National Psychology Conference

(9th– 10th February, 2016)

Call for Abstracts

Psychology Association of Zambia (PAZ)was formed to protect the professionals, to establish and maintain the highest standards of ethics, conduct and contribute to lifelong education of psychologists. The Association comprisesmembers in the various fields of Psychology and related fields. It was registered with Registrar of Societies on 14th March, 2014 and was officially launched on 16th December, 2014.

PAZ will be holding a National Psychology Conference on 9thand 10thFebruary, 2017in Lusaka. The theme for the conference is ‘Everyday Psychology’. Practitioners, Academicians, Researchers, Social Workers, Teachers, HR Practitioners, Students and NGO personnel are encouraged to submit abstracts on any topic related to human behavior in everyday life. Abstracts will be considered for oral and poster presentations, non-presenting participants are also encouraged to register for the conference.

The objectives of this Conference are to:

  • share knowledge and experiences in the field of Psychology.
  • advance research partnerships and collaborations in the area of Psychology.

Abstracts are being accepted for poster and oral presentations in the area of Psychology under the following tracks:

  • Education
  • Health (physical and mental)
  • Counselling
  • Workplace
  • Child and Youth

Submitted abstracts should contain the following sections:

1.0.Title of Abstract

2.0.Name of Author (s)

3.0.Job Title

4.0.Affiliation (indicate where you are coming from)

5.0.Geographic Focus of work(University, School or Community)

6.0.The preferred track

7.0.Presentation format (poster or oral)

8.0. Main body of the paper

8.1. Aim

8.2. Methods*

8.3. Results*

8.4. Conclusion/contribution to the community

8.5 The main body should be between 200-250 words. Abstracts with more than

250 words will not be considered. Please note that the number of words applies to

the main body only. It does not include items 1.0 – 7.0 listed above.

* In the case of a non- scientific abstract, give details of your sample (e.g. students), what issue was identified and how.

You are invited to submit abstracts for the Conference by 15th December, 2016 toboth the following emails: or . For any questions on how to write the abstracts please write to

Conference venue: TBA


Registration for the Conference is open from 14th November, 2016 – 3rd February, 2017.

PAZ Members:Early Bird Registration fee is K300, Late Registration is K500.

Non-PAZ members: Early Bird Registration fee is K800, Late Registration is K1000.

Note that Early Bird Registration is from 14th November- 6th January, 2017. Late Registration is from 7th January, 2017 – 3rd February, 2017.

For more information on registration and payments visit our website at or get in touch with the Secretary General on

We look forward to seeing you at the Conference.

Dr. J. Anitha Menon
