Monday, March-09-15
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Bow Valley College
/Elected BoardMember/
Paid Employee
/In Attendance
/Linda Bruce
Vice President
/Jon Payne
/ NTreasurer – “Acting”
/Jayne Steffler
/ YSecretary /
Lorrie Rosher
/ NDirector of Competition
/Astrid Eckstein
/ YDirector of Fundraising
/Deb Swain
/ NDirector of Registration
/Nicole Carpendale
/ YDirector of Volunteers
/Jayne Steffler
/ YHead Coach
/Dave Loyola
/ YPast President
/ N/ABook Keeper
/Alexis Revitt
/ NNSCA Members in attendance:
Dean Clarke (new NCSA board member), James Arango
The Chairperson, Linda Bruce called the meeting to order at 7:06p.m. and declared a quorum.
2.1 Moved byJayne Steffler and seconded byNicole CarpendaleTHAT, the minutes of the January-5-15 NCSA Board Meeting be accepted and motion iscarried.
2.2 Moved byDean Clarke and seconded by Astrid Eckstein THAT, the minutes of the February-9-15 NCSA Board Meeting be accepted and motion carried..
2.3 Moved by Jayne Steffler and seconded byDean Clarke THAT, the minutes of the February-16-15 NCSA Board Meeting be accepted and motion is carried.
Correspondence: Received a letter from the Airdrie Food Bank thanking us for helping to collect donations.
Jayne Steffler officially stepped down from her Director of Volunteers position.
Items / Action Outstanding / Update / Status4.1 / Discuss Points System (Jon) / Jayne has passed along documentation to Jon. / ON HOLD
4.2 / Move year end banquet to Sept/Oct for 2015/16 swim season (Dave) / to review at April 2015 meeting / Possible separate awards banquet in Sept; allows for recognition post swim season (includes results from Nat’s, Summer Games, etc.) / Carry Fwd to April 2015 meeting
4.3 / Budget Review 2014-15 (Jayne) / N/A / NCSA board approved at February 16, 2015 meeting. / RESOLVED
4.4 / Laptop for Bookkeeper & two for meet management (3 in total) (Jon & Richard) / Status update / Jon Payne waiting on prices.
Discussion to add 4th laptop for Secretary.
Lorrie has added name to wait list with employer for option to purchase used (can evaluate at time, if still needed). / Carry Fwd
4.5 / New Parent Orientation (Jayne) / How do we coordinate for new swimmers moving into Competitive program part way thru the swim season? / Jayne Steffler to work with Mary-Lynn Butler to formalize process on how to connect with new parents.
Some discussion with Mary-Lynn; parent feeling inundated.
Potential in future to consider more detailed handbook – possibly include new parent orientation (“all you need to know…”). Can also pull in Club Excellence Documentation to Handbook. / RESOLVED
4.6 / Club Excellence (Lead – Dave) / Status update – current state / Board met on February 16, 2015; proposed policies approved by NCSA Board.
Dave to provide status update. See Head Coach Report.
4.7 / Societies Filing (Linda) / Filing AB Societies report post AGM / Societies confirmed that we can file once financials are final and signed off by audit members. / ON HOLD
4.8 / Swim AB – Club structure / Status update / Board met on Jan 12th, discussed options and next steps under review. Summary document sent by NCSA Sec to all Board members for action and review in near future. / Carry Fwd
4.9 / Performance Plans (Jon) / Status update / Has created a template “Optimizer” and has reviewed with Executive.
Jon to provide status update. / Carry Fwd
4.10 / Airdrie Pool Shut Down (Dave) / Status update / Pool slated for shutdown approx. Aug 1 – November 30, 2015. What contingent plans does NCSA have in place to ensure swimmers have adequate training time?
See update in Coach Dave’s February 2015 report. To have proposal in place by end of March. See also Coach Dave’s March 2015 report.
4.11 / Nutritionist Clinic (Dave) / Status update / Sharon Zerk has approached NCSA about hosting a 3 clinic on nutrition in May/15; cost approx. $100 for all 3 sessions (will offer make-up sessions)
Part A – The importance of proper nutrition.
Part B – Food Choices for Optimal Performance.
Part C – Pre, during and post -race nutrition.
Board requested that payment be made directly to Sharon vs. through NCSA books.
See Coach Dave’s February 2015 Report.
Notice sent out to members and registration has started. / RESOLVED
4.12 / Swim-A-thon / Post swim-a-thon, Board to discuss options for next season. / Carryover from Jan 12 Board of Directors off-cycle meeting
Swim Canada has advised Swim AB that if clubs charge a $100 assessment fee then no one can be issued a tax receipt, based on Swim Canada audit by CRA. Linda has contacted CRA; is of the belief that our practice does not make up non-compliant. Linda to formally send info to CRA for decision in writing. As at Feb 9, 2015 – Linda has sent a second fax and has a call into CRA; waiting for a response.
Board agreed to accept CRA decision. We will be offering tax receipts for this year’s swim-a-thon. / RESOLVED for this season.
Carry Fwd discussion for next season to April 2015
4.13 / Fernie (Hotels & Bussing) / Status update / Carryover from Board of Directors email exchange
Club will attend; hotel rooms booked; details sent to membership Feb 8.
Historically (approx. 3+ yrs ago) bussing costs borne by swimmers. In recent years Club paid full costs with grant money. Grant no longer available. Board in agreement to charge user fee to be implemented for this year’s meet to provide partial subsidization for bussing costs, approx. $30/swimmer. Flat charge both ways (no breaks if swimmer only rides one way). Charges will go through meet accounts.
Bussing details being developed by Dave. Right now plan is to charge $30 per swimmer. / RESOLVED
Items / Action Outstanding / Update / Status
4.14 / Officiating deposit cheques / For discussion / Carryover from Board of Directors email exchange.
Do we need to use monetary deposit to incentive families to volunteer? / Carry Fwd
4.15 / Board Development Workshop – City of Airdrie / Reminder / City of Airdrie is hosting the Board Development Workshop on March 21. Information has been passed along to ASC and TTSC Board members. Anyone interested in registering can contact Dave. / RESOLVED
4.16 / Officials Training / Status update / Richard Butler to work with Heather Ahl to coordinate an official’s orientation for Talisman meets. Some roles differ slightly than at other locals and intent to offer high level overview to parents new to these roles at Talisman.
4.17 / Team photo / Status update / Many of our sponsors are requesting a team photo. Dave Loyola to coordinate with Richard Butler at Corral City (May 2015).
The best time to take the photo will be at the Friday night session.
4.18 / 2013/14 Year end Financials / Status update / Jayne to provide an update on Auditor review. See Treasurer report. / RESOLVED
4.19 / Equipment / Status update / Process in to manage club equipment. See Treasurer report (process in place for current year). Role to be reviewed for 2015/16 season. / Carry Fwd
5.1 / MOTION: Move that Dean Clarke become the Director of Volunteers on the NCSA Board.Moved byJayne Steffler / Seconded By: Nicole Carpendale
In favor: all / Motion is:carried
Additional Discussion:
David L. will update the email address for the position to more accurately reflect the title of the role.
5.2 / MOTION:Move that Jayne Steffler become Treasurer on the NCSA Board.
Moved by: Dean Clarke / Seconded By: Astrid Eckstein
In favor: All / Motion is:carried
Additional Discussion:
5.3 / MOTION:To provide a donation in the amount of up to $500 to the Making Waves Foundation Dinner. Jayne Steffler to determine amount by noon of March 11, 2015.
Moved by: Jayne Steffler / Seconded By: Dean Clarke
In favor: All / Motion is: carried
Additional Discussion:
The final amount donated was $250 as per email from Jayne Steffler dated March 12, 2015. Note this is an annual donation.
5.4 / MOTION:Provide the Head Coach with a performance evaluation by the end of April, as per the hiring contract.
Moved by: Astrid Eckstein / Seconded By: Nicole Carpendale
In favor: All / Motion is: carried
Additional Discussion:
5.5 / MOTION:Go in camera.
Moved by: Jayne Steffler / Seconded By: Dean Clarke
In favor: All / Motion is: carried
Additional Discussion:
5.6 / MOTION:Come out of camera.
Moved by: Nicole Carpendale / Seconded By: Astrid Eckstein
In favor: All / Motion is: carried
Additional Discussion:
Board Position
/Elected Board Member
/ See Appendix / Report6.1
/Linda Bruce
/ A / Y6.2
/Vice President
/Jon Payne
/ B / N (absent)6.3
/Jayne Steffler
/ C / Y6.4 / Secretary /
Lorrie Rosher
/ D / N (absent)6.5
/Director of Competition
/Astrid Eckstein
/ E / Y6.6
/Director of Fundraising
/Deb Swain
/ F / N (absent)6.7
/Director of Registration
/Nicole Carpendale
/ G / Y6.8
/Director of Volunteers
/Jayne Steffler
/ H / N6.9
/Head Coach
/Dave Loyola
/ I / missing6.10
/Past President
Topic / Discussion7.1 / Kelowna Meet / Meet is May 8, 9, 10. Dave is working on flights. CWC might be joining us as well. If prices aren’t acceptable then will cancel and find a local meet to attend.
7.2 / Parent/Swimmer Presentations / Dave and Alexx are working on “Swimming in High School and Beyond” and possibly “Mental Skills”.
7.3 / Community Coaching Course / Dave let us know about a Community Coaching Course to be held in Airdrie on May 2, in conjunction with Swim Alberta.
Next NCSA Board meeting:Monday, April-13-15 at 7:00 Calgary, Calgary Police Station in Country Hills.
Dean ClarkeDean moved that the meeting be adjourned.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:21p.m.
Appendix A – President’s Report
1)ASC vacancy filledDean Clarke stepped forward and was acclaimed as Director on ASC. There was no opposition to Dean accepting the position on NCSA Board.
2)Club Excellence Meeting
Club Excellence documentation has been completed. The document package has been accepted by the NCSA Board. Coach Dave Loyola will give an update as to the stage of completion
3)Build a Business Plan; Budgeting Basics for N-F-P
Attended two workshops to help gather more information on both Strategic/Business Plans and financial statements and budgets for n-f-p organizations.
4)All other club business will be presented by the appropriate Director.
Appendix B – Vice President’s Report
N/A - AbsentAppendix C – Treasurer’s Report
Year-End FinancialsNCSA and Airdrie year-end financials are signed off. Thornhill is pending – requires sign off from 2 board members. It is my error that has caused the delay; I did not realize until the past weekend that each local board had to have financial sign off. It makes complete sense; I just didn’t connect the dots.
For record keeping, the original signed statements are turned over to the NCSA Secretary. I will maintain a .pdf version for Treasurer records and will upload a copy to the website. I will also announce to the membership it is available and will include a brief summary to update membership.
I want to extend my thanks to Ann Hughes, James Arango, Keith Adams, Mark Ekstein, Richard Butler and Linda Bruce for helping me thru this journey, asking tough questions, and not settling until it is right.
Tax Receipts
The swimmer tax receipts were mailed out the week of Feb 23rd. Our NCSA/NCSS records for membership are not stored in a single location and the bookkeeper had difficulty retrieving information for 2014 members if they were no longer with the club. This caused a delay but did manage to mail all recipients by the Feb 28th deadline. In the past the Tax receipts were hand delivered but to reduce volunteer time I opted for a mail out. At this point I have had notification from four families that had errors, all have been managed.
As part of my effort to set NCSA up for success and to really access the level of burden on key volunteer roles, I have been working with Karen Turnbull to understand the how equipment decisions are made, what the processes are and what the financial responsibilities is. I now have in my possession a complete financial auditable financial record for equipment and a current inventory. I want to thank Karen for her efforts and commitment to the kids and the extensive paperwork she completed. The Equipment Manager position is under review and will likely change for the 2014/15 swim season. This is mainly due to the board wanting to reduce financial liability and burden of our volunteers.
Issues/Concerns with Financial-based processes
Since January when I took over in the Acting Treasurer position, I have had to deal with multiple families regarding mistakes made to their accounts. The errors are a result of a number of contributing factors:
- Delays in the information getting to the bookkeeper. I noticed on a number of occasions the Treasurer was notified and not the bookkeeper.
- The bookkeeper received the information but did not have enough of an understanding to manage it appropriately.
- Confusion of policy as it relates to withdrawals.
In addition, I have ongoing concerns regarding the heavy reliance on volunteer board members to keep NCSA day-to-day operations productive and effective. The club has grown too large for the informal email hand-off processes and requires a complete revamp so the effected board members are not expected to be available all the time and servicing our members is not hindered. The key areas of concern are:
- Squad movements
- complete email hand-off has caused several communication issues
- Calculation of fees is extremely complicated because of the 10th month program and a 8th month installment plan. NCSS movement into the White squad mid-year is just confusing!
- New members and withdrawals – many issues were resting with the bookkeeper because of a lack of understanding but over the last couple of months several issues have been resolved. As a result there are fewer member concerns. However, the NCSA policy of non-refunds after Dec 31 but still collect payments until May is not a solid business practice and should be re-assessed for next swim season. It would be cleaner and easier for the Board to manage a policy of no refunds after Dec 31 if all the fees have already been collected.
- Members relying on the Treasurer for any financial matter. This is a very time consuming task. The Treasurer has to field the call/email, work with the bookkeeper to gather the information then communicate back to the member. Instead, I have asked the bookkeeper to be the main point of contact. She now has the responsibility to answer members’ financial questions or concerns directly with the Treasurer copied. If there is a decision point the Treasurer becomes involved and will work with the member and board when required.
Appendix D – Secretary’s Report
N/A - AbsentAppendix E – Director of Competition’s Report
Meet ManagementJr. Circuit Meets, next year
- Halloween Howler is a go for next year from Swim Alberta and Foothills Pool perspective.
- Pajama Day meet is a go for next year from Swim Alberta; waiting to hear from Foothills.
Timmerman's (Feb. 7 & 8, 2015):
- Timmerman's meet turned out fantastically. There were a couple minor issues, but all was worked out and they did not affect the swimmers.
- Metrics: 8 teams joined us (CASC, COMET, GLEN, LRSC, NCSA, CWC, STRAT, UCSC) with a total of 319 athletes. Total Revenue: $17,444.85 (including $2,148 in donations), Total Expenses $8,588.41, Net Income $8,856.44
- Wendy Timmerman and the Knights of Columbus joined us in session 2.
- Dolphins loaned from Strathmore Silver Sharks and returned.
- There were more swimmers during the morning session for the older age group swimmers, still have room for younger swimmers in the afternoon sessions. This is probably due to two other junior circuit swim meets being held at the same time that weekend.
- For the 400 m Free races, Girls and Boys were again split between Saturday and Sunday sessions tobetter balance session time out.
- A fun event of 300 m eliminator was held on Session 3 and this created lots of excitement for the swimmers.
- We held 2 extra events/time trials immediately after Sunday's session: 1 heat of 200 m IM after session 3, 2 heats of 100 IM after session 4. These extra events helped a number of swimmers make it into B's.
- Successfully applied for a reduction in the fees paid to Genesis place, to bring it more in line with Foothills Pool. Still awaiting this rebate.
- Recommendations: Continue to hold event in Airdrie. Continue to offer the extra events for the older swimmer and hold a fun race for the swimmers. Plan to offer the extra time trial after session is over. Reconsider the wording of the Eliminator race in terms of prizes if we re-do that race next year. Pursue greater sponsorship in Airdrie. Apply for fee reduction with Genesis Place earlier in year.
Valentine's Day Time Trial (Feb. 14, 2015):
- We held an extra time trial during Saturday morning practice for those trying to get a qualifying time for B's or Western's (the Canmore meet was cancelled at the last minute). More swimmers qualified for B's.
Pajama Day (April 11, 2015):
- need to figure out better way to communicate “no nuts” to clubs and coaches
- this meet will be run manually; Kyoko T. is the meet manager
Corral City Classic 2015 (May 22-24, 2015):
- Strathmore Silver Sharks are planning to come, plus a request from OSC to bring 15-20 swimmers
- We are working on the package right now, it will be put up shortly.
- A critical success factor (in terms of expenses) will be to ensure that we cancel any and all unnecessary pool time 2 weeks before the meet starts.
Upcoming Time Trial:
- We will likely hold another time trial before long course B's, as the AMAC meet has been canceled. Details still need to be firmed up.
Meet Manager Training:
- Tina continues to train potential meet managers of the future....Richard K., Heather A., Kyoko T. and Astrid E. have gone through.
Create a spreadsheet to track statistics for past and current meets
- Statistics on meets in terms of profitability have been collected and tabulated, and sent to board members and the head coach. We will need to sit down and determine the future of us holding meets. The very wide estimate of the least profitable to most profitable meets (in terms of net income divided by the number of sessions) are as follows: Corral City, Timmerman's/Fall Invitational (depends on pool cost), Pajama Day/Crazy Hair/Halloween Howler. I would like to sit down with the Board/Executive and Coach(es) and brainstorm what our club's approach should be for meet hosting in the future.
“Summary Sheets” for meet positions: Have received some summary sheets from various members. Still waiting for more feedback, and trying to figure out the best way to post the information for members on our site.
Thanks to hospitality for all their fantastic work at Timmerman's.
- Heather again did an awesome job for Timmerman's.
- Keith and Chris Adams have stepped forward to help take over the NCSA official’s position as Heather transitions to meet management. We continue to actively search for new members to create a team of individuals.
- Three hotels are booked for Fernie. The information is on the website. Red Tree will again be the primary site of action for games, etc.
- Information regarding busing and games/pizza night will be released shortly.
Club Excellence
Worked more on documents.
Appendix F – Director of Fundraising’s Report
N/A - AbsentAppendix G – Director of Registration’s Report
Location / NCSS (non-competitive) / NCSA (Competitive)
Calgary / 63 / 61
Airdrie / 74 / 66
Talisman / 14
Totals / 137 / 141
Appendix H – Director of Volunteer’s Report
Appendix I – Head Coach’s Report