Helpful Hints


As of FY17-18 Application

Incomplete, handwritten,and late applications received after the deadline will not be accepted

Applicants will be notified by email provided on application of grant award eligibility by July 1st

There are only two (2) grant fund categories when completing the grant application(s)

DV=Domestic Violence Funds and/or SA=Sexual Assault Funds

Applicants that are eligible to receive DV funds (ONLY) will automatically be eligible to receive additional quarterly funds in the form of marriage license fees and divorce filing fees.

Marriage License Fees and Divorce Filing Fees are only associated with the Domestic Violence funds. Marriage License Fees and Divorce Filing Fees are not considered an appropriation and are not subject to a 20% match (Applicable to DV programs ONLY)

Applicants do not have to submit a grant application to receive the MLF and DFF funds. MLF=Marriage License Fees DFF=Divorce Filing Fees

NC CFW/YI will not be aware of the grant fund amount by July 1stand will not be able to provide eligible grantees notice of a grant award amount (DV and/or SA) until the “certified/approved” State budget is passed and received by DOA-Fiscal staff. This process may take a few days or weeks. DOA fiscal staff will notify the NC CFW/YI of the appropriation amounts for DV and SA funds at the end of this process. The DV grant award notice will include the estimated/anticipated fees for MLF and DFF funds associated with the DV funds. Upon notice of available additional process that includes a grant contract must be completed and submitted prior to issuance of any funds.

PLEASE NOTE: The contract process which initiates the quarterly payments normally starts in September or October. It has not occurred during July or August (from 2004-2016).

Grant funds are issued on a quarterly basis. Due to many factors...the 1st quarter funds are issued during the months of September thru November.

1st qtr.-July, August, September 2nd qtr.-October, November, December

3rd qtr.-January, February, March 4th qtr.-April, May, June

The issuance of funds to the grantee is contingent upon the grantee fulfilling all responsibilities outlined and contained in the grant application along with compliance listed in the contract documents, program guidelines, reporting guidelines, and the laws of the State of North Carolina.

To be eligible to receive funds, a domestic violence center/sexual assault program must provide the following services: a hotline, transportation services, community education programs, daytime services and call forwarding during the night and other criteria established by the Department of Administration.Refer to the program guidelines found at:

Be sure to complete and submit the correct grant application based on the status at the time the application is submitted. (“New” applicant vs. “Existing” applicant)

“New” grant applicant- This will be the applicant isnot receiving NC CFW/YI funds at the timeof application submission

“Existing” grant applicant-The applicant is presently receiving NC CFW/YI state funds at the time of the application submission


Follow the instructions on the first page of the grant application and only submit the items requested on the checklist and in the format requested on the checklist.

A separate application must be completed and submitted for each grant category (DV and/or SA) and for each county.Things considered when the funds are issued include the grant category (DV and/or SA) and the county and that is the reason why a grant application must be submitted for each grant category DV and/or SA and for each county

Applicants are strongly encouraged to use FEDEX/UPS or “Hand Delivery” to ensure delivery and receipt of the grant application by the due date

Three (3) original grant applications (signed with blue ink) must be submitted to the assigned Region Office by the due date. Applicants/grantees are assigned to regions based on their county location.Please locate your assigned Region Office by reviewing the list attached.

Applicants must also submit the grant application electronically by the due date

Email grant application to:

The subject line of the email should include the county location of the grant and the category/program “type” of grant application submitted.

Example for email subject line: Wake DV Grant Application or Cumberland SA Grant Application


“Existing” grant applicant-The applicant is presently receiving NC CFW/YI state funds at the time of the application submission


Note: You will need to submit multiple copies of some of your documents. Some of the copies will REQUIRE original blue ink signatures on each copy. The documents and the number of copies you must submit of each are as follows:

Submit by UPS/FEDEX/Hand Delivery or mail:
Three (3) Grant Applications (each application with original blue ink signatures);
Three (3) copies of Current Governing Board members list and terms (including the Finance Committee chaired by the Treasurer);
Two (2) copies of Governing Board’s fundraising/sustainability plan;
In addition, you must email to :
One (1) Grant Application
One (1) copy of Amended Policy (ies) ONLY; which includes: conflict of interest, confidentiality, nondiscrimination, organizational code of conduct, internal controls, record keeping for manual and electronic files, whistle blower
**A policy is considered amended if the policy has changed within a year of application submission
All of the policies listed above are collected once every five years by NC CFW/YI


“New” grant applicant-The applicant is not receivingNC CFW/YI state funds at the time of the application submission


Note: You will need to submit multiple copies of some of your documents. Some of the copies will REQUIRE original blue ink signatures on each copy. The documents and the number of copies you must submit of each are as follows:

Submit by UPS/FEDEX/Hand Delivery or mail:
Three (3) Grant Applications (each application with original blue ink signatures);
Three (3) copies of Current Governing Board members list and terms (including the Finance Committee chaired by the Treasurer);
Two (2) copies of Governing Board’s fundraising/sustainability plan;
In addition, you must email to :
One (1) Grant Application
One (1) copy of ALL Policies which includes: conflict of interest, confidentiality, nondiscrimination, organizational code of conduct, internal controls, record keeping for manual and electronic files, whistle blower
All of the policies listed above are collected once every five years by NC CFW/YI

G.S. 143C-6-23 requires the funding agency (NC CFW/YI) to evaluate the performance of each grantee.

The following information provides guidance on how to develop program goals, outcomes, and evaluation methods:

SMART Goals/Objectives

Below is a definition of each of the S.M.A.R.T. goal criteria.

S: What is specific about the goal?

M: Is the goal measurable? How will it be determined that the goal has been achieved?

A: Is the goal achievable?

R: Is the goal realistic to performance expectations or professional development?

T: Is the goal time-bound? When will this goal be accomplished?


FY16-17 Goal/Objective 1: Clients served through our program will create individualized safety plans.

FY16-17 Projected Outcome: 95% of program clients surveyed (both residential and non-residential) will be able to articulate at least three actions in their individualized safety plan by September 30, 2017.

FY-16-17 Evaluation Method: Trained staff and volunteers will use the “teach back” method with every residential and non-residential client to assess and document whether clients are able to articulate three actions in their safety plans.

Policies requested:

ONLY “New” applicants will submit a copy of each policy requested on the checklist via email

“Existing” applicants WILL NOT need to submit a copy of each policy. “Existing’ applicants will only submit “amended” policies and complete the section pertaining to the policies’ effective date and board review date.

The policies listed on the checklist should be submitted to NC CFW/YI and filed once every five (5) years. It is possible to submit the policies via email upon approval from NC CFW/YI staff.

An example of each policy can be found on the website in the grants section

Policies requested include:

  1. Conflict of interest
  2. Confidentiality
  3. Nondiscrimination
  4. Organizational code of conduct
  5. Internal controls
  6. Record keeping (for manual and electronic files)
  7. Whistle blower

Client or Community Impact Success Story:

The success story can be a client success story or community impact story. The point is to share matters that will go a very long way with legislators, the public and other interested groups to find out what the benefit has been to a community due to the NC CFW/YI funding. NC CFW/YI incorporates this information in the annual report.

NC CFW/YI DV & SA Budget Guidance

Grantees are required to prepare a realistic and prudent budget that supports accomplishment of the domestic violence and/or sexual assault program objectives and activities.

Budgets must be provided in line-item detail using the Excel actual budget templates provided withthe contract. Each budget must be accompanied with a corresponding budget narrative providing justification and explanations of each expense.

NC CFW/YI guidelines state “administrative costs associated with the NC CFW/YI funds shall not exceed 20% of the domestic violence [and/or sexual assault] program grant appropriation[s]” (NC CFW/YI Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Guidelines, 2014). According to the guidelines, “administrative/management & general costs are expenses allocated for the overall function and management of the agency, rather than for the direct conduct of program services.”

Note that the 20% administrative cap applies to the DV and SA grant appropriations only. It does not apply to DFF and MLF funds.

The following guidance is provided to assist grantees with creating budgets and determining whether to classify allocations as either direct program expenses or administrative/management & general expenses.

This guidance is derived in large part from the federal Office of Management & Budget’s Super Circular. North Carolina law (09 NCAC 03M) specifies that expenditure of State funds by any grantee shall be in accordance with the Cost Principles outlined in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Super Circular (this Super Circular supersedes and streamlines requirements from OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-110, A-122, A-89, A-102, A-133. A-87 and A-122.)

General Guidance on Cost Allocation Principles

In general, “program costs” are the direct and indirect costs related to providing the organization’s programs and services. Program costs are easily identifiable with a specific program or support function.

“Administrative/Management & General” costs are not easily identifiable with a specific program activity but are essential to the general operations of the organization.

There is no universal rule for classifying certain costs into these categories. An organization may use any reasonable method as long as the method is documented and costs are treated consistently in like circumstances as either program costs or administrative costs. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.412)

Identification with the grant award rather than the nature of the goods and services involved is the determining factor in classifying costs. Typical costs charged directly to a grant award are the compensation of employees who work on that award, their related fringe benefit costs, the costs of materials and other items of expense incurred for the grant award. If directly related to a specific award, certain costs that otherwise would be treated as indirect (facilities & administration) costs may also include extraordinary utility consumption, the cost of materials supplied from stock or services rendered by specialized facilities or other institutional service operations. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.413)

If a cost benefits two or more projects or activities in proportions that can be determined without undue effort or cost, the cost should be allocated to the projects based on the proportional benefit. If a cost benefits two or more projects or activities in proportions that cannot be determined because of the interrelationship of the work involved, then . . . the costs may be allocated or transferred to benefitted projects on any reasonable documented basis.(See OMB Super Circular § 200.405)

* Key questions to ask when determining whether to classify costs as program or administrative:

  • Is the expense easily identifiable with specific domestic violence or sexual assault program services or activities?
  • Is the expense easily identifiable with the goals and purpose of the Council for Women domestic violence or sexual assault grant?
  • Is the expense required to fulfill the terms of the grant award?

If “yes” to the above, the expense is likely a program cost. If “no”, the expense is likely administrative. Remember, consistent treatment of costs is key. Costs may be allocated on any reasonable documented basis.

Guidance on Classifying Personnel Expenses

Budgets for salary and wages should produce reasonable estimates of the activity that will actually be performed during the grant cycle. If a position is funded by more than one grant or if the position splits time between program and administrative activities, then the budget should reflect the actual distribution of the employee’s time among specific activities or cost objectives. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.430)

The salaries of administrative and clerical staff should normally be treated as administrative/M&G costs. Direct charging of these costs may be appropriate if all of the following conditions are met:

(1) Administrative or clerical services are integral to a project or activity;

(2) Individuals involved can be specifically identified with the project or activity;

(3) Such costs are explicitly included in the budget or have the prior written approval of the awarding agency; and

(4) The costs are not also recovered as indirect costs. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.413)

Functional timesheets for projects with more than one source of funding and/or with multiple programs must be maintained which support the time charged to NC CFW/YI grants. Timesheets should include enough information to show that the position is accomplishing the activities or objectives for which it is being funded according to the line-item budgets.

The cost of fringe benefits in the form of employer contributions or expenses for social security; employee life, health, unemployment, and worker's compensation insurance . . . and other similar benefits . . . must be allocated to grant awards and all other activities in a manner consistent with the pattern of benefits attributable to the individuals or group(s) of employees whose salaries and wages are chargeable to such grant awards and other activities . . . . (See OMB Super Circular § 200.431)

Additional Guidance on Classifying Certain Operating Expenses


Costs of bonding and insurance may be considered direct costs if required by the terms of the State grant contract.

Costs of bonding and insurance required by the grantee organization in the general conduct of its operations [but not specifically required by the terms of the grant] are allowable as an indirect (administrative) cost to the extent that such bonding is in accordance with sound business practice and the rates and premiums are reasonable under the circumstances. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.421)

Materials and Supplies, including Computing Devices:

Suppliesmeans all tangible personal property other than those described in Equipment. A computing device is a supply if the acquisition cost is less than the lesser of the capitalization level established for financial statement purposes or $5,000, regardless of the length of its useful life. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.94)

Materials and supplies used for the performance of a grant award may be charged as direct costs. In the specific case of computing devices, charging as direct costs is allowable for devices that are essential and allocable, but not solely dedicated, to the performance of a grant award. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.453)

Publication and Printing:

Publication costs for electronic and print media, including distribution, promotion, and general handling are allowable. If these costs are not identifiable with a particular cost objective, they should be allocated as indirect (administrative) costs to all benefiting activities of the organization. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.461)

Additional Guidance on Classifying Equipment and Other Capital Expenditures

Equipmentmeans tangible personal property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one year and a per-unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established for financial statement purposes, or $5,000. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.33)

Capital expendituresmeans expenditures to acquire capital assets or expenditures to make additions, improvements, modifications, replacements, rearrangements, reinstallations, renovations, or alterations to capital assets that materially increase their value or useful life. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.13)

Capital expenditures for general purpose equipment, buildings, and land are generally unallowable as direct charges. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.439)

Capital expenditures for special purpose equipment are allowable as direct costs. (See OMB Super Circular § 200.439)

Budget Revisions

After line-item budgets have been submitted and the grant cycle is underway, grantees may request to transfer funds between existing line items by submitting a Budget Transfer Request form to their assigned regionoffice. Grantees should not apply the requested changes prior to receiving written approval of the Budget Transfer Request from NC CFW/YI.

Grantees may not add, remove, or change line items during the grant cycle. If a revision of this magnitude is needed, consult with your regional director. The addition, removal, or changing of line items necessitates resubmission of Contracts or Contract Amendments.

Kathleen Balogh, Western Region Director
Cell: 828-275-8366
Anna Capel, Office Assistant
46 Haywood Street, Suite 309
Asheville, NC 28801
Courier # 12-78-04
Phone: 828-251-6169 Fax 828-251-6062
Alexander SA / Clay / Lincoln / Swain
Ashe / Cleveland / Macon / Transylvania
Avery / Gaston / Madison / Watauga
Buncombe / Graham / McDowell / Yancey
Burke / Haywood / Mitchell
Catawba SA / Henderson / Polk
Cherokee / Jackson / Rutherford
Philisa Fowler, Eastern Region Director
Cell: 252-617-0177
Keisha Braswell, Office Assistant
P.O. Box 13064, 1425 South Glenburnie Rd., Ste. 10
New Bern, NC 28561
Courier # 16-62-03
Phone: 252-514-4868 Fax: 252-514-4869
Beaufort / Chowan / Gates / Martin / Pender
Bertie / Columbus / Greene / NewHanover / Perquimans
Bladen / Craven / Hertford / Northampton / Pitt
Brunswick / Currituck / Hyde / Onslow / Sampson
Camden / Dare / Jones / Pamlico / Tyrell
Carteret / Duplin / Lenoir / Pasquotank / Washington
Bernetta Thigpen, Northern Piedmont Region Director
Felicia Boykin, Office Assistant
2307 W. Cone Blvd., Suite 130 LL
Greensboro, NC 27408
Courier # 02-15-20
Phone: 336-288-8650 Fax: 336-288-8656
Alamance / Durham / Montgomery / Stokes
Alleghany / Edgecombe / Nash / Surry
Caswell / Forsyth / Orange / Vance
Chatham / Franklin / Person / Wake
Davidson / Granville / Randolph / Warren
Davie / Guilford / Rockingham / Wilkes
Halifax / Wilson
Elyse Hamilton-Childres, Southern Piedmont Region Director
Cell: 704-223-8085
Rose Saltz, Office Assistant
5500 Executive Center Drive, Suite 206
Charlotte, NC 28212
Courier # 05-26-41
Phone: 704-563-3700 Fax: 704-566-2838
Alexander DV / Cumberland / Lee / Robeson
Anson / Harnett / Mecklenburg / Rowan
Cabarrus / Hoke / Moore / Scotland
Caldwell / Iredell / Richmond / Stanly
Catawba DV / Johnston / Union
Assigned Grants Administrator
Diane Blumel

Phone: 919-733-1978
Mailing Address: 1320 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1320 / Assigned Grants Administrator
Jackie Jordan

Phone: 919-733-9689
Mailing Address: 1320 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1320

Created February 2017