National Honor Society / 2014-15
Membership Application

Campbellsville High School - National Honor Society

Guidelines for Preparing an Application for NHS

Purpose The purpose of the Campbellsville chapter of the National Honor Society is to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of character in all students at Campbellsville High School.

Membership Membership in the National Honor Society is based upon outstanding scholarship (3.5 or greater GPA), strong leadership, active school and/or community service, and exemplary character (to be recognized by the Campbellsville staff as an honest, trustworthy, dependable person).

Selection Members are selected by a faculty council. Tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade students who are academically eligible for committee consideration are invited to supply the following supporting data for selection. Admission is not automatic. In addition to having the required GPA, applicants must demonstrate significant accomplishment and/or participation in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.


Scholarship: determined by the computation of your grade point average. Eligibility standard is 3.5 (or greater) for all student applicants. (The Counseling Service office provides this information to the faculty selection committee.)

Leadership: to include, but not limited to, elected or appointed positions held in school and/or in the community.

Service: to cite specific examples of service activities within the school and/or community, since 9th grade, and to provide supporting data.

Character: to be recognized by the total Campbellsville staff as a citizen who is:

·  Honest:

Helps peers, but does not copy homework or permit others to copy work

Does not take credit for others’ work either in group projects or in writing

·  Trustworthy

Does not lie in order to protect self or friends

·  Dependable

Is normally present on exam days as well as days when projects are due

·  Responsible

Demonstrates initiative to meet school and personal obligations, such as making-up missed assignments and exams.

·  Shows respect to teachers and other students

·  Creates a positive atmosphere at school

Procedure for Applying to Campbellsville’s NHS Chapter

Your application must include ALL of the items requested below. Remember, you are pulling together information to be presented to a selection committee. Be complete. No materials will be returned, so do not submit items of value (copies are acceptable).

1.  Use the Cover Sheet to present your given name (legal name as it appears on your birth certificate), the name you prefer to be called, your parents/guardians' names, home address(es), and your class schedule.

2.  Use the Leadership form to list school and community activities in which you have held a leadership role (chairperson, captain, or other organizing role) and estimate the total amount of out-of-school time you feel each has taken. Provide the name of the sponsor or person responsible for the activity/organization.

3.  Use the Service form provided to list any special service programs in which you have participated (both in an out of school). Provide name of contact person to verify participation.

4.  The last section of your application is a personal statement of no more than 150 words. Please attach your typed personal statement to this application. Use your personal statement as an opportunity to express your core values and beliefs and explain how those values support your academic success and service to others.

5.  Once your application is received, CHS faculty and staff will be asked to fill out a recommendation for you. They will be asked to address your attitude, relationship with other students and teachers, your attendance record, and your class scholarship and participation. Activity leaders and sponsors will be asked to evaluate you as well.

PLEASE staple all papers together with the cover sheet on top. Give your application to Mrs. Dabney, the NHS adviser. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered.

DEADLINE: November 5, 2014 at 3:00 pm.

Final decisions will be announced after November 21st.

COVER SHEET—This should be the first page in your membership application.

Your Name (the official and legal version):

Name you prefer to be called:

Parents/Guardians Names:

Home address:

Class Schedule:

1st period: ______

2nd period: RTI

3rd period: ______

4th period: ______

5th period: ______

6th period: ______

7th period: ______

National Honor Society Activity Form for LEADERSHIP

Student Name:

Please provide a list of activities in which you have held a leadership position during grades 9-11 and describe your accomplishments in these activities. Include any activity where you contributed to the success of the activity.


Any additional information you wish to share about your leadership roles: ______
National Honor Society Activity Form for SERVICE

Student Name:

Please provide a list of activities in which you given service hours (for example, coaching, tutoring, working toward social justice, etc.) Include any activity where you contributed to the success of the activity.


Share any additional information about your service activities here: ______

I understand that if I am accepted into the Adelphia Chapter of Honor Society I will be expected to attend group meetings, participate actively in group service projects, and maintain the high ideals of scholarship, leadership, service, and character.


Student Signature

Parent Review and Consent: I have reviewed my son/daughter’s application and affirm that it is correct. I give my consent for my son/daughter to apply for membership in the Campbellsville High School Chapter of the National Honor Society.


Parent Signature