NCHA Equality, Diversity and

Inclusion Strategy


‘Diversity Supporting NCHA’



LAST UPDATE: February 2018

NEXT UPDATE February 2019



  1. At the heart of NCHA’s work is a tradition of fairness, equity and inclusion demonstrated in the inclusive services we provide to people who need good quality affordable housing, vulnerable people who need care and support and a commitment to our employees to be a good employer.
  1. This strategy sets out to ensure that;
  • we meet our equality duty duties (see section 7)
  • we achieve our business objectives by enabling our people to fully contribute their skills, experience and enthusiasm.
  • we recognise that our ability to meet diverse needs is improved by having a diverse workforce that generally reflects the local population and which has the skills and understanding to achieve our service objectives.
  • our services are more accessible, inclusive and responsive to the needs of the communities we work with
  1. This strategy sets out NCHA’s key objectives for meeting our commitment to promoting equality and eliminating unfair discrimination from all aspects of our work including our workforce and the provision of services to our customers and stakeholders.
  1. The strategy seeks to achieve its objectives by identifying relevant priorities and measures, reviewing those measures and action planning for improvements on an annual basis.
  1. Employees, Board members, volunteers, tenants, service-users, other customers and stakeholders including commissioners and contractors all have an important part to play in making this happen. NCHA requires all employees, volunteers and Board members to recognise and discharge their own responsibility for contributing to the success of this strategy.


2.1This strategy will support the delivery of the Group’s Corporate Plan and in particular the mission and vision which are:

Mission:To provide high quality, low cost housing, services and support for more people in need

Vision:More homes, great services, better lives

2.2Underpinning everything the Group does is our commitment to equality and diversity, value for money, social responsibility, adding social value and delivering our core CLEAR values: Caring, Lean, Enthusiastic, Accountable and Resilient.

3.0Strategic Aims and Priorities

NCHA has adopted the Social Housing Equality Framework (SHEF) and identified a priority which is aligned to each of the five performance areas within the SHEF as follows:

  1. Knowing our customers: Priority 1: Tailoring our services to meet then needs of customers. This priority is about understanding who are customers are including their protected characteristics and needs to enable us to monitor and design services for the diverse communities we serve. This includes for example providing employability, training and volunteering opportunities using our resources and others to do so.
  1. Involving our customers: Priority 2: Improving resident and service user scrutiny and engagement. We want to involve our tenants and service users in our decision making and give them opportunities to influence decisions that are likely to affect them.
  1. Leadership, partnership and organisational commitment: Priority 3: Developing NCHA as an Age Friendly organisation. We aim to achieve this in a number of ways; developing projects and services to support young adults, becoming a provider who can effectively meet the needs of people who have dementia and by supporting our tenants to live safety and well in their own homes for longer working with relevant partners and resources to do this.
  1. Responsive services, access and customer care: Priority 4: Providing safe, accessible homes and inclusive neighbourhoods. This is reflected in the work done on by our Estates team including work on anti social behaviour and Property services by maintaining the decent homes standard on 100% of our general needs stock.
  1. Developing a skilled and committed workforce: Priority 5: Building a workforce that reflects the communities we serve. We want our people to understand the equality, diversity and inclusion issues which arise from their work and ensure that they demonstrate the appropriate behaviours to support those issues, through clear articulation of our values and training. NCHA supports Inside Housing’s ‘Inclusive futures campaign’ and already undertake key steps they outline to raise the profile of and improve diversity in housing.


The delivery of the strategy will be the responsibility of every manager within NCHA. The Equality and Diversity forum will ensure the monitoring and implementation of the plans associated with the strategy.

5.0Key Performance indicators

NCHA has developed a range of KPIs and targets to ensure the delivery of this strategy. These measures are reported to Board and can be found at Appendix 1. In addition NCHA managers are required to outline the equality, diversity and inclusion implications on all papers to the Board.


6.1All Departments at NCHA consider what their contribution to this strategy will be through their Departmental operational plans. The relevant actions are collated for ease into the SHEF which forms our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion plan for the year.

6.2Progress in achieving the SHEF will be monitored by the Equality and Diversity Forum and a report presented to Board for review annually.

6.3The following outlines the steps for the approval and implementation of the strategy;

  1. Strategy review
  2. Consultation with NCHA Executive and Senior Leadership Team on key objectives and priorities
  3. Consultation with a representative customer group on key objectives and priorities
  4. Executive team and NCHA Board approval where necessary
  5. Briefings to Senior Leadership Team, e-brief for employees/team meetings
  6. Strategy accessible to all employees and general public via Igloo and external web-site
  7. Transfer of actions into Departmental operational plans and the SHEF

7.0 References/Links

7.1The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy is underpinned by current equality, employment and health and safety legislation, Equality and Human Rights Commission Codes of Practice, and other best practice guidance.

7.2We will meet the requirements laid down in the Equality Act 2010 by having due regard to the need to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • advance equality of opportunity and
  • foster good relations between all of our residents, service users and staff

7.3The equality duty covers the following protected characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

7.4Social Housing is regulated and the regulatory framework sets out the standards they expect social housing providers to meet.

7.5Under the ‘Involvement and Empowerment’ standard organisations must provide tenants with a range of opportunities to influence and get involved in shaping policy, decision making and in the services offered. The standard requires a positive approach to the diverse needs of tenants, and says that housing providers must:

  • Treat all tenants with fairness and respect
  • Demonstrate that we understand the needs of all our tenants, including in relation to the protected characteristics and also people with additional support needs

Other links include:

- NCHA Group Corporate Strategy and Business Plan 2017-2022

- NCHA Risk Map

- Equality legislation including the Equality Act 2010 and Human Rights Act 1998

- Employment and Health and Safety legislation

- Social Care legislation


The Equality and Diversity Strategy aims to mitigate the following key areas of risk to the Association:

  • Non-compliant processes and practices resulting in discriminatory practices.
  • Successful Employment Tribunal action against NCHA on the grounds of discrimination and or constructive dismissal.
  • Failure to meet Equal Pay legislation requirements.
  • Failure to address issues of harassment and or disability.
  • Line manager or employee actions that lead to discrimination actions or acts

The possible outcomes for the Association from these risks are:

  • Loss of reputation as a good employer and impact on ability to attract new talent.
  • Adverse publicity resulting from Tribunal action on the grounds of discrimination.
  • Failure to win new contracts and/or exclusion from tenders and/or loss of contracts and income as a result of Tribunal action or adverse publicity.
  • Regulatory intervention.
  • Very high costs (in tribunal cases where discrimination cases costs awarded can be limitless).
  • Poor quality service delivery and non-compliance with service delivery standards and targets.
  • Dissatisfied customers.
  • Higher sickness and turnover rates from employees.

Appendix 1

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion KPIs

Key Performance Indicators / 2018/19 target
Knowing our customers
Apprentices and jobs fund people employed / 11
Tenants/Service users provided with development / training opportunities / 240
Engaged with the pilot tenant employment support service (go live in March 18) / 30 (6 in months)
Volunteer activity (hours given to NCHA) per year Care & Support / 3000+
Developing a skilled and committed workforce
BME Staff as % of all staff / 20%
BME Managers as % of all managers / 13%
Female Managers % of all managers / 65%
Disabled Managers as % of all managers / 4.5%
LGBT staff as a % of all staff / 5%
% of Female of Board Members / 50%
% of BME Board Members / 24%
% of LGBT Board Members / 5%
% Disabled Board Members / 4.5%
Responsive services, access and customer care
Lettings to BME applicants (GN & IHT) / 15%
Sales of Shared ownership to BME applicants / 15%
Provide adaptations to tenants / Up to £100k
Referrals to My Safe Home – mortgages for people with disabilities / >3
Involving our customers
TPAS reaccreditation / Achieve
BME participation / 18%
Female participation / 66%
Under 25 years participation / 4%
Tenants with families participation / 40%

Please note there will be additional targets in the equality, diversity and inclusion action plan that are reported to Board at least annually.

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