Your Name ______

Reading Guide: Challenges in Adolescence

Directions: Using the textbook beginning on page 135, answer the reading guide with enough detail to help you on a test!

I. Teenage Sexual Behavior

a.Although many societies permit or even encourage premarital sexual activity, in Western countries, what are the origins of our stricter norms?


b.In the 1960’s and 1970’s, what were the three main developments that led to the “sexual revolution”?




c.Rate of Teenage Sexual Activity

1.______% of unmarried American females between ages of ____ and ____ were sexually active in 1970. By ______, this same category increase to ______%

2.In 1970 there were ______births per 1,000 unmarried teenage females. By 1996, this rate had risen to _____ per 1,000.

3.The book states that American teenagers have teen pregnancy rates are higher than most industrialized countries. In your opinion, why is this?


Influences on Early Sexual Activity: list 3 factors that can lead to increase early sexual activity:

4.Consequences of Early Sexual Activity: read this section and summarize each of the 6 bullet points in FIVE WORDS OR LESS on the back page:

  1. .
  2. .
  3. .
  4. .
  5. .
  6. .

5.Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  1. _____ million American teenagers contract a sexually transmitted disease every year.
  2. _____ % of new HIV infections occur among people under the age of 25.

6.IN your opinion, what might be some reasons behind the statistic that 25% of all sexually transmitted diseases occur in the age group of 15-19 years old?


Reading Guide: Challenges in Adolescence

Directions: Using the textbook beginning on page 137, answer the reading guide with enough detail to help you on a test!

Teenage Drug Use

  1. What is the definition of a drug, according to the textbook reading?

Using the reading and the table at the bottom of page 138 to answer the following questions? (note this table does not include the 11% of teens that do not graduate from high school, who typically have higher rates of drug use)

1.What is the most widely used drug among high school seniors today? ______

2.What is the most widely used illegal drug among high school seniors today? ______

3.What is the second most widely used drug among high school seniors today? ______

4.What is the second most widely used illegal drug among high school seniors today? ______

  1. The book states that American teenagers have one of the highest rates of drug use than other industrialized countries. In your opinion, why might this be?
  1. On page 140, what are the top 3 factors that influence the likelihood a teenager will use drugs?




  1. After reading the section about teenagers attitude towards drug use, write one sentence summarizing how teenagers’ views on marijuana and cigarettes has changed since the 1970’s.

Viewing Guide “Intervention”

If you miss class, you can watch this episode online at

  1. What drugs is Kaylene addicted to? ______
  2. How old is she? ______
  3. How long has she been addicted? ______
  4. Why does she say she takes these pain pills?
  1. How does she get the money for these drugs?
  1. As you watch, label and listat least 4 different socializationagentsfrom her childhood and/or early adolescence that contributed toKaylene’sdrug use. (choose from: family, school, peers, culture, mass media)
  1. Why is a rehabilitiation clinic for Kaylene an important part of re-socialization? What types of ways should they attempt to re-socialize her?

Reading Guide: Challenges in Adolescence

Directions: Using the textbook beginning on page 141, answer the reading guide with enough detail to help you on a test!

Teenage Suicide

  1. Why do some people believe the suicide rate is actually higher than most studies show?
  1. In 1999, ______percent of high school students reported that they had attempted suicide. Almost ______percent said they had seriously considered it.
  2. What was the focus of sociologist Emile Durkheim’s study about suicide?
  1. Define “social integration” in your own words:
  1. In America, are most suicides caused by high or low levels of social integration? ______
  2. After reading the second paragraph of the section “Predictors of Teenage Suicide”, list at least 2 reasons why teenagers are especially at risk for suicide.
  1. For the following predictors below, summarize the groups at most risk of suicide:

Alcohol and Drug Use



Population density

Family relations

Cluster effect: