National Pan-Hellenic Council of RutherfordCounty


December 8th, 2009

National Pan-Hellenic Council of RutherfordCounty


We, the representatives of Alpha Kappa Alpha (Pi Nu Omega), Delta Sigma Theta (Rutherford County Alumnae), Kappa Alpha Psi (Murfreesboro Alumni Chapter),

Alpha Phi Alpha (Omicron Sigma Lambda), Zeta Phi Beta (Sigma Chi Zeta), Phi Beta Sigma (Lambda Mu Sigma), Omega Psi Phi (Pi Gamma Gamma),and Sigma Gamma Rho (Kappa Tau Sigma) recognizing the need for coordination of activities and recognizing that there are certain areas of action and programming that can best be carried out by joint efforts of all such organizations and believing that these needs can best be realized by formal organization, do hereby establish such an organization and bind ourselves to abide by the provisions of the following Constitution and by-laws.

Article I - Name

Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) of Murfreesboro.

Article II - Purpose

Section 1:The mission of the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Murfreesboro is to offer collective service to all citizens of Murfreesboro and surrounding areas by providing mentorship, scholarship, and empowerment by planning and collaborative efforts.

Section 2:Purpose

The purpose in accordance with the aforementioned mission of this organization shall be:

  1. To offer assistance to college and university administrations in attaining their educational and cultural objectives.
  2. To maintain on a high plan, fraternity life and inter-fraternal relationships.
  3. To serve as a forum for consideration of mutual interests of member organizations.
  4. To encourage local fraternities and sororities to design programs to meet the needs of the community.
  5. To promote awareness, involvement and appropriate action in an effort togenerate legislation.
  6. To act as a catalyst of member organizations on matter of interest to the community, college, and fraternal world.
  7. To serve as an information center for the member organizations.
  8. To propose and initiate joint community projects to increase community awareness of positive Greek ventures.
Article III - Membership

Section 1. The following sororities and fraternities are members of the National Pan-

Hellenic Council of Murfreesboro:

Alpha Kappa Alpha (Pi Nu Omega), Delta Sigma Theta (RutherfordCounty Alumnae), Zeta Phi Beta (Sigma Chi Zeta), and Sigma Gamma Rho (Kappa Tau Sigma)

Alpha Phi Alpha (Omicron Sigma Lambda), Kappa Alpha Psi (Murfreesboro

Alumni Chapter), Omega Psi Phi (Pi Gamma Gamma), and Phi Beta Sigma

(Lambda Mu Sigma)

Section 2:Additional sororities and fraternities of these listed above, admitted to the NPHC of Murfreesboro shall be listed in the order of their admission.

Section 3. Active members shall be those organizations, which have fully qualified for membership as specified in the Constitution and which have been duly admitted to membership in the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Section 4. Eligibility of an organization for membership in the NPHC of

Murfreesboro shall be as follows:

A.) Active Membership:

1) It must have as members no person who has held membership in

any other organization holding membership in the NPHC of Murfreesboro,

2) It must be recognized by its national headquarters as having

graduate or alumni status,

3) It must have been established on a college or university campus in

its national charter for at least nine (9) years,

4)It must have a minimum of ten (10) undergraduate chapters, the

tenth chapter must be at least two (2) years old.

B.)Associate Membership

1)It must have been in existence as a national organization for at least five (5) years and have a minimum of five (5) undergraduate chapters.

2)It must conform to the ideals and standards adopted by the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Article IV - Officers

Section1: The officers of the NPHC of Murfreesboro shall be:

Elected Officers



C.)Recording Secretary


E.)Financial Secretary

Appointed Officers

A.) Chaplain

B.) Parliamentarian

Article V – Executive Committee

Section 1.The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the

NPHC of Murfreesboro.

A.)The Executive Committee shall have the authority, when necessary, to consider anddiscuss the affairs of the NPHC of Murfreesboro during the periods between the regular meetings scheduled for the 1st Tuesday of each month subject to the limitations of the Constitution, By-Laws and actions of the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Article VI – Scope of Power

Section 1. The power of the NPHC of Murfreesboro shall be:

A.)To make laws that pertains to its own government.

B.)To admit petitioning fraternities and sororities membership in the NPHC of Murfreesboro according to the criteria stated in the constitution.

C.)To levy and collect annual assessments.

D.)To notify member fraternities and sororities of non-attendance.

Article VII - Representation

Section 1. Representation shall be as follows:

A.)Each NPHC of Murfreesboro graduate / alumni chapters or organization shall be entitled to two (2) official delegates.

B.)Each member organization shall be entitled to two (2) votes.

Article VIII – Assessments

Section 1. Assessments shall be $100.00 annually from each member

organization decided by a majority vote of the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Section 2. Each member organization shall submit its assessment for the upcoming year to the financial secretary no later than December 31st or pay a late fee of $25 each month until paid in full.

Article IX - Amendments

Section l.The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of voting delegates present constituting a quorum

Section 2. A proposed amendment shall be presented in writing to the executive

committee prior to their monthly session to be included on the agenda of the general session meeting.

Section 3. A copy of all proposed amendments shall be mailed to the NPHC of Murfreesboro no later than October 31st.

Section 4. The proposed amendments must be read at the November meeting before the general body prior to being voted upon at the December meeting.


Article I - Officers

Section 1. Official representatives from the member organization shall be eligible for elections to any office of the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Section 2.The member organization must be financial with the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Section 3.Elections of officers:

The officers shall be elected by majority vote. Balloting shall be by secret ballot, when only one candidate is nominated for an office, the secretary will cast a unanimous ballot in the name of the nominee.

A)The term of office for all officers shall be for two (2) years from January 1st to December 31st.

B)Election shall be held during the first general body meeting in November.

C)Any officer shall be eligible to succeed himself/herself once in any given office, if elected.

Section 4.Duties of the Officers


  1. Shall preside over all meetings of the executive committee and the NPHC of Murfreesboro.
  2. Shall appoint all committees and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees.
  3. Shall be responsible for the implementation of all decisions of the executive committee and the NPHC of Murfreesboro.
  4. Shall approve all vouchers for expenditure of budgeted funds.
  5. Shall appoint the nominations and elections committee with representatives from each member organization.
  6. Shall perform all other duties pertaining to the Office of President.


  1. Shall assume the duties of the President in the absent or incapacity of the President.
  2. Shall perform such other duties, which may be assigned by the president.

C)Recording Secretary

  1. Shall accurately record the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and the NPHC of Murfreesboro.
  2. Shall perform such duties as are assigned.
  3. Shall read all correspondence.
  4. Shall inform the general body of upcoming elections.


  1. Shall make deposits and execute vouchers for the expenditure of monies. All vouchers shall be approved by the President.
  2. Shall issue checks for the expenditure of all monies upon receipt of vouchers properly executed.
  3. Shall maintain and provide a written record at the meetings of expenditure of all monies.

E)Financial Secretary

  1. Shall collect and issue receipts for all monies.
  2. Shall keep a record of payment of all dues by members.
  3. Shall maintain and provide a written record at the meetings of monies collected since the previous meeting.
  4. Shall assist the Treasurer, when necessary.


  1. Shall perform duties as prescribed by the NPHC of Murfreesboro Constitution and Bylaws.
  2. All matters not covered by the Constitution and Bylaws shall be governed by the current edition of Robert’s Rule of Order, Newly, Revised.


Shall perform the religious rites of the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Article II – Standing Committees

Section 1. Nominating Committee

  1. Shall consist of one person form each member organization of the NPHC of Murfreesboro.
  2. The nominating committee shall be in place no later thanSeptember 30th prior to an election year.
  3. The nominating committee shall present and distribute a slate of candidates no later than October 31st, prior to the election of officers.
  4. The nominating committee shall present a ballot of candidates at the November meeting.
  5. Nominations can be made from the floor.

Section 2. Ways and Means Committee

  1. Shall present plans for raising funds to finance NPHC of

Murfreesboro projects.

  1. Shall organize two fundraisers per year and work with committees in carrying out the fundraisers.

Section 3. Public Service Committee

A)Shall present plans for the two community service projects forNPHC of Murfreesboro.

Article III - Sessions

Section 1.The NPHC of Murfreesboro shall meet the 2nd Tuesday in each month, at 6:30 p.m. at a designated location.

Section 2.The Executive Committee shall meet the 1st Tuesday in each month via telephone or via electronic means or at a designated location.

Section 3. Special meetings of the NPHC of Murfreesboro may be called by 2/3 vote of the executive committee.

Section 4. Quorum is achieved when:

A)At least two (2) elected officers plus no less than one representative from six (6) member council organizations are present constituting a quorum to conduct the general meeting.

B)A majority vote is established as 2/3 votes of attending eligible voting members.

Article IV – Council Rosters

Section 1. Each member organization shall submit a list of current officers, telephone numbers, email and regular addresses to the recording secretary by December 31st and must update officers list of any changes during the current year.

Section 2. Each member organization shall submit the number of active members in their respective organizations no later March 1stof each year.

Article V – Fiscal Operations

Section 1.The fiscal operational year shall be January 1st to December 31st except June and July.

Section 2.The Executive Committee shall formulate and present an annual budget for the council operation thirty days (30) prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. Said budget is to be approved by the general body of the NPHC of Murfreesboro.

Article VI – Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.In all matters not provided for in the constitution and bylaws of the NPHC of Murfreesboro, the council shall be governed by Robert’s Rule of Order, Newly Revised 10th edition.

Constitution & Bylaws of The National Pan Hellenic Council of Rutherford County

Last Ratified – Tuesday December 8th, 2009

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