National Perinatal Association's 39th Annual Conference
“Perinatal Substance Use: Evidence-Based Solutions and Support for the Family”
Presenting SponsorExclusive and singular recognition for our most valued sponsor$20,000
- Opportunity to present a 60-minute workshop onour theme of Perinatal Substance Use on Thursday, March 15, 2018
- Special recognition by NPA President during the Opening Session
- Full-page message or advertisement in conference program book
- Your logo on all conference signage
- Recognition of your generosity on conference website including: message from sponsor, company logo and link to website
- Complimentary and featured exhibitor space in our exhibit hall(NPA limits exhibitors to promote quality interactions.)
- Opportunity to distribute 2 pieces of approved marketing or educational materials in our conference attendee packets
- 3 complimentary conference registrations for your representatives or their special guests
Awards Reception SponsorExclusive recognition as sponsor and host of our guest reception$10,000
- Privilege to welcome ourreceptionguestsand introduce our honorees on the evening of Wednesday, March 14th
- Half-page message or advertisement in conference program book
- Your logo on all conference signage
- Recognition of your generosity on conference website including: message from sponsor, company logo and link to website
- Complimentary exhibitor space in exhibit hall(NPA limits the number of exhibitors to promote quality interactions.)
- Opportunity to distribute 1 piece of approved marketing or educational materials in our conference attendee packets
- 2 complimentary conference registrations for your representatives or their special guests
Supporting Sponsor Special recognition as sponsor and supporter of NPA’s mission$5,000
- Recognition in conference program book
- Complimentary table in exhibit space(NPA limits the number of exhibitors to promote quality interactions.)
- Recognition of your generosity on conference website including: message from sponsor, company logo and link to website
- Opportunity to distribute 1 piece of approved marketing or educational materials in our conference attendee packets
- 2 complimentary conference registrations for your representatives or their special guests
Supporting SponsorRecognition as sponsor and supporter of NPA’s mission $2,500
- Recognition in conference program book
- Complimentary table in exhibit space(NPA limits the number of exhibitors to promote quality interactions.)
- 2 complimentary conference registrations for your representatives or their special guests
Exhibitor Recognition as exhibitor and supporter of NPA’s mission$1,000
- Table in exhibit space (NPA limits the number of exhibitors to promote quality interactions.)
- 1complimentary conference registration for your representative or their special guest
P.O. Box 392 MO