ISD Scotland Cancer Waiting Times
Guidance to NHS Health Board Caldicott Guardians:
Access to the Cancer Waiting Times BOXi Reporting Universe
CWT User Request Form
Cancer Waiting Times
Cancer Waiting Times (CWT) is part of the Information Services Division (ISD) Service Access area which works in partnership with the Scottish Government Cancer Performance Support Team (SGCPST) and NHS Boards. Together these bodies develop methods to measure NHS performance against Cancer Waiting Times by facilitating the collection, submission and reporting of the CWT standards.
BOXi Reporting Universe
The BOXi reporting universe is the platform for running the CWT reports, and allows NHS Boards to view and run monthly and quarterly cancer waiting times reports via a secure URL link. Boards are also able to view reports on patients they have treated where the data has been submitted by another Board.
The BOXi User Training Manual is available on the Guidance section of our website: Specific training will be available for Boards/Networks if requested.
Authorising Access
Access to the universe can only be authorised by a Caldicott Guardian. There are two levels of access (see Table 1) – confidential (power user) and non-confidential (consumer user). The level of access granted should be determined by the Caldicott Guardian in association with the staff member(s) involved. Only staff members who have a genuine requirement for access to patient identifiable data should be authorised to have access to confidential data.
Table 1
Power user (confidential) / Gives the user the facility to create and run their own reports as well as refresh reports built by others.Consumer user (non-confidential) / Users will only be able to view and refresh reports. They will not be able to create reports.
Following receipt of Caldicott Guardian authorisation, ISD will provide the nominated users with an individual user name and password to allow them to securely access the BOXi Universe.
Key points to note
§ Access to the CWT BOXi Universe can only be authorised by the NHS Board Caldicott Guardian using the attached authorisation form.
§ Details should be completed for each individual that requires access (max. 5 users per Board).
§ All information must be typewritten, as opposed to printed and handwritten, except the Caldicott Guardian signature. Forms that are handwritten will not be accepted.
§ The Caldicott Guardian's 'signature' can also be electronic (typed), in which case the form must be emailed into Cancer Waits team by the Caldicott Guardian themselves.
§ It is essential that the details supplied on the form are accurate. Incorrect information may lead to inappropriate access or delays in setting up user accounts.
§ Please indicate the access permissions to be granted for each individual – power or consumer access. Only those individuals who have a genuine requirement for access to patient identifiable data should be authorised to be a power user. For the majority of users consumer access will likely be sufficient. If you have any queries regarding the levels of access please contact:
Cancer Waiting Times Team
ISD Scotland
Cirrus House
Marchburn Drive
Glasgow Airport Business Park
Paisley, PA3 2SJ
ISD Scotland Cancer Waiting Times
Guidance to NHS Health Board Caldicott Guardians:
Access to the Cancer Waiting Times BOXi Reporting Universe
Authority to access the CWT BOXi Reporting Universe held by ISD Scotland
Please read the guidance notes in detail prior to completing this form.
NHS Board: ______
Name / Job Title / E mail address / Type of accessPower user / Consumer user
Access can only be authorised by the NHS Board’s Caldicott Guardian
NameJob Title
Completed form should be returned to the Cancer Waiting Times Team, ISD, NHS National Services Scotland, Cirrus House, Glasgow Airport Business Park, Paisley PA3 2SJ.