation. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Curt Jones, seconded by Peggy Stibbe to nominate Ed Lockwood for the Kovaleski Professional Development Award. The motion carried.
The NDIAAA/NIAAA Student Athlete Scholarship form was distributed.
G.2012 Spring Conference – The preliminary Spring Conference Schedule was handed out, reviewed and presiders filled in. A motion was made by Troy Cody, seconded by Lorell Jungling to set the Conference fee at $150.00 and $100.00 for each LTI course. The motion carried. Drawings will be held for one free LTI class taught in ND, $500.00 stipend to attend the NIAAA National Conference and two membership to Core Course GPA. The conference gift will be a wind shirt available on the Universal Athletic Logo Shop. They are hoping to have 12-15 vendors at the conference.
H.Other – Lorell Jungling is looking for suggestions for the 2012 Fall Conference.
Memorial Policy – A motion was made by Brad Foss, seconded by Mike Sorlie to set a memorial policy in the amount of $100.00 and for the NDIAAA member’s immediate family only. The motion carried.
NDHSAA Strategic Planning Committee Member – Mark Rerick was recommended and accepted.
Brad Foss stated that there may be a reorganization of the administration at Hazen and he may or may not be the school’s athletic director. Once a decision is made he will notify the board.
Kevin Morast thanked the board for the scholarship and chance to attend the National NIAAA Convention.
IX.The Spring NDIAAA Board meeting will be March 31, 2012 at 5:30 pm at the Doublewood Inn in Fargo.
X.President Cory Lehman adjourned the meeting.