NBAHA Membership/Board Meeting



Attendance: Mike Rundle, Dave Gerten, Christine Bortz, Autumn Hanes, Brittany Wyandt, Ryan Swenson, Craig Moline

Meeting to Order at: 1839

  1. Presidents Report:
  • Schedule of Fines given if out to district president- see attachment
  • Coaching and manager fines for missed meetings
  • Ryan motions for coaches and managers that miss mandatory meetings, individual coaches are responsible for 75% of the fine. If multiple coaches miss they will share in the 75% of the total fine. Mike and Dave 2nd motion.
  • Outside Scrimmage rules- need score books, penalties called, rosters due
  • Dates for coaching certification on USA hockey, classes are filling up quickly
  • Presidents golf tournament- won $580
  • Discuss waivers
  1. Vice President Report- nothing to report
  1. Secretary Report:
  2. Upgrade Website $1800 one-time fee (2-3 weeks)
  3. Rebrand of the website includes both banner and side panels
  4. Moves content to a mobile responsive theme
  5. Your association supplies logos, images, landmarks, and our design team will incorporate it into the new fresh design
  6. Smaller Upgrade $500 (5-10 days)
  7. Mobile Responsive
  8. Current Content and design conversion

Autumn motioned for $1800 to upgrade website, Ryan 2nd- approved

  1. Gambling Report:
  2. Request from Co-op girls varsity team for an iPad to video the game $1500
  3. Ryan motioned, Autumn second- Motioned approved
  4. Current gambling position open- interviews will happen soon
  5. $1800 to upgrade NBAHA website
  1. Treasure Report: Insert report from Kelly

General Account: $46803.64

Fundraising: $29806.87

AR balance: $4275

  1. Ice Director Report: Updates on Ice schedule with Isanti and Pine
  2. Outdoor rink- do minimum to make it useable
  1. Arena Committee updates: Follow up from last month’s meeting
  2. Electric and Gas update- need amp info- Ryan will give info to Mike- will use gambling money
  3. Excavating update-Gustafson’s are going to do excavating this fall
  1. Publicity Report: Follow up from last month’s minutes
  2. School open house: successful
  3. Facebook page: working on
  4. Fall Carnival: Wed. Sept 20th
  1. Coaching Report:
  2. Better coaching presence at the traveling level
  1. Mite Director Report
  2. Mite meetings started
  3. Equipment
  4. Learn to skate- Oct 1st and 8th
  5. C & B skaters- start 1 hour the weekend of the 14th or 15th, 1 hour the 28th, and evals on the 29th – 2 hours
  1. Fundraising Report: Follow up from last month meeting
  1. County Market Brat Stand- More donations than profit from sales.
  2. Sale Profit 439.66
  3. Donations 596.87
  4. Total 1036.53
  5. Would like large arena poster to put up at events. Had small poster up and had lots of comments about the possibility of getting an arena again. – Jessie is requesting large sign and smaller banner with pictures of the arena for kids to hold. Need board approval.
  6. Mike will give Brittany digital for sign of arena
  7. Ryan to motion to make smaller NBAHA banner and arena picture and easel for up to $500, Mike 2nd, motioned approved
  1. Registrars Report:
  2. Issues with mite sign-up and electronic payment- currently being fixed
  3. Brittany will e-mail people that signed up before electronic payment was up and running
  4. Deadline for traveling Sept 30th- Will reach out to last year players to see if they are planning on returning.
  5. Deadline for mite is Nov 15th
  6. Payment schedule- pay in full, payment plan, pay offline at a meeting before tryouts
  7. Payment plan dates- If not paid in full by Jan. 1 will be pulled from on-ice activities until paid in full.
  8. Initial- Oct.1 (1/3)
  9. Second Nov. 15th (1/3)
  10. Third- Dec. 31st (1/3)

Ryan motioned payment plan, Brittany 2nd

  1. Open Forum
  2. Ryan brought forward on the behalf of Jason Zerwas to get higher quality jerseys for upper level mite team- B team and up. Ryan made motion on Jason’s behalf, Ryan 2nd, not approved
  1. Ryan brought forward on behalf of Jason Zerwas to purchase garbage bags to sell at local businesses and members to sell. Start -up cost is $5000. Not approved, need more research for roll out plan. Rachel Benoit to bring info to the next meeting
  1. Ryan brought forward on behalf of Jason Zerwas to sell boards sitting at the arena site. Already brought forward, tried to sell, unsuccessful

Meeting Adjourn at: 2100