•Describe what needs to be done
The Turnkey team will perform the professional services and construction work
- Professional services :
Stage 1: Inception
- Appraise and report on the client's requirements with regard to o the client's brief.
- The site and rights and constraints;
- Budgetary constraints;
- The need for consultants;
- Project programme; and
- Methods of contracting.
Stage 2: Concept and viability (concept design)
- Prepare an initial design and advise on the intended space provisions and planning relationships;
- Proposed materials and intended building services;
- The technical and functional characteristics of the design.
- Check for conformity of the concept with the rights to the use of the land.
- Review the anticipated costs of the project.
- Review the project programme.
Stage 3: Design development
- Confirm the scope and complexity.
- Review the design, and
- Consult with local and statutory authorities.
- Develop the design, construction system, materials and components.
- Incorporate and co-ordinate all services and the work of consultants.
- Review the design, costing and programme with the consultants.
Stage 4: Documentation and procurement
- Prepare documentation required for local authority submission:
- Co-ordinate technical documentation with the consultants and complete primary co-ordination.
- Prepare specifications for the works.
- Review the costing and programme with the consultants. Obtain the client's authority
- Submit documents for approval.
- Complete construction documentation and proceed to call for tenders:
- Obtain the client's authority to prepare documents for to procuring offers for the execution of the works.
- Obtain offers for the execution of the works.
- Evaluate offers where requested
- Recommend on awarding the building contract.
- Prepare the contract documentation,
- Arrange the signing of the building contract.
Stage 5: Construction
- Administer the building contract.
- Give possession of the site to the contractor.
- Issue construction documentation. Initiate and/or check sub-contract design and documentation that are appropriate.
- Inspect the works for conformity to the contract documentation and acceptable quality in terms of industry standards.
- Administer and perform the duties and obligations assigned to the principal agent in the JBCC building contract, or fulfil the obligations provided for in other forms of the contract.
- Issue the certificate of practical completion.
- Assist the client in obtaining the occupation certificate.
Stage 6: Close-out
- Facilitate the project close-out including the preparation of the necessary documentation to effect completion, handover and operation of the project.
- When the contractor's obligations with respect to the building contract have been fulfilled, the architectural professional shall issue the certificates related to contract completion.
- Provide the client with as-built drawings and relevant technical and contractual undertakings by the contractor and sub-contractors.
Construction work :
- Construction of a new station building with following amenities:
- Admin and Ticket offices
- Store rooms
- Staff office
- Refurbish relay room
- New perimeter fence
- And resurfacing of the platform
- Refurbishment of the bridge
NOTE: The Technical or Functionality criteria must be guided by the project scope of works and area of focus.
Scoring of Functionality:
Responsive tenders will firstly be evaluated on functionality. The minimum score for functionality is 70% and a bidder who scores below this minimum shall not be considered for further evaluation in terms of the preference point systems.
Evaluation of Multi-Disciplinary Built Environment Professional TeamCRITERIA / SUB-CRITERIA / SCORING / MAXIMUM POINTS
Track Record of Tenderer on similar type and sizes ( or more ) of projects previously executed
/ Points allocated for track record of similar type and scale of previous projects executed by tenderer in consideration: any of the following
Appointment letter from client.
Final Account
Close Out letter
Practical Completion certificates
Similar Type – General Building equal or exceeding grade 7 or similar / 5 = proof of 5 projects and above
4 = Proof of 4 Projects
3 = Proof of 3 Projects
2 = Proof of 2 Projects
1 = Proof of 0-1 Projects / 25
Qualifications and Competencies of Key Staff / Points allocated for qualifications and professional registration for each professional, Design, Engineering, and Technical Category.
1. Certified qualifications 2. Certified professional registration 3. CV
B Degree (B Tech or B Eng.) plus 10 years of Experience and above ( extra year for Diploma )
B Degree (B Tech or B Eng.) plus 8 years of Experience and above ( extra year for Diploma )
B Degree (B Tech or B Eng.) plus 6 years of Experience and above ( extra year for Diploma )
B Degree (B Tech or B Eng.) plus 4 years of Experience and above ( extra year for Diploma )
B Degree (B Tech or B Eng.) plus 2 years of Experience and above ( extra year for Diploma ) / 5-Professionally Registered personnel for all categories ( Evidence is CV + certified Proof of Qualifications + certified Proof of Professional registration) with SACPCMP and/or SACQSP and/or ECSA and/or SACAP or similar endorsed in RSA
4-Professionally for all categories un-Registered personnel with minimum of Bachelor's Degree in the built environment ( CV + Certified Proof of Qualifications )
3-Professionally for all categories un-Registered personnel with National Diploma in the built environment (CV + Certified Proof of Qualifications)
2-Professionally for all categories un-Registered personnel with Certificate in the built environment (CV + Certified Proof of Qualifications)
1-No relevant qualifications in the built environment / 15
Approach and Methodology / Points allocated for submission of Methodology that is detailed , project specific and have milestones / 5-Submission of approach and methodology plus 1. Detailed 2. Project Specific 3. Milestones
4-Submission of approach and methodology plus 1. Detailed and any 1 of 2. Project Specific or 3. Milestones
3-Submission of approach and methodology plus any 2 of the three requirements met 1. Detailed 2. Project Specific or 3. Milestones
2-Submission of approach and methodology plus any of 1. Detailed 2. Project Specific or 3. Milestones
1-Submission of 1 requirement / 10
Professional Team Sub-Total / 50
Main Building Construction Evaluation (7GB and higher)
Organisational Experience Projects)
/ At least a minimum of 5 completed projects of similar nature with contactable reference. Any of the following :
Attach letters of Appointment and/or Completion Certificates
Similar Type – Office Blocks, Tenant Installation, Houses, Building Refurbishments, Building Renovation, each project exceeding equal or exceeding grade 7 / 5 = proof of 5 projects and above
4 = Proof of 4 Projects
3 = Proof of 3 Projects
2 = Proof of 2 Projects
1 = Proof of 0-1 Projects / 20
Experience key staff (assigned site personnel) in relation to the scope of work / Submit proof of :
- At least one registered professional or Candidate Construction Manager with 5 year experience with CVs and qualifications
- Supporting Site personnel – Lower Qualifications such as National Diploma, N3-N6 Certificates, Trade qualifications (Relevant to Construction Projects)
4 = CV with qualifications, National Diploma Professional Registration supported by lower qualification including trades qualifications
3 = CV with qualifications, National Diploma supported by lower qualifications including trades qualifications
2 = CV with qualifications, N3-N6 including trade qualification
1 = In adequate qualifications and experience (CV only) (No Professional Registration and no Trade qualification) / 15
Health and Safety Report /
- Provide a competent Safety Officer with a minimum of 3 years industry experience and registered with the SACPCMP(Attach CV and qualifications)
- Provide a valid Workman’s compensation registration certificate
4 = 1,2,3 without the registrationwith the SACPCMP
3 =Provision of item 1 and 2, without 3.
2 = Provision of 2 and 3 without 1
1 = Provision of only 1 requirement / 15
Construction Team Sub-Total / 50
TOTAL / 100
Bidders must achieve at least 70% within the technical evaluation.
Bidders who do not achieve the 70% threshold on technical evaluation will be automatically disqualified.
Pricing Evaluation: Only Bidders who have achieved the 70% threshold for Technical evaluation will be evaluated for the Price component which is 80% of the Evaluation Criteria.
A maximum of 80 points is allocated for price. The evaluation for price will be done based on the following formula:
PS = Points scored for price of tender under consideration
Pt = Rand value of offer tender consideration
Pmin = Rand value of lowest acceptable tender
BEE Evaluation: The BBBEE component of evaluation is weighted at 20% of the evaluation criteria.
BBBEE Status Level of Contributor / Number of Points1 / 20
2 / 18
3 / 14
4 / 12
5 / 8
6 / 6
7 / 4
8 / 2
Non-complaint contributor / 0
- Compliance Requirement
a)Valid Tax Clearance Certificate (Tenderers shall be registered and in good standing with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) and shall submit documentary evidence in the form of an original valid Tax Clearance (or PIN).
b)Certified Valid BBBEE Certificate from a SANAS accredited rating agency
c)Completed and signed Bid Forms of PRASA with all the annexures thereto;
d)Certificate for Attendance of Compulsory Briefing Session;
e)Company Registration Documents;
f)Valid Letter of Good Standing (i.e. COID);
g)Joint Venture or Consortium Agreement (whichever is applicable);
h)Proof of UIF registration
i)CSD/Treasury registration. (If not attached verification must be done on CSD).
j)Professional indemnity of lead consultant minimum of (R5 million) cover.
k)Professional registration with;
•Architectural Professional (SACAP)
•Quantity Surveying Professional (SACQSP)
•Civil and Structural EngineeringProfessional (ECSA)
•Electrical & Structural Engineering Professional (ECSA)
•Project Manager (SACPCMP)
Note: In the case of a Consortium/Joint Venture each member must submit a separate above required compliance documents.
- Certified Joint BBBEE Certificate, failure to submit, bidders will forfeit the BBBEE points.
- SDB 4 must be signed by all the members of the Joint Venture or Consortium.
- Joint Venture or Consortium Agreement must be signed by all parties
- Security screening form (form H) must be signed by all parties.
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