/ National Weather Museum Science Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd,
Norman, OK 73072

National Weather Museum and Science Center

Annual Meeting Minutes
January 30, 2013


The Annual meeting of the National Weather Museum and Science Center was called to order at 17:03 on January 29, 2013 in the National Weather Center room 1350 by Robert Staples, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Board Members Present: (9)

Meg Carr, Kelvin Droegemeier, Doug Forsyth, Jeff Kimpel, Stephan Koranda, David Hopper, Bob Staples, KeliPirtle, and Chuck Thompson.

Members Present: (5)

Ross Forsyth, Chris Sohl, Ric Adams, Kay Pirtle, and Rodger Brown

Guests: 0

Total of 14

A.Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were unanimously approved as read.

B. Treasurers Report

Chuck Thompson, Treasurer provided the treasurer’s report. As of December 31, 2012, Total Assets were $70,961.76 with $57,958.97 restricted for the Traveling Museum and $500 restricted for the T-28 project. Our net income was $4,766.62with unrestricted Net assets of $7,736.17. Looking at the Profit and Loss statement, our total income for this year has been $6,020.00, with expenses of $1,253.38 that included bank charges ($198.70), Computer and Software($799.40), and Supplies ($17.27). The bank charges are due e-commerce of collecting dues via a credit card. We thank Republic Bank for providing the NWMSC free banking services.

The Treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.

C.Committee Reports

Publicity – Tarp

A booth was setup at the National Weather Festival. Those helping were Carr, Forsyth, Kimpel, Hopper, and Staples. Had many visitors to the booth that displayed some of our artifacts and old photos. We obtained one new membership at the booth. Next NWF is November 2, 2013

Set up a table at the opening of the IMAX film “Tornado Alley” at the Oklahoma Science Center to promote the Museum on March 9th and 10th, 2012.

Plan to have a booth set up for the National Tornado Symposium at the Cox’s Center in March.

Fund Raising – Hopper

A grant for $25K was provided by e Chickasaw.

Both formal and informal proposals were presented to Devon and Sandridge respectively and both were unsuccessful.

David reported that he received the matching funds for the Norman Schools outreach effort last year.

David is working on a Sharky’s Foundation grant for $10,000. In the process, he found out that we needed to register with the State of Oklahoma as a fund raising organization.

David has presented a proposal to WDT for $10,000 and is waiting on a response.

David is also working on proposals to OGE and OEC.

Funds raised so far for the Traveling Museum equal $57,458.97.

Facilities – Forsyth

Forsyth, George and Staples visited several trailer manufactures to see about what is available for putting together our fifth wheel for a traveling museum. Manufactures would like to see more detailed drawings. Forsyth is working on the drawings.

Staples has been inquiring into possible “store front” locations. Staples and Forsyth visited a potential location, but would need an operational grant before anything else can be done.

Membership – Carr

Membership is at 138 with 6 corporate members and 18 life-time memberships.A membership drive was held resulting in several new members. A spring membership drive is being planned. If you received a letter from us this year, we would certainly like to have your email address, if you have one.

Governance – Staples

Looking for one new board members and Board members who what to be officers in the NWMSC.

D.Nomination of Class of 2015 Board of Trustees

The following slate was presented with all members being elected for another four year term:

Kelvin Droegemeier,William (Randy) George, J.T. Johnson, and James Kimpel for the class of 2016. Stephen Koranda was elected to the class of 2013.

One member did not elect to be considered for a second term, Don Sherman. The chair thanked him for his service to the museum. This leaves one open position on the Board of Trustees in the Class of 2016. The Governance Committee is addressing this opening.

The Current Board of Trustees and Officers were presented to the members.

E.Previous Accomplishments

The following accomplishments were reported on:

  1. Established:November 5, 2007
  2. IRS 501(c)3:December 15, 2008 with thanks to Karen Rieger
  3. T-28 Arrived:January 28, 2009 with thanks to Mike Humphreys (note: Mike passed away in 2012) for the Hanger Space
  4. Donor number program
  5. 2009 -P.O. Box 6222
  6. 2010
  7. Logo:– With thanks to KeliPirtle for developing.
  8. Web Site:– Myweathermuseum.org with thanks to Kevin Kloesel for domain names
  9. Fund Raising for Traveling Museum – Thanks to David Hopper
  10. 2011
  11. Promotional Video produced
  12. Norman Public Schools Outreach – Thanks to David Hopper, Kevin Kloesel, OU Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society (OU SCAMS) and Reed Timmer.
  13. E-commerce membership payments
  14. Create a conceptual drawing of the NWMSC Building
  15. Worked with DrsFilpot and Pilat in OU School of Architecture. Both classes provided designs of the NWMSC Building. A win-win for us all.
  16. Fundraising for the Traveling Museum – Have raised approximately $33,000

F. Looking Back at 2012 Goals

The following 2012 goals were reviewed and discussed:

  1. We again worked with DrsFilpot and Pilat and have some new designs for us to consider.
  2. Continued fundraising for the Traveling Museum - $100,000 needed to design & build fifth-wheel trailer exhibit
  3. Design continues to be modified
  4. Electrical requirements being evaluated
  5. $57,459 raised
  6. We did not acquire a “money tornado” to collect donations. Probably have the funds to complete this in FY13
  7. Did not start fund raising for marketing, feasibility and preliminary design studies for permanent facility
  8. Did not obtain a temporary “Store Front” for some of our exhibits
  9. Did not obtain space for the “Magic School Bus” exhibit
  10. Did not perform further investigation of a “weather trail” – Project is tabled until we find a more permanent location
  11. We did not establish an ex-officio Board
  12. We did purchase a printer (HP Officejet Pro 8600 Plus) for the NWMSC
  13. We did purchase a Laser Thermometer and a hand held Anemometer for demonstration purposes.
  14. Participated in the National Weather Festival
  15. Obtained additional storage for Artifacts from OU. Thanks to Kelvin Droegemeier.
  16. Hopper and Forsyth visited the Cleveland County Museum

G.Goals for 2013

The following goals were presented for 2013:

  1. Improve the Web site content
  2. Add more content
  3. Members only page with Financials and Minutes of meetings, etc.
  4. A membership year to E-Commerce page
  5. Establish an ex-officio Board
  6. Double our Membership- 275 members by next December – Need everyone’s help to accomplish this
  7. Finish raising the $100K for the Traveling Museum
  8. Start raising funding for marketing, feasibility and preliminary design studies for the permanent facility
  9. Get a grant ($250K) to support a “Store Front” for five years at $50K per year.
  10. Acquire a “money tornado” to collect donations
  11. Start building the Traveling Museum
  12. Create mutual beneficial partnerships
  13. Join Oklahoma Museums Association
  14. Continue to participate in the National Weather Festival and participate in one other event
  15. Develop a Facebook page and a Twitter account for the museum.

H.Open Discussion

The following items were discussed:

Hopper asked about the exchange exhibit with the Oklahoma History Center. Pirtle and Kloesel are working on the National Weather Center as a replacement for the next two years.

Forsyth announced that he again hopes to work half-time on the Museum.


Meeting was adjourned at 17:41 by Robert Staples, Chairman. The next Annual meeting will be at 17:30 on January 28, 2014 in NWC room 1350.

Minutes submitted by:Douglas Forsyth, Secretary

Approved by:Robert Staples, Chairman