Food and Clothing, Entertainment and Miscellaneous
Food – You can create a shopping list on Shoprite “shop from home” and print it out! Be sure to follow the guidelines listed in the bullets, and have somewhat of a rounded diet. You cannot live on Ramen and Pepsi! You need to allot money for clothes- think about what you need to wear to work, at home and when you go out. Clothes do not last forever and you need more than one work outfit! On the other hand, you do not need to spend $600 dollars a month on clothes- balance yourself and budget!
Have the print out of the shopping list and the write up for food and clothing.
Entertainment- No one likes the “go to work, come home, sleep, repeat” routine. You will want to go out to dinner, a movie, buy a video game, etc. This money can be money that you spend every month, or something you’re saving to maybe go on vacation. Miscellaneous- just what it says! - Money for unexpected unplanned things. Be sure to answer all the bullets.