Institute of Neuroscience and fysiology /
Instructions for chemical and hazardous waste /
2010 /
ritgra /
[Pick the date] /
Rtia Grandér, /


How handle hazardous waste

What is included in chemical waste and Hazardous waste

Chemical waste

Hazardous waste “riskavfall”

How to do the packaging

Chemical waste

Hazardous waste “riskavfall”

How to fill in the label containing one single chemical

How to fill in the label containing a mixture of chemicals

Dictionary for “Farligt avfall” labels


How to fill in the label Riskavfall (Hazardous waste)

Dictionary for “Riskavfall” labels

How handle hazardous waste

All packing containing chemical and hazardous waste is to be sealed properly.

White labels are in paper holders on the wall above the table in the trash room “AVFALLSRUM” (room no: 0416B) on K floor.

Fill in all the data on the white label. See instructions on the following pages, under the headline: How to fill in the label.

Make a copy of the white label and give or send it by the internal post to Rita. Adress: Rita Grandér, CBRMedecinaregatan 11

Apply the white label to the packing, containing chemical or hazardous waste.

Bring the waste to floor K, to the storage room for chemical, hazardous and biological waste. The door is labeled “AVFALLSRUM”.

The trash facility is divided in three rooms, 0416B, 0416C and 0416D. The cupboards in the right room (0416D) are marked where to put the different chemicals. The door in to room 0416D is labeled chemical waste, with a yellow sign.

Put the chemical waste on correct shelf. The shelves inside the cupboards are marked were to put different waste.

The left room (0416C) is for Hazardous waste, used vials from scintillations, Bases and acids. The door in to room 0416C is labeled Hazardous waste, with a yellow sign.

If there are any questions, please contact:


Tel: 786 33 29

What is included in chemical waste andHazardous waste

Chemical waste

All inorganic, organic chemicals and solutions.

Hazardous waste “riskavfall”

Biological waste

Hazardous sharps


Infectious items

Genetically modified waste


Radioactive chemicals or items

How to do the packaging

Chemical waste

For solutions:

use a durable container. Smaller volumes of chemical waste can put together in a carbon box or other approved packing.
Mark the packing with the white label for chemical waste.

For solid waste:

Pipette tips, plastic tubes and other equipment that have been contaminated with hazardous chemicals shall be handled as the solutions.

One single small container with chemical disposal

Put the container in a brown paper bag. The bags are available in two sizes and be find on the table in room 0416B. Label the bag and put it at the specific in one of the cupboards.

Hazardous waste “riskavfall”

Use the brown card board boxes marked “Riskavfall” on the yellow boarder.

The boxes should have a plastic bag inside. Boxes should not be filled up to more than 75% to be able to seal them properly.

How to fill in the label containing one single chemical

Ex. Formamide for disposal

a) Write “Formamide” on the line for “ Avfall”, disposal.

It is not needed to fill in information for UN-nr or Grupp.

b) Write your name and Institute you belong to on the line for “Avlämnare/Inst”. sender/Institute.

c) Don´t forget to write the date.

d) And your signature.

How to fill in the label containing a mixture of chemicals

Ex. Nickelchloride/ DAB for disposal

a) Write “VätskeblandninginnehållandeNickelkloridoch DAB” on the first line for

“Avfall”, disposal.

It is not needed to fill in information for UN-nr or Grupp.

b) Write your name and Institute you belong to on the line for

“Avlämnare/Inst”, sender/Institute.

c) Don´t forget to write the date.

d) And your signature.

Dictionary for “Farligt avfall” labels

Swedish / English
Farligtavfall / Hazardous waste
Avfall / disposal
Avlämnareuppgifter / Sender information
Avlämnare / Sender
Institution / Institute
Datum / Date


Following websites gives you information about your chemical/ chemicals from their safety sheets.

You can also contact Rita Grandér by phone (786 33 29) or e-mail()




How to fill in the labelRiskavfall (Hazardous waste)

Ex. One container with hazardous sharps (skärande/stickande)

a) Tick in the box for “skärande/stickande”.

b) write in your Institute and unit under “Institution/avdelning”.

c) Write in Medicinaregatan 11, Box 432 under “Adress”.

d) Write your name and signature under “Avsändare/Signatur”.

e) Write your telephone number in the box for “Telefon”.

Dictionary for “Riskavfall” labels

Swedish / English
Biologiskt / Biological
Skärande/stickande / Hazardoussharps
Läkemedel / Pharmaceuticals
Smittförande / Infectious items
Genetisktmodifierade / Genetically modified
Mikroorganismer / Micro-organism
Institution/Avdelning / Institute/Department
Adress / Adress
Telefon / Telephone
Datum / Date
Avsändare/Signatur / Sender/Signature