CV-Harshida Patel
Curriculum Vitae – Harshida Patel
Name: Harshida Patel, PhD, Lecturer and ANP.
Adress: Faculty of Health Care & Science, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Östra, CKO, Research unit, plan 2, 416 85 Göteborg. Tel.+46 (0)705 308895
E-mail: ;
Current Position: Lecturer in Nursing program (50%) & Spec nurse at heart failure outpatient clinic (50%), Institute of Health care & science, University of Gothenburg & Sahlgrenska University hospital/Ostra. Project leader at Vårdal Institute - “Heart room”(5%). Assistant Supervisor for PhD student(medicin),University of Gothenburg.Ongoing research planning: Acute care@Home in worsening patients with CHF, Interpreter@distance,Health economics - Cost@suffering, Post Partum Pericardium myopathy, Home blood pressuremeasurement.
Academic background
2008 PhD, Institute of Health care and Science, SahlgrenskaAcademy, University of GothenburgThesis: Patients with worsening chronic heart failure – Symptoms and aspects of care. A Descriptive and Interventional study.Link to thesis: Thesis used triangulation of methods; Qualitative, RCT, Psychometry, Healtheconomics and Correlational design. Main supervisor, Prof. Inger Ekman.
2004 Masters in Health Care Science, University of Gothenburg
1988Medical and Surgical Nursing, Göteborg
1983 Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Skövde
International research collaboration
Ongoing data analysis, “Adherence in Physical activity and Exercise” in patients withchronic heart failure (Initiated and Completed data collection after dissertation independent of supervisor in collaboration with Cleveland clinic, OH, USA).
National research collaboration
Prof. I. karlberg, Prof. M. Fu, Ass. Prof. M. Schaufelberger, Prof. C. Mannheimer, Ass prof. K. Manhem from University of Gothenburg & Ass Prof Sjöqvist from Chalmers.
Prof. T. Jaarsma, Prof. A. Strömberg, Ass Prof. LÅ. Levin from University of Linköping
PhD Supervision
Anna Gund, engineer, Chalmers, Gothenburg. Dissertation date 20111209.
POST-DOC courses
2008Teaching in academic studies in health science education, 10ECT, advanced level, GU.
2009Academic Leadership, Vårdal Institute, LundUniversity.
2010Supervision in PhD students, advanced level 7,5 ECT
2011 Teaching and Learning in Higher education7,5 ECT
2011 Challenges and methodological issues in implementation research in health care, LU
2011 Student centred learning 7,5 ECT, GU
Research courses (106,5 ECT)
Linear Regression models 4,5 ECT; Intervention, Design, Statistics and Outcome measurements21ECT; Qualitative Methods and Nvivo 18ECT;Theory and Concepts of Health Promotion and Health Behaviour and relatedto Illness 15ECT; Ethics 7,5 ECT; Health Economics 18ECT; Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives of Nursing7,5ECT: Research Workshops 15ECT.
Research experience (1989-2005)
Several Clinical Research projects at ICCU, SahlgrenskaUniversity hospital, Göteborg. TRIM , CHARM , Clinical Research Assistant, Astra Zeneca.XEN-DOS, Roche. Intergene study, Preventive Medicine, VG Region, Euro Heart Survey on Diabetes, ESC, Cardiology – home visiting Heart failure nurse specialist in Randomised Controlled Trial, evaluating acute care in the patients´ home instead of the hospitalisation in patients with worsening Chronic Heart Failure, SahlgrenskaUniversity hospital, Sweden.
Thesis:Patel, H (2008) Patients with worsening chronic heart failure – Symptoms and aspects of care. A Descriptive and Interventional study.Main supervisor, Prof., Inger Ekman, Institution of Health Care and Science, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. Link to thesis: Thesis used triangulation of methods; Qualitative, RCT, Psychometry, Healtheconomics and Correlational design.
- Patel H, Rosengren A, Ekman I. Symptoms in acute coronary syndromes: does gender make a difference? Am Heart J 2004;148:27-33.
- Patel H, Shafazand M, Schaufelberger M, Ekman I. Reasons for seeking acute care in chronic heart failure. Eur J Heart Fail 2007;9:702-708.
3.Patel H., EkmanI., Wasserman S., Spertus J., Persson LO. Psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) in a Chronic Heart Failure population (CHF). Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs,2008 (7); 214-221.
4.Patel H., Shafazand M., EkmanI., Höjgård S., Schaufelberger M. Home care an option in worsening chronic heart failure – A pilot study with aspects on Medical safety, Quality Adjusted Life Years and Cost-Effectiveness. Eur J Heart fail. 2008;10(7):675-681.
5.Falk K, Patel H, Swedberg K, Ekman I. Fatigue in patients with chronic heart failure – a burden associated with emotional distress Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs.2009;8(2):91-96.
6.Shafazand, M., Patel, H., Ekman, I., Swedberg, K., Schaufelberger, M. Patients with worsening chronic heart failure who present to a hospital emergency department require hospital care. BMC Research Notes 2012;5:132.
1. Patel H, Karlberg I. HTA – friend or foe: Attitudes among stakeholders (submitted)
2. Patel H. Höjgård S. Measuring Quality of Life in the context of Health Economic evaluations.
3. Patel H. Albert N. Börjesson M. What does physical activity or exercise mean to the patients with chronic heart failure? (preliminary title)
Abstracts, oral presentation and Posters:
- Patel H. Acute Coronary Syndromes – gender differences? Morgondagens Vårdkongress, Lund 2003.
- Patel H. Acute myocardial infarction – age and gender differences? Health Care Congress, Göteborg 2004 and Swedish cardiovascular meeting 2004, Göteborg.
- Patel H. Reasons for seeking acute care in Chronic heart failure. Oral presentation, 7thCCNAP meeting 2007.Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs,Volume 6, Supplement 1,March 2007, Pages S19-S20.
- Patel H. Reasons for seeking acute care in Chronic heart failure. Quality care conference, SahlgrenskaUniversity hospital 2007 Göteborg, and at Vårdalinstitute 2006.
- Patel H. Is it possible to provide care in home setting at deterioration in Chronic heart failure? Oral presentation Health care conference, Stockholm 2007.
- Patel H. Psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the KCCQ in CHFpopulation. 8th CCNAP meeting. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2008;vol 7,supp 1,March 2008, Page S5
- Patel H. Worsening CHF and the link to frequent hospital admissions and need of specialist
care.8th Annual Integrated Care Conference, vol 8, 2008Göteborg, Sweden.Int J Integrated care,Spring 2008.
- Patel H. Know – do gap? Can it be done? 9th CCNAP meeting. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs2009;8, Supplement 1, S38-S39
- Patel H. Patients with worsening chronic heart failure require hospital care - listen to the patient. 11th CCNAP meeting, Brussels April 2011. Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs2011;10, Supplement 1, S29.
- Patel H. The Swedish Thematic Room Heart - a web-based knowledge forum, Cardiovascular spring meeting, Örebro, Sweden, May 2011. Scand Cardiovasc J. Suppl 58, 2011(45):16.
- Patel H. Dissemination of research results over the internet - a web-based anthology of CardiovascularCare, Washington, Seattle, AAHFN conference, June 2011. Heart and Lung- The Journal of Acute and Critical Care 2011;40(4):382-383.
- A. Gund, B.A. Sjöqvist, K. Lindecrantz, M. Schaufelberger, H. Patel
Internet-based system for chronic heart failure follow-up at home Medicinteknikdagarna
11-12 oktober 2011, Linköping.
- Patel, H. Are there enough hospital beds to care for an aging population with chronic diseases in the future? - is there another option? HE konf Gbg, 2011;12-13 Okt, Oral presentation.
- Peilot B, Andrell P, Patel H, Mannheimer C. Quality of Life and ability to manage pain and functional disability in patients with refractory angina pectoris. Riksstämman 2012.
Chapter in a book : Patel H. Care of elderly with multimorbidity – Ädellreform and other changes in health care sector. In: Changes in Swedish health care – ethical challenges. Editor. Kristofer Hansson, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2006.
Compendium :ECG Compendium for nurses and students, 1997
Popular science :Several publication in different magazines (n=11)
Peer Review assignment :
Eur JHeart Fail(5), Arch women’s mental health(1), Eur jCardiovasc Nurs(9), J Cardiovasc Nurs (9), J Clinical Nursing (1), Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health(1), Rahab research and Pract (1), Book review(1) “To evaluate research literature”.
Invited :
post-doc position with NHI grant by Prof. Riegel in Univ Pennsylvania, USA (Couldn´t accept because of family matters); Award Committee, 8thCCNAP meeting 2008; Scientific committee´ 8th CCNAP 2008; Roving Reporter, AAHFN, USA 2009, Planning committee, studentes session and Scientific committe STTI, European coference, Cardiff, Wales 12 -14 July 2012.
Invited Speaker
- ACS + CHF, symptoms and gender differences, UppsalaUniversityOctober 2003.
- Health economics and Nursing, health care conference, Stockholm, April 2005.
- Qualitativ analys method- Cardiovasc research seminar for researchers. Göteborg, 2008.
- Patients with CHF and alternative health care. V-I-C education days, 2008 Stockholm, Sweden.
- ”Research use and Implementation” Conference arranged by Vårdalinstitute, 2008, Göteborg .
- ”Knowledge steered health care?” Health care conference, 2008 Göteborg
- ”Knowledge steering by guidelines” – Seminar lectur, VGR, 2009.
- Presentation of the thesis at “Swedish Cardiovascular Spring Meeting 2009, Uppsala, Sweden
- Journal Club, SU/Östra Hospital. 2007.
- Future Faculty, Speakers corner, 2008, Göteborg.
- Planner and lecturer för nurses in SU and V.G.Region - Orion Pharma, 2008 and 2009.
- Presentation of Thematic virtual room for cardiology personnel, SU/Östra, 23 aug 2011.
- Patients with CHF and response to Physical activity. V-I-C education days, 2011,6-7 Okt Göteborg.
- Lecturer at “Study circleleader education” for primary care nurses, Vårdalinstitutet 9th Dec 2011
Main applicant (2003-2010): Göteborg and Southern Bohus county; 168000 SEK, Home care versus in hospital care -intervention study; 200000 SEK, Heart/Lung Council, 99000 SEK, Sahlgrenska fund, 5000SEK. GPCC, 150000 SEK, Chalmers 100000 SEK (2011), Cardiology foundation 22617 SEK(2012).
Co-appliacnt: (2004-2010): Swedish Research Council –895000, The Swedish Association of Health Professionals - 465000, Heart/Lung Council - 600000, The Göteborg Medical Society- 230000, ALF medel -1262000, Victoria Foundation 250000,VGR – 390000, ALF 3786000 (2008-2010), 350000 (2011-2013).
Awards : ESC CCNAP € 500 (2009), AAHFN $1000 (2009), ESC- Post doctoral fellowship € 600 (2010). An outstanding achievements have earned me a position in the 2009 Edition of Who's Who in the World. Selected by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England as one of the IBC´s TOP 100 HEALTH PROFESSIONALS, 2009. ESC Investigator award, 2012.
Post graduate Courses: (248 ECT)Medical Informatics, cardiology, research methods, Statistics, Nursing, Algology.
Confidential assignment : Involved in aQuality development project with aim to increase easy assess of health care to the patients at Sahlgrenska University hospital/Östra, Future Faculty Board member 2008, Sahlgrenska academy, University of Gothenburg.
Program committee´, Cardiff 2012, Wales, Sigma Theta Tau International association for Nurses
Scientific advisory committee, Cardiff conference, 2012
Student session planning committee, Cardiff conference 2012
Board member, Sigma Theta Tau International, Sweden
Membership:Swedish Cardiology,CCNAP, ESC-HFA, AAHFN, Swenurse, Sigma Theta Tau International, Swedish Health Economics Association.