Norwood City School District
Kathy Strasser, District Nurse
NCS procedure to reduce incidence of bed bug transmission
Bed Bug symptoms/suspected:
Refer student to clinic for rash. Health aide will:
1)Inspect rash (clustered, no clear bite center, itching, reddened).
2) Request student retrieve personal belongings (coat, book bag)
3) Inspect personal items as well as student’s clothing
4) Call parent/guardian and inform parent of findings
Ask: - if they are aware of bed bugs in the home
- what treatment has been started
- assess needs and refer for resources.
- Educate parent on bed bugs (transmission/treatment/follow-up).
- Offer community assistance: NHD-education, Areaexterminators information
Bed Bugfound on student or belonging:
Refer student to clinic. Health aide will:
1) Inspect and bag personal belongings
2) Call parent/guardian and inform parent of findings
Ask: - if they are aware of bed bugs in the home
- has treatment has been started?
- Educate parent on bed bugs (transmission/treatment/follow-up).
- Offer community assistance: NHD- education, Area exterminators information
3) *Notify school nurse who will call Facilities mgr for placement of glue strips in classroom* and forward to Scarlet & Gray for diligence in vacuuming and cleaning of student’s classroom*.
4) Periodically send home letters or refer to website for information on bedbugs
Bed Bug found in classroom without verified student association
1)Catch bug on tape and take to clinic for identification
2)Health aide will identify and notify school nurse
3)*School nurse will contact facilities manager and request glue strips to be placed in the classroom
4)Glue strips will be placed within 24 hours and remain a minimum of 5 days to be inspected by bldg health aide
In-School recommendations:
-Minimize clutter in classroom, ESPECIALLY PAPER.
-Keep personal items brought into classroom to a minimum
-Keep personal items (purse, brief case, coat, lunch bag) separate from students’ belongings and off the floor and in a clear plastice bin or lg zip-lock baggie.
-Change clothing/shoes when you get home OR before you leave school.
-Keep a pair or two of shoes that are to be worn ONLY at school. Put your 'into the building' shoes in the clear plastic bin while in school, to wear home.
-Keep coats, hats, book bags in plastic bags, hung on hooks.
-Ideal to have separate ‘locker’ area, such as individual ‘cubbie’ to hang coat and store books-separate from other students and teachers.
-Vacuum frequently
-Keep personal items off floor
Community education
Refer to updated information on NCS website “School Health” link; revised 11.8.12kms
Strasser, RN, MS, NCSN2020 Sherman Avenue
Norwood, OH 45212
Cell 3 cell 379-2588
5Fax (513-396-5559)