(example profile is on the next page)
Owner Name:
Vehicle Year/Make/Model:
Placed in Service:
Vehicle Type:
Production Vehicle or Conversion:
Engine Specifications:
Motor Specifications:
Charging Time:
My Other Car Is:
What I Like Most About My Hybrid:
What I Use My Hybrid For:
How Owning a Hybrid Has Changed My Driving:
What I Dislike About My Hybrid:
What I Like To See Improved in My Hybrid:
The Most Fun I Have With My Hybrid Is:
My Favorite Hybrid Trip Is:
--- EXAMPLE ---
Owner Name: Tom Anderson
Occupation: Computer Engineer
Vehicle Year/Make/Model: 2001 Toyota Prius
Placed in Service: September 18, 2001
Vehicle Type: Gasoline/Electric Hybrid (parallel hybrid)
Production Vehicle or Conversion: Production
Engine Specifications: 1.5L 4-cylinder in-line, 71-hp gasoline engine
Motor Specifications: 3-phase permanent magnet water-cooled motor, 33kW (44 HP) @ 940-2000 rpm
Batteries: 38 x 7.2V Valve regulated nickel metal hydride, 273.6V, 6.5 Ah
Inverter: Toyota Hybrid System
Drivetrain: Power-Split device that proportions engine power between motor/axle and generator; continuously-variable transmission (CVT) uses planetary gearset, with sun gear driving the motor/generator, and the outer ring powering wheels
Range: 500 miles between refueling with regular gasoline
Charging Time: All charging is done by computer-controlled gasoline engine; vehicle is always ready
Economy: Rated 52 City/48 Highway, I've been getting 45.5 mpg on average
My Other Car Is A: 1999 Dodge Caravan
What I Like Most About My Hybrid: There is practically no difference in driving between this car and any other gasoline car. Rated as a Super-UltraLow Emissions Vehicle (SULEV), it's the cleanest-burning gasoline car in the world right now.
What I Use My Hybrid For: Everything. Commuting, short hops, road trips, you name it. I never drive the minivan anymore. When the family goes anywhere, we go in the Prius. We used to always drive the van, and the old car was just used for commuting.
How Owning an Hybrid Has Changed My Driving: My driving hasn't had to change. I used to always keep my speed up as I neared a red-light and would brake just as I got there; now, I tend to coast more (to conserve momentum and get more regen) and hope it changes before I get there.
What I Dislike About My Hybrid: The factory speakers. And no cruise control.
What I Like To See Improved in My Hybrid: I want more software for the on-board computer. It's pretty cool, but I want to see line graphs of speed, rpm, total load, and fuel economy. The charts they have are so 1980's! If anyone figures out how to change the programs, let me know!
The Most Fun I Have With My Hybrid Is: Smokin' gas-guzzlin' V-8 or V-10 SUVs off the line, and knowing I'm getting better milage doing that that than they EVER get.
My Favorite Hybrid Trip Is: Phoenix to Arizona Snowbowl. 300 miles round-trip, on 6 gallons of gas. You get to use the "Braking" mode for parts of it, and you get to take a break from driving to go skiing!