MINUTES – MAY 17, 2017
Present: Sharon Ziemba (President), Art Porelle (Vice President), Lyle Saur ( Treasurer), Bobbi Keane (Secretary), Harry Treber (Director)
Residents Present: Barbara Benson, Ann Williams, Dave Asher, Pat Corkery, Dianne Balkind
Advanced Disposal:Randy Messer from Advanced Disposal arrived and briefly reviewed the problems he was having in regard to picking up our trash. Ann Williams asked if they would take items such as TVs and Randy agreed. He said they would take anything a long as it wouldn’t damage the trucks. He has agreed to back his 60 ton trucks into the cul-de-sacs to prevent more stress on the roads. He gave out his cell phone number (352-634-1748) and asked to be notified if the trash was not picked up by 5:30 PM on collection day. In addition he asked to be notified if any handicapped people would have to have their empty containers returned to the garage door. Dave Asher will get him this information.
Call to Order: Sharon Ziemba called the meeting to order. The Board meeting commenced at 9:03 AM.
BOD Vacancies: Sharon Ziemba brought up the fact that she would like to consider adding two directors to the FH BOD. She thinks we need more experienced Fox Hollow residents on the Board. Residents had been notified of the vacancies by the Meadowcrest web site and Community Channel without response. After much discussion Sharon called for a vote, it was voted on and there were 2 votes for by Sharon Ziemba and Art Porelle and 3 votes against, Harry Treber, Lyle Saur and Bobbi Keane. The motion did not pass. It was decided that BOD members would personally ask people to consider joining the BOD and hope by the fall we would determine if or how many directors we would add. In addition some of the summer people have gone and we are hoping by fall they would be here and be interested in joining the BOD.
Meeting Minutes Approval: Minutes from April 26 and May 3rd were approved by Bobbi Keane, seconded by Lyle Saur with minor changes to be made and will be marked approved and posted at the BOD meeting at 1 PM on June 13th.
Proposal to Electronically Approve Meeting Minutes: Bobbi Keane has suggested that we go with electronic approval of the minutes. Motion made by Harry Treber for Bobbi Keane to send out draft minutes before the next BOD, changes to draft will be made electronically by each member during the month, and then final version of minutes sent before meeting and formally approved at BOD meeting. Motion seconded by Lyle Saur, all BOD members in favor.
Treasurer’s Report: (Lyle Saur) Monthly statements were sent out to all BOD members. Bills needing BOD approval were for:
- Karen Gaffney, Attorney in the amount of $75 on April 4th for yellow door issue. Lyle Saur made the motion to approve, Art Porelle seconded, all in favor.
- Bobbi Keane for $48.72 for tape recorder, batteries and cassettes.
- Two invoices from Greenforest for repair of two sprinkler timers damaged by a storm in the amount of $510. Motion for approval was made by Harry Treber and seconded by Lyle Saur.
We pay the Advanced Disposal company a month ahead every month.
Sharon asked about the Transfer Fund. Lyle Saur explained that the assessment payments go from a Reserve fund and into various Fox Hollow checking accounts and we roll it into its rightful place.
MCA Finance Committee: (Lyle Saur, Harry Treber) said the meeting was brief; they discussed roads and Advanced Disposal. Unfortunately the trucks come at the end of the day when it is full, to 50 tons. The impact on the roads is being discussed by MCA Finance Committee. Paul Williams will be asked to attend the MCA Finance committee in Lyle Saur’s absence this summer.
DAB: (Ann Williams)
- Decorative Yard Flags:Ann is concerned about the many flags in Fox Hollow. Sharon suggested that the homeowners who have flags other than the American flag, receive a letter stating the policy in regard to flags and ask them to remove them. The Homeowner should be given a reasonable date to comply and also state in the letter the consequences of non-compliance.
- Plants Not Approved by DAB: One homeowner has removed the mulch from around their house and planted about 50 plants without DAB approval. Pat Corkery stated that the plants are perennials, (bromeliads) and that MCA Landscape committee is encouraging the use of plants that do not need water as we are in a severe drought and they are not planting new plants this year. The edging has also been removed.
- Overnight Truck Parking:The same owner also leaves his truck out overnight. Arthur Porelle stated that the owner has been talked to several times in regard to the truck. He leaves it in the garage for a while and then leaves it out all night. There are many different color flower pots and ornaments in front of the houses in Fox Hollow.
- Potted Plants in Front Yard:Ann Williams read a statement from the Policies and Procedures that states “Hanging planters and hanging decorative items in the front of the yard are not permitted except hanging holiday decorations may be displayed in the front yard during holiday seasons.” CCR Article VIII Section 19f and 23. The matters were discussed. Sharon stated that if you have been doing the same thing in a community for five years in a row and tried to eliminate the practice, it would probably not hold up in court. She believes that potted plants are a non DAB issue. Borders are a DAB issue and need a written approval by the DAB. Potted plants are a non issue because there is nothing in the by-laws, covenants, nor policies & procedures to make potted plants a restriction for our village.
- DAB Issues:Arthur Porelle said he thinks the DAB should review all of these issues and bring their recommendations to the BOD so the DAB will be supported. Sharon Ziemba asked Ann Williams to bring in a list of the problems naming house, address, what the DAB has done about it and bring it to the next BOD meeting. Ann Williams was asked by Sharon Ziemba to bring a formal report of what people are requesting, the DAB request and the recommendations from the DAB to the next meeting.
- Lamppost Light Bulbs: Arthur Porelle stated that there are a few people who use colored bulbs in their lampposts and do not throw enough light for good visibility for first responders and people walking. Sharon Ziemba suggested that Ann Williams find the policy to back up the use of lights in the Policies and Procedures and rewrite it so that it can be added to the current Policies and Procedures that need clarification.
- Changes to Policies & Procedures:Diane Balkind stated that when decisions are made at a committee level that the BOD should vote for the greater good and not from a personal point of view. Dave Asher suggested that new policies be put to a vote at an annual meeting. Sharon Ziemba explained that Policies and Procedures are made at the BOD level and are always supported by our governing documents so voting on them is not necessary. She went on to explain the guidelines we must follow to remain in good standing as an HOA Community. Our governing documents we must conform to is first Chapter 720 of the Florida Statues, then our Fox Hollow Articles of Incorporation, our Fox Hollow By-Laws, then the Fox Hollow Covenants and finally our Fox Hollow Policies and Procedures. In other HOAs“Policies & Procedures” and are also called “Rules Regulations”. Policies and Procedures must be supported by our Covenants and must not contradict them. Sharon Ziemba suggested to the DAB that they find the specific Covenant to back up their enforcement of rules and quote it exactly and then also include the consequences of non-compliance.
Landscape/Maintenance Committee:
- Appointment of Chair to Landscape/Maintenance Committee:Sharon Ziemba, asked Dave Asher to be the Maintenance chair and he has agreed. Sharon Ziemba asked for discussion. It was discussed and Sharon Ziemba made a motion to appoint Dave Asher to the Chair position and it was seconded by Bobbi Keane and unanimously passed.
- Committee Membership:Sharon suggested that the different duties of the Maintenance Committee be broken down and given to different people. Mary Ulyat does the front entrance and she could be used for that. She also suggested Marciano Vientos and David Wilkinson might be interested in helping out. For the Finance Committee she suggested Ruth Skidmore. Lyle Saur stated that he had a full committee and he will forward the names to Sharon Ziemba.
- Maintenance Issues:
- Dave Asher has a bid from Nelson for $185 to trim the magnolia tree on the berm behind Wendy and Steve Dewar’s house on common ground at 6584 W Cannondale. A motion was made by Lyle Saur and Art Porelle is seconding the motion, all were in favor.
- Ann Williams brought up that there was no Rainbird irrigation control on the new buildings. Arthur Porelle stated that he talked to the builder and it will be placed on the outside of the front of the building. Ann Williams will keep an eye on this with all residents.
- Status of House Painting: Dave Asher stated T&P Painting started painting his morning with Jean O’Brien’s house. He pressure washes before painting. Dave Asher will go inspect the finished projects and have the Homeowner sign the approval form. The snowbirds will be contacted by Dave Asher.He will tell them he has approved it and get an okay over the phone from them.
Status of Roads:Status of Roads: Harry Treber stated that he met with 2 people from the CitrusCounty engineer division to get anindependent evaluation of our roads. They stated our roads are not in good condition, they last about 15 years, andwe are over 20 years already. Should keep a close watch as to condition.
Harry also met with Pave Rite Company. He felt our roads are at a point where things can happen. Make sure we keepa close watch for problems. He said 2 of our Cul-De-Sac 's roads Havershall and Torrington have problems with Havershallbeing the worst. Asphalt sinking,which doesn't allow all the water to flow into the gutter,then to the drains. This allows thewater to sink down to the limestone. Quick estimate about a $1000 for both. Sharon Ziemba asked Harry to get three bidson repairing the roads, and bring them to the next meeting.
Social Committee: (Sandy Martin) was unable to make the meeting.Dianne Balkind came with the report. The Casino trip is set up for May 24th and there will be no other functions until September. She asked the date of the Annual Meeting. It will be on November 9th 2 PM to 4 PM. The Social Committee will provide the refreshments with input from the BOD. We will have our monthly meeting the day before, November 8th at 9 AM.
Welcome Committee: (Bobbi Keane) One house being built has a purchase and sale agreement. No new residents arrived this month.
MCA BOD: (Bobbi Keane) Many landscaping issues with Meadowcrest common areas. Plants will be replaced but no new planting will be done due to the drought. They will look at this again on a weekly basis. There are a couple of low drainage areas on MCA Blvd at the corporate center and Pinehurst. These will be repaired before the Blvd is resurfaced in 2018. The pool area has cracks and low drainage areas but these will be repaired before the pool deck is painted. They are looking into cool deck paint to be used. The pools have been closed at different times due to a build up of algae. In order to prevent this they must keep the chlorine level higher. The algae build up is due to the rough surface of all sides of the pool. They are looking into a chemical that will provide weekly preventive maintenance at both pools.
There were complaints about the conditions of Summerhill and the Winn Dixie parking lot. Both issues will be addressed by Janet Locke and Robbie Anderson. MCA is still looking for people to join the Landscaping Committee and the Social Committee.
President’s Report: (Sharon Ziemba)
- Rumor Control:Sharon Ziemba is worried about rumor control and Bobbi Keane stated that some of the old members of the BOD are feeling badly because they have been treated very unkindly by some residents. Sharon Ziemba has called all the previous BOD members and all of them have offered her support. Sharon Ziemba wants us to forget about the yellow door and recognize former BOD for their strengths and not their weaknesses. Barbara Benson felt that in the past we were too strict and maybe with the yellow door we were too lenient. Sharon Ziemba also wants us to treat Mr. Skipper with kindness as well.
- Roles and Responsibilities: Bobbi Keane made all the changes that each of the BOD members suggested for their roles. The role of President, Vice President, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, and Treasurer were reviewed by all BOD members and suggestions made for change. Bobbi Keane will make the suggested changes and send the edited forms to each of the BOD members. We will continue reviewing the other roles at the next meeting.
New Business:
Policies & Procedures Item #13 titled “PAINTING OF FRONT DOORS AND OUTSIDE WALLS POLICY”
- Hierarchy of Governance Documents for FHVPOA:Sharon Ziemba again reviewed the FHVPOA hierarchy in detail All Policies and Procedures must directly connect to the Covenants, By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation or Florida Statutes. The Board has the power to add/delete/change any policy & procedure.
- Color of Front Doors:Our Covenants statesin Article VIII (General Restrictions) in Section 13 (Exterior Maintenance) the following:
“Front doors and exterior walls of houses shall be painted when the BOD decides it is needed so as to present a consistent appearance within FoxHollowVillage.”
Sharon Ziemba stated there are at least 3 different colors of doors she knows of and perhaps more if investigated. Most homes have “Fox Hollow Red” doors. One home has an antique bronze and has been approved by both the DAB and BOD. And there are at least two doors that are a deep cranberry color to match the screen door and haoup andve been that way a long time. So we know from this that the definition of “consistent appearance” can no longer mean one color choice. Since the BOD and DAB have already approved the antique bronze color for one home, we cannot legally restrict other homes from painting their front doors that color. So we need to think about how we define what “consistent appearance” means for front door color. Sharon challenged the DAB to take a color palette that Sharon gave them from Behr Paint (from Home Depot) and select 5 colors to bring to the BOD to consider as acceptable color choices for front doors. We will discuss this at the next meeting and develop a replacement policy to define our meaning of “consistent appearance” for front doors.
YELLOW DOOR:Tom Skipper and Sharon Ziemba will both be away for a week. It is hoped that the contract using Option 2 will be signed upon their return.
MEETING DATES FOR BOD MEETINGS: Sharon Ziemba went over the calendar with the group and found mutually agreed upon times. The following dates were confirmed and cleared with the MCA office. June 13, 1pm; July 26th, 9am;August no meeting;September 27th, 9am; October 24th, 9am; November 8th , 9am; November 9th, Annual Meeting 2pm-4pm. The meeting selecting the different officers will take place immediately after the Annual Meeting and the residents will be informed as to the new board.
Motion to adjourn called for by Art Porelle, Bobbi Keane seconded, at 12:10pm.
Next meeting on June 13th at 1pm in the MCA Office.
Submitted by Bobbi Keane
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