Last updated: September 2014

NDEP Partner Spotlight Submission Form

The Partner Spotlight features partners who have used creative and innovative ways to highlight and promote NDEP’s campaigns, messages, and resources. Have you been featured in a local or national news story? Did you conduct a unique activity in your community featuring NDEP resources? Or are you leveraging NDEP social media channels or messages to enhance your diabetes outreach? If you have a promotion or activity that you’d like to see featured on NDEP’s Partner Spotlight webpage, we want to hear from you!

Submission Criteria

Submissions should:

·  Be innovative, encourage idea-sharing, and highlight NDEP’s campaigns,

messages, and resources

·  Include images of the promotion and links to adapted NDEP resources, when possible

·  Include any examples of your social media activities as they relate to NDEP and/or promotion of NDEP’s social media channels (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.)

·  Be no longer than two short paragraphs

·  Include contact information to share with other partners who may be interested in learning more about your program or promotion

·  Have been conducted recently – not planned for the future – and you need to include evaluation data for your promotional activity

·  Include any lessons learned



E-Mail Address and Daytime Phone Number:

Organization’s Social Media Channels, if applicable (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.):

Describe the activity/promotion. Include objectives, specific NDEP products promoted, and partners who helped your organization carry out the activity/promotion.

Describe lessons learned, results of the activity/promotion, and evaluation criteria.

Do you have photos or videos you’d like to share? If so, please explain and include hyperlinks or attachments.

Please email this form to Stephanie Corkett along with any photos and media monitoring results. You may also mail or fax hard copies to:

Hager Sharp Inc.

Attn: Stephanie Corkett

1030 15th Street, N.W. Suite 600E

Washington, DC 20005

Tel: 202-842-3600 Ext. 454

Fax: 202-842-4032

- Thank you for your entry! -