FOTG Section IV386 – Page 1 of 8

Filter Strip(393)

Conservation Practice Jobsheet

Natural Resources Conservation ServicePacificIslands Area


October 2009

FOTG Section IV386 – Page 1 of 8


A strip or area of herbaceous vegetation that removes contaminants from overland flow.


  • Reduce suspended solids and associated contaminants in runoff.
  • Reduce dissolved contaminant loadings in runoff.
  • Reduce suspended solids and associated contaminants in irrigation tailwater.

Conditions Where Practice Applies

Filter strips are established where environmentally-sensitive areas need to be protected from sediment, other suspended solids and dissolved contaminants in runoff.

Conservation Management System

Filter strips are normally established concurrently with other practices as part of a resource management system for a conservation management unit. They should be installed only below areas where sheet and rill erosion have been reduced to an acceptable level and where other practices are in place that slow runoff and contaminant delivery. A filter strip is influenced by but is not considered part of the adjacent crop rotation.


October 2009

393 – Page 1 of 7Filter Strip
Jobsheet FOTG Section IV


October 2009

Filter Strip393 – Page 1 of 7

FOTG Section IVJobsheet



October 2009

Filter Strip393 – Page 1 of 7

FOTG Section IVJobsheet

Plans and Specifications

Plans and specifications shall be prepared for each field site where a filter strip will be installed. A plan includes information about the location, construction sequence, vegetation establishment, and management and maintenance requirements.

As a minimum, the plans shall include:

a)Length, width (flow path), and slope of the filter strip to accomplish the planned purpose (width refers to flow length through the filter strip).

b)Species selection and seeding or sprigging rates to accomplish the planned purpose

c)Planting dates, care and handling of the seed to ensure that planted materials have an acceptable rate of survival

d)A statement that only viable, high quality and regionally adapted seed will be used

e)Site preparation sufficient to establish and grow selected species

The following section of this Jobsheet includes the plans and specifications for the installation and the operation and maintenance of the practice on your farm or ranch.


October 2009

Filter Strip393 – Page 1 of 7

FOTG Section IVJobsheet

Filter Strip – Jobsheet

Jobsheet Prepared for

Client/Customer Name: / Bob Farmer / Plan Name: / Consplan 1 2009
Tracts No.(s) / Land Unit No.(s) / Total Land Unit Size / Amount of Practice to be Installed/Land Unit
Square Feet / Acres
1500 / 1
10A / 2 acres
2 acres / 6,250 sq. ft.
7,500 sq. ft.
13,750 sq. ft. total / .14 acre
.17 acre
.31 acre

Jobsheet Prepared by

Name: / Tom Planner / Title: / Soil Conservationist / Date Prepared: / 7/1/09

Purpose for Client Installing Practice (“P” primary purpose and “S” secondary purposes, if any)



Reduce suspended solids and associated contaminants in runoff.

Reduce dissolved contaminant loadings in runoff.

Reduce suspended solids and associated contaminants in irrigation tailwater.

Current Site Conditions

Description of current site conditions including: land use; crops and/or vegetation; cause, extent, and degree of resource problems:
Land use: cropland, various vegetable crops being grown.
Stream located along edge of land units 1 and 10A.
Filter strip needed to reduce sediment and associated cropland contaminants from entering the stream.

Treatment Goals or Objectives

Description of extent of problems to be addressed and/or treatment goals or objectives:
The delivery of sediment and associated cropland contaminants via runoff to the stream will be reduced to the maximum extent possible.
Layout / Strip 1 / Strip 2 / Strip 3 / Strip 4
Location (also see Job Sketch) / West border of land unit 1 / West border of land unit 10A
Filter strip length (feet) / 250 ft. / 300 feet
Filter strip width / flow length through the filter strip (feet) / 25 ft. / 25 feet
Total area in filter strip (sq. ft. and acres) / 6,250 sq ft
.14 acre / 7,500 sq ft
.17 acre
Maximum slope of the filter strip (%) / 5% / 5%

Filter Strip Vegetation and Planting Rates

Strip# / Species to be Planted / Total Acres to be Planted / Planting Rate Per Unit 1/ / Minimum Quality of Planting Stock 2/ / Method of Establishment 3/ / Minimum Requirements for Successful Establishment 4/
1 / Australian carpetgrass / .14 / 40 lbs. acre / PLS / Seeding / 80% ground cover
2 / Australian carpetgrass / .17 / 40 lbs. acre / PLS / Seeding / 80% ground cover
Total / .31
1/ Planting Rate Per Unit: seed or planting material required per specific length or per acre.
2/ Minimum Quality of Planting Stock: pure live seed (PLS), stem caliper, etc. Only viable, high quality, and regionally adapted seed or planting stock will be used.
3/ Method of Establishment: seeding or planting stolons, sprigs, or rhizomes.
4/ Minimum Requirement for Successful Establishment: minimum percent ground/canopy cover, percent survival, stand density, etc.

Requirements for Seeding – Site Preparation (Remove or edit this section as applicable.)

Site preparation for planting seeds may be accomplished by conventional tillage or no-till seeding methods and conservation tillage equipment, where practicable.
Method of site preparation to be used for treatment unit: / Conventional tillage
If using, conventional tillage, site preparation shall consist of one primary tillage like plowing or ripping, followed by disking where soil conditions permit. Prepare a firm seed bed. All tillage will be on the contour or cross slope to minimize the erosion hazard, unless topography does not permit it and may cause safety concerns. Treat soil quality concerns, such as tillage pans, to prevent exacerbation of existing problems.
Additional conventional tillage site preparation requirements, if any: / None
If using no-till or conservation tillage equipment, site preparation shall consist of the following:

Requirements for Seeding - Planting(Remove or edit this section as applicable.)

Planting of seed may be accomplished by broadcasting or drilling.
Method of seed planting to be used for treatment unit: / Broadcasting
Where seed is broadcast, dragging the area with a chain, or light plank will help to ensure good soil-seed contact.
Depth of seeding depends on seed size, soil moisture and soil texture. Plant seeds deeper when soil moisture is low and shallow when moisture is abundant. Large seeds are generally planted deeper than small seeds. A general recommendation is to plant at a depth equal to four times the diameter of the seed.
Depth of seeding: / ½ inch
Additional seed planting requirements, if any:

Other Measures Needed to Ensure Stand Establishment (Edit this section as applicable.)

Planting Dates
Planting dates shall be scheduled during periods when soil moisture is adequate for germination and/or establishment.
Recommended planting dates by filter strip and species:
Filter strips 1 and 2: Plant after heavy rains.
Soil Amendments
Apply soil amendments (e.g. lime, fertilizer, compost) at rates necessary to insure stand establishment.
All soil amendment application shall follow the requirements in the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) Nutrient Management (590) Standard.
Required soil amendments: (type, rate, timing, application method, etc.):
Based on current soil test, apply N at a rate of 50 lbs. / acre at planting and two weeks after planting. Application method: Via fertilizer spreader attachment on tractor.
Protection of Plantings
Plantings shall be protected from pests (e.g. weeds, insects, diseases, livestock, wildlife) as necessary to ensure stand establishment. All pest control shall follow the requirements in the Field Office Technical Guide (FOTG) Pest Management (595) Standard.
Required weed, insect, and disease measures to protect plantings (method, rate, timing, etc.):
Herbicide will be applied as needed to control weeds during plant establishment.
Required livestock, wildlife, or other pest protection:
Supplemental Water for Plant Establishment
Supplemental irrigation water will be provided to ensure that adequate moisture is available for plant establishment.
Requirements for supplemental irrigation water application (method, amount, timing, etc.):

Operation and Maintenance Requirements (To be carried out after practice installation throughout the life of the practice.)

For the purposes of filtering contaminants, permanent filter strip vegetative plantings shall be harvested as appropriate to encourage dense growth, maintain an upright growth habit and remove nutrients and other contaminants that are contained in the plant tissue.
Control undesired weed species, especially state-listed noxious weeds.
If prescribed burning is used to manage and maintain the filter strip, an approved burn plan must be developed.
Inspect the filter strip after storm events and repair any gullies that have formed, remove unevenly deposited sediment accumulation that will disrupt sheet flow, reseed disturbed areas and take other measures to prevent concentrated flow through the filter strip.
Apply supplemental nutrients as needed to maintain the desired species composition and stand density of the filter strip.
Periodically re-grade and re-establish the filter strip area when sediment deposition at the filter strip-field interface jeopardizes its function. Reestablish the filter strip vegetation in these degraded areas, if needed.
If grazing is used to harvest vegetation from the filter strip, the grazing plan must insure that the integrity and function of the filter strip is not adversely affected.
Site specific and/or additional operation and maintenance requirements:

Practice Location

The practice location is shown on the following document: (“X” below)

X /

On the conservation plan map located in conservation plan file folder.

On another job sketch, drawing, map, photo. Name:

Job Sketch

The following job sketches, drawings, maps, and/or photographs have been prepared to assist with practice implementation, operation and maintenance. Type of information which may be shown includes: layout, plant materials, soil amendments and fertilization, site preparation, and planting method and requirements. (The empty box below may be used to create a job sketch or to insert a job sketch file. Separate job sketch documents should be stapled to this Jobsheet.)

Practice Approvals

This section documents the practice approvals and the client’s acknowledgement of his/her responsibilities.

Job Approval Authority

NRCS policy requires that the practice inventory and evaluation (I&E) data, design, and installation be approved by a NRCS or partner employee with the required Job Approval Authority (JAA) or higher.
Required Job Approval Authority for Practice (Enter Job Class I-V.):
(Refer to Ecological Practice JAA Worksheet) / Required JAA (I-V)

Practice I&E and Design Approvals

Practice Approvals for / Print Name / Signature / Date / JAA of Approver
Inventory and Evaluation* / Bill Technician / Bill Technician / 6/15/09 / II
Design** / Tom Planner / Tom Planner / 7/5/09 / III

*The inventory and evaluation data needed to design the practice is adequate and accurate.

**The practice “design” (job specifications - requirements for installation, operation, and maintenance) as documented in this Jobsheet has been prepared in accordance with the Conservation Practice Standard.

Client’s Acknowledgement (To be completed after practice I&E and design have been approved.)

By signing below, I acknowledge that I:
  • have reviewed this Jobsheet and have an understanding of its contents and requirements;
  • will make no changes to this Jobsheet, without prior concurrence of NRCS;
  • will install, operate, and maintain this practice in accordance with this Jobsheet; and
  • will obtain all necessary permits and/or rights, comply with all ordinances and laws, and notify all utilities pertaining to the installation, operation, and maintenance of the practice.

Print Name / Signature / Date
Bob Farmer / Bob Farmer / 7/10/09

Practice Layout Notes (Description of pre-installation layout assistance (staking and layout, conference, design modification, etc.) provided to the client, if any.)

Description of Assistance Provided:


Conference with farmer to review installation.

Assistance Provided by: / Print Name / Signature / Date
Tom Planner / Tom Planner / 7/15/09

Practice Checkout Notes (Documentation of field check done and/or records obtained from the client to determine the amount installed and actual materials and methods used.)

Amount installed:


30,144 sq. feet

Was the practice installed in accordance with the job specifications in this Jobsheet? If no, how did it differ?



Method of checkout used? (field check and/or records from client)


Field check

Checkout Completed by: / Print Name / Signature / Date
Bill Technician / Bill Technician / 8/1/09

Practice Installation Approval (To be completed after practice checkout.)

Practice Approval for / Print Name / Signature / Date / JAA of Approver
(I – V)
Implementation* / Mike Smith / Mike Smith / 8/15/09 / III

*The practice has been installed in accordance with the job specifications in this Jobsheet, as verified by the practice checkout notes.


October 2009