Sponsored by the Five College Center for East Asian Studies NCTA National Site

Funded by the Freeman Foundation

Hosted by Clarkson University, Capital Region Campus, Department of Education

Application Form 2017-2018

To be completed by the applicant:


Home address: Home phone #:


School name & address: School phone #:

Subject(s) & grade level(s) taught: Number of students taught/year:

Statement: Please attach a one-page statement describing how the seminar fits into your teaching assignment and what you hope to gain from participation in the seminar itself. Please indicate whether you previously participated in a NCTA seminar.

Agreement: If accepted, I agree to participate in a 36-hour seminar and prepare a 4-page implementation plan and participate in a one-hour webinar. I understand that eligibility to apply for a mini-grant is contingent upon completion of program requirements.

Signature of Applicant______Date______


To be completed by school administrator:

I support the participation of ______in the NCTA Seminar. This teacher currently teaches a course in which significant time may be devoted to the study of East Asia. This course is part of the school curriculum, and it is our intention to retain East Asia as a topic in this course.


Printed Name:______Position:______

Phone #:______Email:______

Send completed applications to: Catherine Snyder at or by mail to Clarkson University Capital Region Campus, Department of Education, Attn: Catherine Snyder, 80 Nott Terrace, Schenectady, NY 12308.