NCSS Teacher Work Sample rubric - Assessment #5
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Levels/Criteria / Exemplary 4 / Superior 3 / Satisfactory 2 / Unacceptable 1 / Not Applicable / Score/Level /Description of the Context / All prompts are fully addressed and detailed in descriptive and appropriate language. Information from all sections of contextual factors is used expertly predict how these factors may affect planning, teaching, and student learning; well written and detailed information is provided in paragraph. / All prompts are addressed and descriptive in language. Information from all sections of contextual factors is used expertly predict how these factors may affect planning, teaching, and student learning; well written and solid information is provided in paragraph. / All prompts addressed. Information from all sections of contextual factors is used predict how these factors may affect planning, teaching, and student learning; accurate information is provided in paragraph. / All prompts are not addressed. Minimal, irrelevant, or biased information provided and little to no predictions in paragraph. / **
PA- Kutztown University Conceptual Framework (Fall 2010)
I. Knowledge Education of teacher candidates students includes general education courses that cultivate intellectual and practical skills in written and oral communication, quantitative literacy, critical thinking and wellness. In addition to their general knowledge, candidates must be thoroughly versed in their subject matter and have sufficient preparation in a major academic area related to the field of specialization. Further, teachers must be able to demonstrate the ability to apply content, pedagogical competencies and critical thinking in educational settings. Teachers additionally must possess knowledge about the materials available for the teaching of their subject matter.
I.3. Critical Thinking Teachers must practice critical thinking in all content areas; they must be able to ask appropriate questions, gather relevant information, efficiently and creatively sort through this information, reason logically from this information, and come to reliable and trustworthy conclusions. Additionally, the teacher is able to model and teach the process of critical thinking and inspire students to be responsible citizens who contribute to society.
Description of Learning Goals - Culture and Cultural Diversity / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 1 not indicated in objectives & goals.
USA- Nat. Council for Social Studies: Nat. Standards for Social Studies Teachers
Standard A1: Thematic Standard: Culture and Cultural Diversity Social Studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of Culture and Cultural Diversity.
Type of Expectation: Teacher Expectations Teachers of social studies at all school levels should provide developmentally appropriate experiences as they guide learners in the study of culture and cultural diversity. They should enable learners to analyze and explain the ways groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns;
Expectation: guide learners as they predict how data and experiences may be interpreted by people from diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference;
Description of Learning Goals - Time, Continuity, and Change / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 2 not indicated in objectives & goals.
USA- Nat. Council for Social Studies: Nat. Standards for Social Studies Teachers
Standard A2: Thematic Standard: Time, Continuity, and Change Social studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of Time, Continuity and Change.
Type of Expectation: Teacher Expectations Teachers of social studies at all school levels should provide developmentally appropriate experiences as they guide learners in the study of time, continuity and change. They should
Expectation: assist learners to understand that historical knowledge and the concept of time are socially influenced constructions that lead historians to be selective in the questions they seek to answer and the evidence they use;
Description of Learning Goals - People, Places, and Environment / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 3 not indicated in objectives & goals.
USA- Nat. Council for Social Studies: Nat. Standards for Social Studies Teachers
Standard A3: Thematic Standard: People, Places, and Environments Social studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of People, Places, and Environments.
Type of Expectation: Teacher Expectations
Expectation: enable learners to construct, use, and refine mental maps of locales, regions, and the world that demonstrate their understanding of relative location, direction, size, and shape;
Description of Learning Goals - Individual Development and Identity / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 4 not indicated in objectives & goals.
USA- Nat. Council for Social Studies: Nat. Standards for Social Studies Teachers
Standard A4: Thematic Standard: Individual Development and Identity Social studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of Individual Development and Identity.
Type of Expectation: Teacher Expectations
Expectation: assist learners in articulating personal connections to time, place, and social/cultural systems;
Description of Learning Goals - Individuals, Groups, and Institutions / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 5 not indicated in objectives & goals.
USA- Nat. Council for Social Studies: Nat. Standards for Social Studies Teachers
Standard A5: Thematic Standard: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions Social studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of interactions among Individuals, Groups, and Institutions.
Type of Expectation: Teacher Expectations
Expectation: help learners understand the concepts of role, status, and social class and use them in describing the connections and interactions of individuals, groups, and institutions in society;
Description of Learning Goals - Power, Authority, and Governance / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 6 not indicated in objectives & goals.
USA- Nat. Council for Social Studies: Nat. Standards for Social Studies Teachers
Standard A6: Thematic Standard: Power, Authority, and Governance Social studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of Power, Authority, and Governance.
Type of Expectation: Teacher Expectations
Expectation: help learners to analyze and explain governmental mechanisms to meet the needs and wants of citizens, regulate territory, manage conflict, and establish order and security
Description of Learning Goals - Production, Distribution, and Consumption / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 7 not indicated in objectives & goals.
USA- Nat. Council for Social Studies: Nat. Standards for Social Studies Teachers
Standard A7: Thematic Standard: Production, Distribution, and Consumption Social studies teachers should possess the knowledge, capabilities, and dispositions to organize and provide instruction at the appropriate school level for the study of how people organize for the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of Goods and Services.
Type of Expectation: Teacher Expectations
Expectation: enable learners to explain how the scarcity of productive resources (human, capital, technological, and natural) requires the development of economic systems to make decisions about how goods and services are to be produced and distributed
Description of Learning Goals - Science, Technology, and Society / All of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals. Correlation to cognitive levels evident. All learning goals are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are evident and fully described. / 80-99% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and levels of mastery are described. / 70-79% of the objectives are stated in measurable terms and match the learning goals; are assessed in pre-test and post-test, align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, and passing scores are indicated. / Less than 70% of objectives are stated in measurable terms or do not match learning goals. Less than 70% are assessed in the pre-test and post-test and do not align with NCSS Thematic Standard indicated, passing scores are not indicated. / NCSS Thematic Standard 8 not indicated in objectives & goals.