Jonesville Community Schools

Cardiac Emergency Response Plan


Jonesville Community Schools has created this Cardiac Emergency Response Plan to minimize the risks associated with a Cardiac Emergency and to provide guidance for preparation and saferesponse to such an event. This plan does not create medical emergency standards of care beyond the standard of care expected by a reasonable non-medical professional. Actions taken in an emergency are afforded the protections of the Michigan Good Samaritan Law.

Cardiac Emergencies

DEFINITION:A medical condition that may be associated with the patient’s heart requiring advanced emergency medical care. They include but are not limited to:

  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) which occurs when the electrical impulses of the human heart malfunction(known as Ventricular Fibrillation (VF)). This erratic and ineffective electrical heart rhythm causes complete cessation of the heart’s normal function of pumping blood resulting in sudden death. Early Recognition, Early 911, early Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), early defibrillation, and early advance life support improve the chances of survival from this fatal arrhythmia. There are many causes of SCA and it can affect people of all ages. Signs of SCA include:
  • Unconsciousness
  • Not Responding; Not Moving
  • Not Breathing or Not Breathing Normally (e.g. gasping, gurgling, moaning, or labored)
  • Seizures/Convulsions which may occur upon collapse

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

DEFINITION: A device used to treat a patient in SCA. Only apply an AED to a patient who is unconscious, not responding, not moving and not breathing or not breathing normally. The AED will analyze the heart rhythm and can only deliver a shock to a patient when it detects a shock-able rhythm.

Visibility, unlocked, readily available, easy access, quick response times, large gathering areas, and school and after school activities, shall be considered when determining AED(s) location(s) (See Addendum 1 for AED Locations).

AEDCHECKS AND ROUTINE MAINTENANCE: AED Equipment and its accessories used in emergency response are routinely checked and maintained for readiness in accordance with the AEDs’ operating manual. When indicated by the manual, these checks will include verification that the battery(ies), defibrillator pads, and supplies are present, undamaged, and current to date.

Staff Designations

AED MAINTENANCE STAFF: Individuals assigned to conduct and document regular checks of the AED equipment and supplies. Any issues or concerns are to be brought to the attention of a Building Emergency Coordinator or the Cardiac Emergency Coordinator.

BUILDING EMERGENCY COORDINATOR: At least one individual per building may be assigned to assist the Cardiac Emergency Plan Coordinator. (See Addendum 2 for list of personnel)

CARDIAC EMERGENCY COORDINATOR:Assigned to coordinate the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan’s implementation and management. (See Addendum 2 for list of personnel) Responsibilities include:

  • Designating employees to become part of the Emergency Response Team (ERT);
  • CoordinatingCPR/AED training for the ERT and other designated staff;
  • Communicating the cardiac emergency response plan;
  • Maintaining specifications/technical information for AED(s);
  • Scheduling routine maintenance checks on allAED equipment;
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of this program including an annual review and updates;
  • Conducting-post review sessions of incidents;
  • Communicating with the medical/EMScommunity regarding the plan and post-event reviews.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM: Staff memberswithcurrent CPR/AED certification who aredesignatedto respond to and provide basic life support during medical emergencies. Team members listed in Addendum 2 are trained to follow the established Cardiac Emergency Response Protocol outlined in Addendum 3.

OTHER TRAINED STAFF: Staff members who are currently certified in CPR/AED use, but are not part of the Emergency Response Team. Trained staff membersresponding to cardiac emergencies must follow the established Cardiac Emergency Response Protocol outlined in Addendum 3.

UNTRAINED STAFF:Staff members who are not currently certified in CPR/AED use.

Cardiac Emergency Response Protocol

Actions needed when a Cardiac Emergency occurs in order to facilitate a safe, efficient and effective response (See Addendum 3 for the Cardiac Emergency Response Protocol). The Cardiac Emergency Coordinator, Building Emergency Coordinators and other designees are responsible for developing, reviewing and, when necessary, modifying responses.


CPR/AED TRAINING AND PRACTICE DRILLS:Conduct trainingin accordance with nationally recognized training centers (i.e. American Heart Association, American Red Cross…). This training should include “hands on” testing requirements to receive documented CPR/AED certification. Perform simulated Cardiac Emergency events (practice drills) during various school activities to hone training skills and evaluate the response plan.

CPR/AED Training Plan for Students in Grades 9 to 12

The District’s curriculum director will plan for CPR/AED training for high school students.


POST-EVENT REVEW: Review conducted after a Cardiac Emergency occurs. Its purpose is to identify and document the actions that were taken and opportunities for improvement to the Cardiac Emergency Response Plan. This is the responsibility of the Cardiac Emergency Coordinator or designee and is attended by key participants of the emergency. The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) protects the privacy of individuals’ health information. Circumstances surrounding any Medical Response must remain confidential.

ANNUAL CARDIAC EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN REVIEW: The Cardiac Emergency Coordinator or designees shall conduct a review and update the plan if needed at least once a year, and communicate this Plan to staff on an annual basis and when changes are made. This review shall include, but not limited to post-event documentation, cardiac emergency response drill documentation, and any changes in personnel, facilities, equipment, administrative decisions and other changes in conditions.


At a minimum, the Cardiac Emergency Coordinator will maintain and centrally retain the following documentation either physically or electronically:

  • Cardiac Emergency Response Plan
  • Cardiac Emergency Response Protocol
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Procedure
  • Emergency Response Team
  • Cardiac Emergency Drills
  • Emergency Response Team CPR/AED Training Records and Expirations
  • AED Equipment and Locations
  • AED Checks and Maintenance Logs
  • AED Manuals
  • Cardiac Emergency Post-Event Reviews
  • Annual Reviews


FunctionPrinted NameSignature Date

Cardiac Emergency Coordinator______AED Oversight Physician ______Superintendent ______School Board President ______Adopted 9/2/2014 Reviewed 9/1/15

Revised 11/11/16



Building / Address / Phone / Cross Streets / Locations of AED / AED Maintenance Staff / Phone/Extension
Williams Elementary / 440 Adrian St. Jonesville / 849-9175 / Adrian St. and East St. / Outside Room #10 / Tina Varney, RN / 1404
Jonesville Middle School / 401 E. Chicago Rd. / 849-3210 / US 12 and Wright St. / Near Women’s Rest Room – Spotts Gymnasium / Tina Varney, RN / 1404
Jonesville High School / 460 Adrian St. / 849-9934 / Adrian St. and East St. / North wall Cafetorium / Tina Varney, RN / 1404
Jonesville High School / 460 Adrian St. / 849-9934 / Adrian St. and East St. / Athletic Training Room/with Trainer / Tina Varney, RN/Athletic Trainer / 1404
Jonesville Pathways / 202 Wright St. / 849-9075 / US12 & Wright St. / Secretary’s Work Room / Tina Varney, RN / 1404
Baseball Concession Building / 401 E. Chicago Rd. / N/A / US 12 and Oak St. / North wall/only available during fall and spring sports seasons / Tina Varney, RN / 1404


Contact Person (Title / Name) / School Hour
Phone/Extension / After-School Hour Phone/Extension
Title: District Cardiac Emergency Coordinator
Name: Tina Varney, RN / 849-9175, ext. 1404 / 517-425-1696


Building __Williams Elementary___

Team Member Name / CPR Expiration / School Hour
Phone/Extension / After-School Hour Phone/Extension
Tina Varney, RN / 3/2018 / 849-9175, ext. 1404 / 517-425-1696
Josh McDowell / 849-9175, ext. 1401
Ryan Grimm / 849-9175, ext. 14
Kerry Cavanaugh / 9/2017 / 849-9175, ext. 1424 / 951-534-9717
Teryn Donihue / 9/2016 / 849-9175, ext. 1420
Jenny Lee / 1/2016 / 849-9175, ext. 1426
Wendy Purdy / 2/2017 / 849-9175, ext. 1434 / 517-320-1155
Brian Stroble / 3/2016 / 849-9175, ext. 1438 or 1442 / 517-398-1996
Jessica Stroble / 8/2017 / 849-9175, ext. 1439 / 517-610-4901
Shelly Yeo / 11/2017 / 849-9175, ext. 1429 / 517-262-4796
Katherine Fedosuk / 10/2018 / 849-9175, ext.
Sharri Beatty / 849-9175, ext. 1410

Building __Jonesville Middle School/Jonesville Pathways___

Team Member Name / CPR Expiration / School Hour
Phone/Extension / After-School Hour Phone/Extension
Tina Varney, RN / 3/2018 / 849-9175, x 1404 / 517-425-1696
Bryan Playford / 849-3210, x 1301 / 517-610-1342
Eric Swihart / 2017 / 849-3210, x 1305 / 517-416-2859
Erin Smith / 9/2017 / 849-3210 / 517-320-0154
Marlena Nichols / 8/2017 / 849-3210, x 1321 / 517-769-4193
Luke Kennard / 849-3210, x 1310 or 849-9934, x 1231
Paul VanSickle / 8/2017 / 849-3210, x 1327
Blair Hogan – PM Only / 10/2018 / 849-3210, x 1313 / 517-320-1061
Danielle Soltis / 849-3210, x 1350 / 517-262-0285
Jaime Mykeloff – AM Only / 10/2018 / 849-3210, x 1326 / 517-605-0888
John Harmon / 10/2018 / 849-9075, x 1102
Mike Corey / 10/2018 / 849-9075, x 1102 / 517-250-2220

Building __Jonesville High School___

Team Member Name / CPR Expiration / School Hour
Phone/Extension / After-School Hour Phone/Extension
Tina Varney, RN / 3/2018 / 849-9175, x 1404 / 517-425-1696
Dustin Scharer / 3/2016 / 849-9934, x 1201 / 517-610-1253
Bob Drake / 3/2016 / 849-9934, x 1206
Blair Hogan – AM Only / 10/2018 / 849-9934, x 1215 / 517-320-1061
Linda Quiggle / 10/2018 / 849-9934, x 1250 / 517-398-1099
Jaime Mykeloff – PM Only / 10/2018 / 849-9934, x 1226 / 517-605-0888



Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)events can vary greatly. All faculty, staff Emergency Response Team members must be prepared for duties. Early action is crucial to successfully treating SCA! Know the Signs of SCA.

In the event a person (student, staff or visitor) collapses, perform the steps listed below. (Remember: Do Not move the person unless the scene is unsafe.


  • Confirm that the scene is safe
  • Do not move the victim unless thescene is unsafe
  • Call office to announce “Comet Response Team

(Comet Helpers at elementary) to Location (eg. Mr ____ room/#)”

  • Call 911 - remain on the phone until 911 disconnects.
  • Direct occupants to adjacent space
  • If CPR/AED trained, respond according to your training
  • If not CPR/AED trained and the Emergency Response

Team is delayed,startHands onlyCPR and AED use with
directions from 911 operator

  • Assist Emergency Response Team as instructed

Emergency Response Team

  • Immediately proceed to emergency
  • Closest team member retrieve AED enroute.
  • Leave AED cabinet door open so alarm signals
    that the AED has been taken
  • Confirm that the scene is safe
  • Do not move the victim unless the scene is unsafe
  • Assess the victim in accordance with your training
  • Confirm that 911 has been called. If not-call 911
  • Initiate CPR while AED is brought to the scene
  • Use AED upon its arrival. Follow instructions prompts
  • Continue CPR as training indicates
  • Confirm or assign individual to direct EMS to scene
  • Transfer care to EMS upon their arrival
  • Maintain Crowd Control
  • Follow-up with School/District Administration

Office (eg. Main, Athletic, Security)

  • Confirm location/status of victim
  • Contact School Nurse to respond to emergency location
  • Confirm Emergency Response Team has responded
  • Confirm that 911 has been called if not - call 911
  • Call for a “soft lock-down”
  • Assign a staff member to direct EMS to the scene
  • Copy victim’s emergency info for EMS
  • Consider the need to delay dismissal; recess or class change
  • Notify the emergency contact (parent. guardian, spouse etc...)
  • Designate persons to cover responders’ responsibilities if needed.
  • Notify staff when students can return to regular schedule
  • Contact School/District Administration.

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