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Department of Electrical Engineering
Course –Handout
1. Name of the Teacher : P. D. Kashyap
2. Department : Electrical Engineering
3. Course Title : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
4. Course code : EE 101
5. Credit Value: : 4 [P=2, T=0, L=3]
6. Objectives of the course:
1. Introduction to Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering .
2. Basic knowledge of DC circuits, Electromagnetism, AC fundamental, AC/DC Machines.
3. Briefing to Semiconductor devices and their applications.
4. Making familiar with P-N Junction
7. Learning Outcomes:
1. Students will be adequately trained to solve network problems.
2. Students will be skilled both theoretically and practically to utilize conventional circuit solving procedures.
3. Students will be substantially prepared to take up prospective research assignments.
8. Subject Matter:
A. Basic Electrical Engineering
UNIT I 10 Hours
DC circuits: Definition of electric circuit, network, linear circuit, non-linear circuit, bilateral circuit, unilateral circuit, Dependent source, Kirchhoff’s law, Principle of superposition. Source equivalence and conversion, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton Theorem, nodal analysis, mesh analysis, star-delta conversion. Maximum power transfer theorem with proof.
Electromagnetism: Biot-savart law, Ampere’s circuital law, field calculation using Biot-savart & ampere’s circuital law. Magnetic circuits, Analogous quantities in magnetic and electric circuits, Faraday’s law, Self and mutual inductance. Energy stored in a magnetic field, B-H curve, Hysteretic and Eddy current losses, lifting power of Electromagnet.
UNIT II 15 Hours
AC fundamental: Production of alternating voltage, waveforms, average and RMS values, peak factor, form factor, phase and phase difference, phasor representation of alternating quantities, phasor diagram, behavior of AC series , parallel and series parallel circuits, Power factor, Power in AC circuit, Effect of frequency variation in RLC series and parallel circuits, Resonance in RLC series and parallel circuit, Q factor, band width of resonant circuit.
Transformers: construction, Types, emf equation, voltage, current, impedance and turns ratio; auto-transformer.
DC machines (motor and generator) – Construction, types, emf equation, equivalent circuit, starting, speed control, braking, applications. Single phase motors, types; need of rotating field, starting, running, speed control and applications.
B. Basic Electronics Engineering
UNIT-III 8 hours
Introduction to Basic electronics: History of electronic, basic electronic components and devices, measuring instruments: multimeter, power supply, voltage and current source, oscilloscope, function generator.
UNIT-IV 12 hours
P-N Junction: Energy band diagram, Formation of P-N junction, built-in-potential forward and reverse biased P-N junction, formation of depletion zone, V-I characteristics, Zener breakdown, Avalanche breakdown and its reverse characteristics, junction capacitance and varactor diode. Simple diode circuits, load line, linear piecewise model; rectifiers: half wave, full wave, its PIV, DC voltage and current, ripple factor, efficiency, clipping and clamping circuit.
Introduction to Transistors: Formation of PNP / NPN junctions, energy band diagram; transistor mechanism and principle of transistors, CE, CB, CC configuration, transistor characteristics: cut-off, active and saturation mode, early effect, Structure and characteristics of JFET and MOSFET, depletion and enhancement type.
List of Practical:
List of Experiments (Electrical lab):
1. To verify ohms law, Kirchhoff’s laws
2. To verify Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem.
3. To verify Maximum Power Transfer theorem.
4. To verify that the phasor sum of currents at any junction in an A.C. circuit is zero.
5. To measure Power and power factor of the load by three ammeters method.
6. To measure Power and power factor of the load by three voltmeters method.
7. To perform Open circuit and Short Circuit Tests on a single phase transformer.
8. To determine the Open Circuit Characteristic of D.C. Generator
List of Experiments (Electronics Lab):
1. Introduction and study of basic electronics components.
2. Introduction and study of electronics instruments.
3. Design a circuit to study V-I characteristics of p-n junction diode and to draw the characteristics curve
4. Design a circuit to study V-I characteristics of zener diode and to draw the characteristics curve and thereafter compare the same with that of p-n junction diode from application point of view.
5. Design a circuit to study and analyze clipping circuit with one and two voltage source using p-n junction diode.
6. Design a circuit to study the input and output characteristics of BJT in CE mode.
7. Design a circuit to study the input and output characteristics of BJT in CB mode.
8. Design a circuit to verify the truth tables of various logic gates.
Teaching/Learning/Practice Pattern
Teaching: 50%
Learning: 20%
Practice : 30%
Examination Pattern
1. Theoretical Examination : Written
2. Practical Examination : Conducting experiments and viva-voce.
1. C.L.Wadhwa “Basic Electrical Engineering
2. B.L.Theraja, “Electrical technology” vol 1&2”.
3. R.K.Rajpoot, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”.
4. Sen, P.C. “ Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics”.
5. Guru and Hiziroglu “ Electric Machinery and Transformers”.
6. Malvino, Electronic Principle.
7. Millman & Halkias, “Integrated Electronics”
8. Boylestead and Nashelsky, “Electronic Devices and Circuits Theory”.
9. R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 3/e, TMH, 2000.
1. IEEE Industrial Electronics
2. Electrical Line, Canada.
3. Planet Analog,
4. IEEE Spectrum
5. Electronics for you, EFY Enterprises Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
6. Electropages
1. Electrical Engineering, Springer
2. International Journal of Electronics Devices and Circuits.
3. IEEE Transaction on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and System.