NCCR Full Proposal for Continuation 2ndphase – Explanations
Chapter 1: Executive summary
[1]The summary should present the overall goals and the research topics of the NCCRto be reached during the 2ndphase
Chapter 2: Research
[2]Explain the adaptations in the full proposal and discuss the recommendations/conditionsmade by the review panel and the SNSF.
[3]Specify the scientific topics, the key questions and the intended scientific contribution for the entire term of the 2nd phase.
[4]Present a) the structure (organisational set-up)of the NCCR, i.e. the different entities and sub-entities e.g. work packages, modules, clusters, projects, subprojects and research groups.
[5]Specify the objectives, methods and milestones for each entity and sub-entity. Highlight especially the scientific contribution of each entity / sub-entity to the overarching goals of the NCCR (as presented in sections 2.1./2.2.)
[6]Past: Give evidence of the scientific added valueachieved in phase 1 in terms of a) number and progress of joint publications, changes in publication behaviour, b) changes in the research behaviour of the PIs (e.g. new topics, level of collaborative work ), c) risk taking vs. mainstreaming, and d) impacts on the students
Future: Present the planned measures and methods to enhance the scientific added value in the 2nd phase.
Chapter 3: Other aspects
[7]Since the four strategy papers have to be renewed (cf. annexes), the four chapters of section 3 shall provide only summaries of the content of the strategy papers.
[8]Summarizethe NCCR’s strategy for knowledge transfer – objectives, measures/instruments and resources – in the 2ndphase in two sections: a) the knowledge transfer to the academic sector; b) the knowledge transfer to the public and private sector.
[9]Summarize the goals, measures / instruments and resources with regard to the two domains for the entire term of the 2ndphase.
[10]Summarize the goals, measures / instruments and resources of the two domains a) internal communications and b) external communication.
Chapter 4: Structural aspects
[11]Summarize the planned structural measures (appointments, infrastructure etc.) outlined in annex 2.
[12]Present the planned structural measures to be realized within the institutions in the NCCR network (e.g. appointments).
Chapter 5: Finances
[13]Usethe template of the SNSF providing an overview of the financial development over the 1st and 2nd phase.
[14]When budgeting the followingitems shall be considered:
a) The SNSF’s budgeting rules have to be applied (cf. Budgetrichtlinien / directives budgétaires);
b) The budget must also include the expected remaining “SNSF-funding” and “Self-funding from Home institution” of phase 1.
c) In chapter 5.2. the NCCR has to present a list of activities that have to be abandoned if the SNSF grant for phase 2 is less than budgeted.
d) The usual 4 NIRA reports 1010-1040 shall be submitted with the signature of the NCCR Director.
[15]Present a list of activities containing short specification of each activity and estimated SNSF-costs that will be abandoned if the SNSF grant for phase 2 is only 80%. 80% of the amount of phase 1 is guaranteed provided approval of the full proposal. In December 2014, the Research Council will compare the approved full proposals of the NCCR of the 3rd call, and will then decide on the 20% of the remaining funds, and whether the individual NCCR receives additional financial support beyond the granted funding (80% +).
[16]Comment on the budget, if there is an expected positive balance of “SNSF-funding” and “Self-funding from Home Institution” at the end of phase 1the usage has to be specified. Otherwise, the SNSF won’t allow the transfer.
The following annexes are mandatory:
Annex 1: 4 strategy papers using the respective SNSF guidelines
Annex 2: Form “Structural measures and support by the Home Institution (HI)” plus annexes, if the NCCR is supported by more than one Home Institution, each of them will have to fill in this form.
Other annexes can be listed if necessarybut have to be added on the cover sheet
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