National Tribal Toxics Council
Monthly Meeting Agenda – October 17, 2017

8–9:30 AM Alaska / 9–10:30 AM Pacific / 10–11:30 AM Mountain / 11 AM–12:30 PM Central / 12–1:30 PM Eastern

Adobe Connect:

Call-in number: 1-641-715-3296

Conference code: 168931#

è  Please mute your phones when not speaking to reduce background noise. If your phone doesn’t have a mute feature, press *6 to mute, then *6 to unmute.


NTTC Members

Ö Dianne Barton (Chair) / Susan Hanson / Rebecca Stevens (Alt)
Clifford Banuelos (Rep. from / Gary Hay / Laurie Suter
National Tribal Caucus) / Russell Hepfer / Sharri Venno (Alt. Rep. from
Fred Corey (Co-Chair) / Jolene Keplin / National Tribal Caucus)
Suzanne Fluharty / Shavonne Smith / Kelly Wright (Alt)

NTTC Ex-Officio Members

Jubin Cheruvelil
(Michigan State Univ) / BJ Howerton
(BIA DECRM Chief) / Doug Stevens
(Salish Kootenai College)

EPA Representatives

Acting Deputy Director for Management and Pollution Prevention / Vickie Richardson / Irina Myers
Amanda Hauff
Lindsay Moose
(Acting Branch Chief)
Zender Environmental / Ö Lynn Zender / Ö Kristin K’eit

Agenda Items

1.  Roll Call NTTC Members

2.  OPPT Updates – Irina (5 minutes)

3.  DC Meeting Agenda – Discuss Draft and finalize requested EPA topics, Everyone (20 minutes)

4.  EPA Draft Strategic Plan – Discussion for drafting NTTC comments, due Oct. 31 (10 minutes)

5.  Finalize NTTC Letter to EPA Administrator – NTTC Members (10 minutes)

6.  Review NTC Meeting with Administrator – Russ and Fred summarize (10 minutes)

7.  Update from Lead Subgroup – Dianne and Amanda (10 minutes)

8.  Tribal Risk Assessment Forum on Toxics – Discuss vision and goals, NTTC Members (10 minutes)

9.  NTTC members’ regional reports and outreach opportunities (5 minutes)

10.  Looking ahead:

11.  Adjourn


Next Monthly Meeting (3rd Tuesday of each month) – November 15, 2017, 9:00am-10:30am PST