National Institute for Fitness and Sport

Candidate Interview

Date: Interviewee:

Staff Present: ______Location/Position: ______

Questions / Things to Note About Responses / Notes
What do you know about this position? / Have they read about NIFS, do they have a good starting understanding of the position for which they’re interviewing?
What are you looking for in this job that you do not have in your current position? / Listen for what really has them looking for a new position – can we meet their desire or will they soon be searching for jobs to leave NIFS?
Please discuss any prior work experience that is relevant to this position.
What particular demographic do you prefer working with? What is your experience with this demographic?
Discuss your experience in writing exercise prescriptions, administering fitness assessments, and personal training (if appropriate for the position)
How familiar are you with the ACSM guidelines for administering IFA’s? Tell me about the challenges you’ve seen with XXX test. / The second question will help you determine how much they’ve worked with assessments.
Tell me about your experience teaching group fitness classes. What formats have you taught? What do you prefer to teach? What additional classes would you be interested in teaching?
Using the job description I’ve provided you for this job, check off all essential duties you feel you could begin/work on right now without direction. / Marking all or almost all could be an indication of ego/bravado/arrogance
Every job has its challenges. In your previous/current job, what were some of the things that the people you worked with found challenging?In what way(s) were you able to lighten the load for a colleague? / Suggests ability to be proactive and to be a team player.
What do you find to be the most challenging when communicating with co-workers or staff members?
Describe a time when you had a difficult problem or conflict, how did you resolve the issue? Looking back on it now, would you have handled the problem differently? / Their initial response and how they would have changed their approach may suggest whether or not the individual is coachable.
What things are important to you in a job environment?
Give me an example of a time you had to follow through on difficult or corrective feedback. How did you handle it? / Listen for whether you feel there is a good personality and environmental match.
Have you ever made a risky decision in your job? Why and how did you handle it?
IF NO – tell me about a time when you postponed making a decision. Why did you delay? / Looking for insight into decision making process for candidate (do they have a process?)
In your last 30 days on your most recent job, what have you learned?
This job typically requires about 40 hours per week. Under what circumstances would you be unable to stay late/come in early beyond the 40 hour week? / We are not trying to lock the candidate into working extra hours – but responses to this question will speak to candidate’s ability to be realistic, truthful, and objective.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself at using Microsoft Office products like Word, Excel and Power Point.
What would it take to move you to the next number on the rating scale? When was the last time you learned new software skills by being self-taught? / Rates level of self awareness/criticism as well as critical thinking about how to self-improve
What tools do you currently use with time management and organization? (If they say a day planner or PDA, ask to see it.) / If they say they did not bring it they may be lying: most organized people will have their primary organizational tool nearby.
Tell me about a time when you had multiple projects you were working on. How did you manage your time? Would you do anything differently as you look back on that situation?
How would your current/past supervisor describe you? What is it about you that would make your supervisor say that?
What might your supervisor say you should work on and what steps have you taken to improve? / Respect for superiors, recognition of need for personal growth, desire to improve
Where would you like to see yourself in 2-3 years? Why? What’s motivating you to get to that next step? What’s stopping you from getting there?
Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
Give me an example of a goal you didn’t reach and how you handled it. / Listen for process, logic, ability to follow through.
Tell me about a time when you created a moment of magic for your customer.
Tell me about a time when you couldn’t follow through on a customer’s request. How did you resolve the situation? / Orientation to customer service, exceeding expectations
Customer service is an important part of this position. What would be your first customer service goal if you started as a new (position)?
Describe a terrific day on the job.
Describe a terrible day on the job.
Describe a typical day on the job. / Attention to the variation between terrific, terrible and typical may give an indication of whether or not the candidate is prone to complaining; may also give indication of self-motivation
What would be some advantages for NIFS/(Site) if we hired you?
Is there anything else you would like me to know about you or your qualifications?


1. You observe a member incorrectly using the lat pull down machine. According to his membership file he has been a member for 10 years. How do you address the situation?


2. While walking through the women’s locker room you notice there is water splashed all over the counters. What do you do? (If the candidate mentions housekeeping, tell the candidate that in this scenario, housekeeping has left for the day.)


3. You’re teaching a muscle conditioning class and you have run out of benches and 8 lb. weights. Two members show up five minutes late to participate in class. How do you handle the situation and what is your response to those two members?


4. Your schedule is filled for the day with four personal training appointments, a group fitness class, and the fitness flash newsletter is due before you leave at 2:45p. The manager asks if you could proof the monthly report before you go for the day. What is your response?


Skills Testing:

Sample of Print Material / Notes:
Wellness Lecture
Topic: / Notes:
HHQ Evaluation / Notes:
Exercise Prescription / Notes:
Exercise Demo/Cueing / Notes:
Group Fitness Demonstration / Notes:
Application and Certification(s) Copies / Notes: