NAU CMAA Jr. Chapter meeting
April 27, 2005
School of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Room 109
Eleventh Jr. Chapter meeting
Start Time: 5:40 p.m.
Members present: Erin French, Martha Richardson, Doug Derrick, Brad Russell
Officers and Chair members present: Eric Hagerman, Kimmy Saverud, Andy Durczynski, Kevin Graham, Daniel Padilla, Jennifer Messer, Aubrey Calver, Meredith Baldree, Sarah Fishman, Sarah Halloran, and Gaby Robinson.
Faculty Advisor Paul Wiener
Approval of last meeting minutes:Eric Hagerman asked for approval of last meeting’s minutes. Andy Durczynski started the motion, Kevin Graham second the motion and all members were in favor.
Officer Reports
Presidents Report-Eric mentioned that the Club Foundation grant has been submitted and it should get to National Headquarters before May 1. He also explained to the members that the Club Foundation matches any money our club earns from fundraising. This amount can be up to $500. Eric then thanked everyone for letting him serve another year as president and said he looks forward to another year, if elected.
VP/Treasurer Report- Kimmy reported on current standings and future budget for the club. She had commented that we are doing a good job so far making money. She mentioned that we got $65 for helping out with the luminaries last semester. She anticipates that the club will need around $2,310 for registration and $4,950 for hotel and airfare for the Hawaii conference. There will also be money available for five people who plan on attending the Chicago student conference in November.
Secretary Report- Andy just wanted to thank the club for making it such a memorable year. Andy will be graduating in a couple of weeks and he wanted to wish all the members the best of luck with the club and in their future endeavors.
Committee Reports
Membership- There was nothing to report on at this time for the membership committee.
Hospitality- Daniel mentioned that the Coldstone Creamery fundraising effort will be put off until next semester. Aubrey Raymond could not get a hold of the manager to set up a date. Daniel also brought pizza, chips and pop to celebrate our last meeting of the semester.
IF Historian- Sarah Fishman inquired about any member wanting to take over the position of IF Historian. She feels that she will not be able to provide the attention that this position demands due to a busy school schedule next semester. She has asked that if any member is interested to email her.
Editor- Gaby has nothing to report on at this time, but said that former Editor, Emily Osborne will be giving her all the materials to continue the newsletter.
Internet Technology-Kevin commented that so far the sponsorshipopportunity is not happening for the NAU CMAA website. The goal is to try to get local businesses to buy an ad spot on our website in exchange for a yearly payment. He has asked certain coffee houses and other businesses but no one has yet agreed to do so. He will continue this process over the summer and will have more to talk about at the first meeting this fall semester.
Community Involvement- Meredith had said that the Flagstaff Family Food center is booked all the way through June, so no opportunity will arise for the club to help out. She did say she will schedule a time to volunteer early next semester.
Conference- Jen mentioned that for the Chicago Student Conference, we will be sending five members. She has contacted certain people in charge of this conference, but has not heard back from them yet. She will know more at the next meeting in September and pass on more information.
Education- Kimmy did not have any education to talk about at this time, but she has big plans for this position next semester. She did want to wish all graduating seniors good luck and congratulated Doug Derrick, Autumn Shell, Andy Durczynski, and Aubrey Raymond.
After the reports the candidates for officer positions were held for President, Vice President/Treasurer and Secretary.
Eric gave his speech and then commented that anyone in the club is up for the running of president as well. He said that if the any of the members had a better person in mind for the position to please vote for them on the ballot. Unopposed Vice Presidential/Treasurer Candidate Kate Kramer joined the club via speaker phone from England to give her speech. Aubrey Calver did her speech for Secretary position as well.
The elections were then held and the ballots were turned into Andy Durczynski for counting.
Results:Eric Hagerman will reign as president for one last year; Kate Kramer will be VP/Treasurer, and Aubrey Calver will take over the position as Secretary.
Comments: Adopt-A-Highway trash pickup will happen on Wednesday June 29 in the morning.
Next Meeting September 7, 2005 HRM Building Room 109