Biology 101 Human Anatomy and Physiology I – Summer 2013
Exam No. 3 Name______
Please circle your answers on the exam (in addition to marking the Scantron)
1. Which of the following is NOT a function of adult bones? They
a. act as a storage site of calcium and phosphorous
b. facilitate body movement
c. produce all the cells (formed elements) found in the blood
d. produce vitamin D
2-3. Using the diagram, select the answers below the figure that correspond to the label numbers. The letters corresponding to your answer should be blackened on your Scantron sheet.
a. diaphysisc. metaphysis
b. epiphysisd. epiphyseal plate
4. What is the purpose of the epiphyseal plate of long bones? It
a. allows bones to grow in length
b. allows bones to grow in width
c. carries out hematopoiesis
d. none of the above
5. Intramembranous ossification starts with which of the following types of materials as a template?
a. fibrous connective tissue
b. hyaline cartilage
c. muscle
d. any of the above
6. The osteoid portion of the bone matrix consists of
a. collagen and ground substance c. hydroxyphosphate
b. hydroxyapatited. periosteum/endosteum
7. Which of the following is true regarding bone remodeling?
a. it occurs in the embryo, fetus, and child but not in adults
b. it is greatly affected by physical stress, e.g., exercise
c. it occurs only in the spongy bone of adults
d. osteoblasts are the only cells needed for bone remodeling
8. When is the epiphyseal plate replaced by bone?
a. a few months after birth
b. after puberty has ended
c. immediately after a child begins to walk
d. never
9. In a healthy adult, where does hematopoiesis usually take place?
a. in the compact bone of the adult skull, ribs, sternum, and pelvis
b. in the marrow (medullary) cavity of adult long bones
c. in the epiphyseal spongy bone of adult long bones
d. throughout the entire diaphysis of adult long bones
10. Lymphoid cells of the blood originate in both red and yellow bone marrow.
a. true
b. false
11. Bone deposition (formation) is carried out by ______under the influence of the hormone ______.
a. osteoblasts, calcitonin
b. osteoblasts, parathyroid hormone
c. osteoclasts, calcitonin
d. osteoclasts, parathyroid hormone
12. The ______curves of the spine are present at birth and include the ______and ______parts of the vertebral column.
a. primary, cervical, lumbar
b. primary, sacral (pelvic), thoracic
c. secondary, cervical, lumbar
d. secondary, sacral (pelvic), thoracic
13. How many PAIRS of vertebrochondralribs does the thoracic cage contain?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 7
d. 12
14. Which of the following is the name for the outer portion of an intervertebral disk?
a. annular ring
b. anulus fibrosus
c. circular ligament
d. nucleus pulposus
15. Which of the following arches traverses (runs along) the long axis of the foot on the side of the foot opposite the hallux?
a. lateral longitudinal arch
b. medial longitudinal arch
c. oblique arch
d. transverse arch
16-17. Use the illustration below. The letters corresponding to your answer should be blackened on your Scantron sheet.
a. Ethmoid bonec. Sphenoid bone
b. Frontal boned. Zygomatic bone
18. A patient with sinusitis who is complaining of pain in his cheeks would most likely have an inflammation in the
a. ethmoid sinus
b. frontal sinus
c. maxillary sinus
d. zygomatic sinus
19. The true pelvis lies inferior to the pelvic brim and is also known as the lesser pelvis.
a. true
b. false
20. The pectoral girdle consists of the
a. scapulae
b. scapulae and clavicles
c. two ossa coxae (hip bones)
d. two ossa coxae (hip bones), sacrum, and coccyx
21. A joint categorized as adiarthrotic joint is being classified by
a. its function
b. its structure
c. the type of tissue that holds it together d. someone who knows nothing about joints
22. Which of the following is NOT a type of synovial joint?
a. ball and socketc. gomphosis
b. condylard. hinge
23. Which of the following is a firbrous joint that is amphiarthrotic?
a. gomphosis
b. suture
c. symphysis
d. synchondrosis
e. syndesmosis
24. What provides nutrition to the articular cartilage inside a diarthrotic joint?
a. joint capillariesc. marrow cavity blood vessels
b. joint capsuled. synovial fuid
25. Which of the following is an example of a cartilaginous amphiarthrotic joint?
a. coxal joint c. glenohumeral joint
b. epiphyseal plate d. symphysis pubis
26. Which of these joint types allows movement along the greatest number of planes (axes) of space?
a. ball and socketc. gliding
b. hinged. pivot
27. Standing on tiptoes, i.e, raising your heels off the floor, would be an example of which of the following?
a. ankle adductionc. dorsiflexion
b. ankle circumductiond. plantar flexion
28. You are standing with your arm straight out, parallel to the floor. From this position, returning your arm to its anatomical position is called
a. abductionc. extension
b. adductiond. lateral flexion
29. The I band in resting skeletal muscle contains primarily of which of the following?
a. a Z-linec. thin filaments
b. thick filamentsd. thick and thin filaments
30. Which neurotransmitter is released by motor neurons and initiates skeletal muscle contraction?
a. acetyl CoAc. epinephrine
b. acetylcholined. norepinephrine
31. Contractility is a characteristic of all types of
a. connective tissuec. elastic tissue
b. cartilaged. muscle
32. The elaborate network of tubes and cisternae in skeletal muscle cells thatstores and releasescalcium (Ca2+) is/are called
a. myosacculesc. the sarcoplasmic reticulum
b. the sarcolemmad. the T tubules
33. Which of the following best describes a sarcomere?
a. the area between two H zones (bands)
b. the area between two M lines
c. the area between two Z lines (disks)
d. the structural/functional unit of both smooth and skeletal muscle
34. You are lying on your back. During the process of pushing a barbell (weight) away from your chest toward the ceiling with your arms, the pectoralis major muscle acts as an antagonist.
a. true
b. false
35-37. Use the following figure to answer questions 35-37. The letters corresponding to your answer should be blackened on your Scantron sheet.
a. A bandc. I bande. Z line
b. H zoned. M line
38. Which of the following best describes the delay that occurs between the time a nerve stimulus arrives at a skeletal muscle and the time the muscle begins to contract?
a. contraction period
b. latent period
c. refractory period
d. twilight period
39. A muscle that is in a state of constant contraction is in
a.its latent periodc. tetany
b.its refractory periodd. tonicity
40. Which of the following lists of characteristics are primarily applicable to theslow-oxidative type of muscle fiber?
a. many capillaries, easily fatigued, aerobic metabolism
b. many capillaries, resist fatigue, aerobic metabolism
c. few capillaries, easily fatigued, anaerobic metabolism
d. few capillaries, resist fatigue, oxidative and anaerobic metabolism
41-42. Use the following figure to answer questions 41-42. The letters corresponding to your answer should be blackened on your Scantron sheet.
a. endomysiumc. sarcolemmae. triad
b. myofibrilsd. sarcoplasmic reticulum
43. Starting with a hand-held weight (dumbell) at your side with your arm relaxed, raising the weight slowly away from your side until your arm is parallel to the floorwould be an example which type of contraction of which muscle?
a. concentric contraction of the deltoid
b. concentric contraction of the latissimus dorsi
c. eccentric contraction of the deltoid
d. eccentric contraction of the latissimus dorsi
e. isometric contraction of the deltoid
44. Which of the following is true regarding multi-unit smooth muscle?
a. it contains sarcomeres as the basic unit of contraction
b. it would be found in muscles that control functions in the eye
c. it would be found in the abdominal (visceral) organs
d. it would be found in the sternocleidomastoid muscles
45. All the muscle fibers in a single motor unit are the same type, i.e., slow oxidative or fast glycolytic.
a. true
b. false
46. Which of the following lists the correct order in which sources are used to replenish the ATP used for contraction of skeletal muscle?
a. aerobic metabolism, creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis
b. anaerobic glycolysis, creatine phosphate, aerobic metabolism
c. creatine phosphate, aerobic metabolism, anaerobic glycolysis
d. creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic metabolism
47. The pectoralis major muscle is attached to the sternum and clavicle at one end and the humerus at its other end. Based on your knowledge about the major action of this muscle, it is accurate to say that the insertion of this muscle is on thehumerus, while its origin is on the sternum/clavicle.
a. true
b. false
48. Which of the following characteristics would you expect to be true of the extensor pollicis longus muscle? It would be a
a. long muscle that extends the thumb
b long muscle that extends the big toe
c. short muscle that flexes the thumb
d. short muscle that flexes the big toe
49. Striated muscle can generate its maximum tension only when contraction begins with an optimum amount of overlap of myosin and actin filaments. This is known as
a. contractilityc. the length-tension relationship
b. isotonic contractiond. recruitment
50. Activation of additional motor units required to perform a particular task using a muscle is called the latent period.
a. true
b. false
Bonus questions begin on the next page…
Bonus Questions (AnswerAS MANY bonus questions as you can)
1. Provide the term corresponding to each of the descriptionsof vertebral columnabnormalities given below. (0.9 pt.)
a) Exaggerated thoracic curve -
b) Exaggerated lateral curve -
c) Exaggerated lumbar curve -
2. Where are fontanels found, and what is their function? (0.6 pt.)
3. Briefly describe/outline/diagram, in their correct sequence, each of the physiologicalsteps in the contraction of a single muscle fiber beginning with the arrival of the nerve impulse at the end of a nerve axon and ending with relaxation of the muscle fiber (2.0 pts.) (Use the back of the exam if you need more room.)
Bonus questions continued on next page…
4. If you were a muscle fascicle, what would surround you? (Circle your answer directly on this sheet.) (0.5 pt)
a. fascia
b. epimysium
c. perimysium
d. endomysium
5. Which type of lever system is represented by the illustration below? (Circle your answer directly on this sheet.) (1 pt.)
a. first class
b. second class
c. third class