RP299 vol. 5

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development /
The World Bank

Natural Disaster Risk Management Project (NDRMP)

Cr. 4114-VN

Resettlement action plan

(final RAP)

Subproject: Hong Ngu – Tien River Embankment

Province: Dong Thap

Dong Thap, March 2008

Natural Disaster Mitigation Project Resettlement Action Plan

Hong Ngu - Tien River Embankment Subproject


Definition of terms 43

Chapter I. Introduction 65

1.1. Subproject objectives 65

1.2. Subproject description 65

1.3. Scope of impacts of land acquisition 76

Chapter II: Socioeconomic information 87

2.1. Population 87

2.2. Income 98

2.3. Living conditions 98

Chapter III. Scope of resettlement 1110

3.1. Survey and inventory of PAHs (within the land acquisition area) 1110

3.2. Resettlement impacts analysis: 2019

3.3. Steps undertaken in resettlement and compensation process 2120

Chapter IV: Policy frameworks 2221

4.1. Vietnamese Laws, Decrees, and Circulars 2221

4.2. World Bank Policy on Involuntary Resettlement 2423

Chapter V: Compensation policy 2524

5.1 Main principles of the Subproject 2524

5.2. Classification of PAHs 2625

5.3. Compensation for land 2625

5.4. Compensation policy for houses, architectural works 2726

5.5. Compensation for crops, domestic animals: 2726

5.6. Support policies: 2827

5.7. Special allowance 2928

Chapter VI: Institutional arrangement 3433

6.1. Central Project Office (CPO) 3433

6.2. Provincial Project Management Unit (PMU) 3433

6.3. Provincial People’s Committee (PPC): 3534

6.4. District Resettlement Committee (DRC) in subproject area: 3534

6.5. People's committee at commune level 3635

6.6. Responsibility of Resettlement Committee 3635

Chapter VII: Public Consultation And Grievance Mechanisms 3736

7.1. Objectives of Public Information and Consultation 3736

7.2. Consultation During Subproject’s preparation 3837

7.3. Consultation During Subproject’s Implementation 3938

Chapter VIII: Budget 4443

Chapter IX: Implementation schedule 4544

Chapter X: Rights and obligations of PAPs 4847

10.1. Rights and obligations of relocation PAPs: 4847

10.2. Rights to complaint and complaint redress 4948

Chapter XI. Monitoring 4948

11.1. Internal Monitoring 4948

11.2. External monitoring 5150

Conclusion 5655


Definition of terms

1. Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) is a time-bound action plan with budget setting out resettlement strategy, objectives, actions, responsibilities, monitoring and evaluation.

2. Project Affected Person (PAP) indicates any juridical person being as it may be an individual, a household, a firm or a private or public who, on account of the execution of the Project, or any of its components or sub-projects or parts thereof would have their:

(i)  right, title or interest in any house, or any other fixed or moveable asset acquired or possessed, in full or in part, permanently or temporarily; or

(ii)  business, occupation, work, place of residence or habitat adversely affected; or

(iii)  living conditions adversely affected.

3. Severely Affected Person for this Project is defined as a person who will (a) relocate and/or lose business bases that the remaining area is not economically vital, and/or (b) lose more than 20 percent of total income sources due to the project.

4. Replacement Cost means the cost of replacing lost assets and incomes, including cost of transactions. If structures, the replacement cost is the current fair market price of building materials and require labor cost without depreciation or deductions for salvaged building material or other transaction cost. Market prices will be used for crops, trees and other commodities.

6. Resettlement Effects mean all negative situations directly caused by the Project/subproject, including loss of land, property, income generation opportunity, and cultural assets.

7. Relocation means the physical relocation of an AP from her/his pre-Project place of residence.

8. Rehabilitation means the process to restore income earning capacity, production levels and living standards in a long term. Rehabilitation measures are presented in list of entitlements and are deemed to be an integral part of the entitlement for compensation.

9. Compensation means payment in cash or in kind to replace losses of land, housing, income and other assets caused by a project.

Chapter I. Introduction

1.1. Subproject objectives

- Building up riverbank protection works on Tien river to protect life of residential areas in Tien river and Hong Ngu town;

- Maintaining the present river profile in order to keep the flow smoothly and facilitate ships and boats passing through conveniently;

- Creating a good environmental view in along Hong Ngu canal and Tien river bank, Hong Ngu – Vinh Hung canal embankment around Hong Ngu town, creating a corridor to prevent people encroaching to live on river edges, and contributing to improve the livelihoods, economic, cultural and tourism development in order to meet the target to shift Hong Ngu to a boundary town in 2008.

1.2. Subproject description

i. Subproject location

Hong Ngu river bank protection works is designed to encompass Hong Ngu district town, in Hong Ngu district which locates close to Tien river, about 67 km from Vietnam – Cambodia national border to the north and about 60 km from Cao Lanh town (provincial town of Dong Thap province) to the south along the national road no. 30, and close to Tien river. This is a boundary district in the north of Dong Thap province, it is close to Tan Chau district of An Giang province to the west, and close to Tan Hong and Tam Nong districts of An Giang province to the east and the south respectively.

The Hong Ngu river bank protection works bounds entirely Hong Ngu town on an area of 4.76km2 comprising of 5 villages, Hong Ngu town, Office of District People’s Committee, and South Hong Ngu urban area in 171 ha.

ii. Topographic conditions

Hong Ngu town locates on the left side of Tien river and is divided into two parts by Hong Ngu – Vinh Hung canal, the largest canal alignment of Dong Thap Muoi area in East - west direction. Northern part is the economic and commercial center on an area of nearly 80 ha which is covered with rivers, canals on the averaged elevation at +4.0m. After the flood in 1991 and strong erosion in 1992, this region was protected with an enclosed flood embankment at elev. +5.0.

The Southern part is the administrative center, including District Party’s Committee, District People’s Committee, and other public works such as hospital, schools. This area is at lower elev. (+3.50) but it is protected with National Road No.30, and the direction of road is to the South of Hong Ngu – Vinh Hung canal.

The town has 5 km long Tien river, particularly in the Northern part where about 2 km is strongly eroded because it is in concave part of Tien river. Along Hong Ngu canal is at risk of erosion and endangered because the canal bed is eroded deeply and canal banks are vertically steep.

The town is an important transportation point, both roadway and waterway, to facilitate the economic and cultural exchanges of districts in Dong Thap Muoi and other neighbour provinces such as An Giang and Long An, particularly with the neighbour country – Cambodia.

1.3. Scope of impacts of land acquisition

Total length of riverbank protection works: L = 3,060m and divides into 3 sections:

1  Section I (from Nha May canal to Hong Ngu bridge): L1 = 1,480m

2  Section II (Bo Dong resettlement area to Hong Ngu bridge): L2 = 780m,

3  Section Iii (District People’s Committee office to Tien river): L3 = 800m.

The Tien river bank protection works in Hong Ngu town has a total length of 3.060m, and the construction will affect 677 HHs (including 529 relocation HHs).

Chapter II: Socio - economic information

2.1. Population

The resettlement plan is prepared based on the survey and data collected from 100% of PAHs about the socioeconomic condition, population, level of impacts by the subproject to each HH. The Center for riverbank engineering consultancy coordinated with Hong Ngu DPC to carry out the survey from July to August 2007, and supplementary survey on March 2008. Total PAHs are 677 with 3,043 people. All PAHs in survey are in Kinh group. No ethnic minority is encountered. On average, the size of surveyed HH is 4.6 person/HH. In composition of PAH owner, male-led PAHs dominate, and only 19 PAHs are led by female. The averaged age of PAH owners is 40 and their education level is at 7/12.

Table 2.1: Population characteristics in surveyed PAHs

Size of PAH / Ethnic minorities (%) / Gender proportion
Total population / Size (person/HH) / Kinh / Other / Male / Female
677 / 3043 / 4,6 / 100 / 0 / 50.4 / 49.6

Table 2.2: Characteristics of surveyed PAHs owners

Number of PAHs / Gender of PAH owner / Average age / Education level
Male-led PAHs (%)
677 / 97.2 / 40 / 7/12

2.2. Income

Table 2.3: Characteristics of jobs of surveyed PAHs

Job / Trade / Hire-labour / Farming
(%) / 78 / 9 / 13

78% of HHs do trading (528 HHs), of that 334 HHs do business at home (making up 63.3% of total trade HHs).

Based on Decision No. 170/2005/QD-TTg dated July 8th 2005, in accordance with the assessment of poverty and close-to-poverty carried out in the locality, the economic survey of PAHs dominating with small trade and hire-labour with the averaged income of 400,000 VND/person/month, there are a total of 126 PAHs in group of poverty and close to poverty (averaged income of poor PAHs is ≤ 260,000 VND/person/month, and of close to poor PAHs varies from 260,000 to 280,000 VND/person/month). 9 PAHs are in policy welfare.

Table 2.4: Characteristics of surveyed PAHs

Number of HHs / Poor and close-to poor HHs / HHs receiving social assistance
677 / 126 / 9

2.3. Living conditions

The affected area locates on Tien riverbank that is characterized as intensive population density and very insanitation. Most of domestic wastes are discharged directly to the river. Houses of people mainly rest on bamboo or timber foundations and are temporary. There is a 6 m wide macadam road in good condition. The area has access to electricity. Social infrastructures are sufficient with schools, hospitals that are equipped with modern facilities. The living conditions of PAHs are described in Table below.

Table 2.5: Summary of living conditions of HHs (% of total surveyed HHs)

Illuminating system / Domestic water supply / Sanitation facility
Electricity / Other energy / Tap-water / River water / Other source / With latrine / No latrine
100 / 0 / 50.7 / 49.3 / 0 / 3.7 / 96.3

Sources of materials for preparing the land acquisition and resettlement report:

1.  Questionnaires to representative HHs in areas affected by the subproject

2  Investment project report and preliminary design report

3  Planning of Hong Ngu town up to year 2010

4  Brief report No. 126/BC-UBND dated June 29th 2007 by Hong Ngu DPC about resettlement and transportation status on Tien river, Hong Ngu canal and So Thuong river.

5  Hydrological document on annual peak floods measured at Tan Chau, Hong Ngu, Tram Chi, Cao Lanh, My An, and Dong Thap stations that is corrected with elevation.

6  Detailed land-use planning report up to year 2010, and detailed land-use plan up to 2010 of Hong Ngu town in Hong Ngu district, Dong Thap province.

7  Yearbooks of Hong Ngu district in 2004, 2005, 2006

8  Report on construction of flood emergency rehabilitation infrastructure.

9  Resettlement Policy Framework of NDRMP

Chapter III. Scope of resettlement

3.1. Survey and inventory of PAHs (within the land acquisition area)

i. Scope of subproject

Total length of riverbank protection works: L = 3,060m and divides into 3 sections:

1.  Section I (from Nha May canal to Hong Ngu bridge): L1 = 1,480m

2.  Section II (Bo Dong resettlement area to Hong Ngu bridge): L2 = 780m,

3.  Section Iii (District People’s Committee office to Tien river): L3 = 800m.

The Tien river bank protection works in Hong Ngu town has a total length of 3.060m. The resettlement plan of this subproject is prepared as below.

1.  Total PAHs: 677 (comprising of 529 relocation PAHs and 148 marginal PAHs).

2.  Location of resettlement areas:

Relocation PAHs living in section from Nha May canal bridge to Hau canal (section 1 on Ly Thuong Kiet and Nguyen Van Troi roads), total 282 HHs and these PAHs are to move to Binh Hung residential cluster.

Relocation PHAs living in area from Khoi Van to Tien riverbank (Section 2 on Tran Phu road) comprise of 152 HHs to be relocated in Binh Hung residential cluster and 95 HHs to be relocated in An Loc residential cluster.

Resettlement area: 35,947.8 m2.

-  Binh Hung residential cluster: 29,164.8 m2 (enables to receive 434 HHs)

-  An Loc residential cluster: 6,783 m2 (enables to receive 95 HHs)

Three roads that are affected by the subprojects: Ly Thuong Kiet, Tran Phu and Nguyen Van Troi have 31,961.67 m2 affected.

-  Ly Thuong Kiet road: 13,357.82 m2

-  Tran Phu road: 16,303.95 m2

-  Nguyen Van Troi road: 2,299.9 m2

Table 3.1: Summary of land acquisition and impacts by the project

Location / Impacts to PAHs / Total affected
Marginal PAHs (not affected houses) / Relocation PAHs / PAHs losing agricultural land (<20%) / PAHs losing agricultural land (≥20%) / PAHs / PAPs
Hong Ngu town / 148 / 529 / 0 / 0 / 677 / 3043
PAPs are calculated based on the averaged size of HHs
Source: Damage inventory in September 2007

(ii) Houses, architectural structures affected

Table 3.2: Summary of houses, architectural structures affected

Nr / House, architectural structure / Unit / Quantity
1 / House, grade 3 / house / 7
2 / House, grade 4 / house / 606
3 / Cantina / house / 1
4 / Storage / house / 8
5 / Tent / Tent / 44
6 / Kitchen / unit / 127
7 / Cowshed / shed / 2
8 / Hen-shed / shed / 3
9 / Pig-shed / shed / 69
10 / Trionychid turtle raising pond / pond / 1
11 / Fishing pond / pond / 3
12 / Parterre, water fountain / unit / 4

(iii) Trees to be affected

The subproject affects some plants, trees, mainly fruit trees and timber trees.

Table3.3: Summary of trees to be affected (timber trees)

Nr / Name of timber tree / Unit / Quantity
1 / Eucalyptus / Ø≤4cm / tree / 548
Ø=5cm / tree / 249
Ø=6cm / tree / 5
Ø=7cm / tree / 101
Ø=8cm / tree / 10
Ø≥10cm / tree / 266
2 / Bàn* / Ø≥10cm / m3 / 1.5
3 / Bàng* / m3 / 9.0062
4 / Chăm* / m3 / 0.942
5 / Cồng* / m3 / 364.192
6 / Điệp* / m3 / 3.8086
7 / Gáo* / m3 / 16.8426
8 / Gòn* / m3 / 17.8668
9 / Me nước* / m3 / 17.6468
10 / Phượng* / m3 / 0.4239
11 / Trứng cá* / m3 / 78.1599

Note: *: English name is unknown