National Framework for CCG Development

Mini-Competition template

Name of CCG:

Insert name of CCG here before issuing


Name of Commissioner:
Insert name of Commissioner here before issuing document / Name of Provider:
Insert name of Provider here when completing mini-competition response

Section 1 – Key Tasks

To be completed by Commissioner

Task / Date
Document issue / {insert date here}
Required response from providers / {insert date here}
Proposed Provider interview period
{It is likely that the Commissioner will wish to interview the prospective Providers following the submission of their responses. If this is not required, the Commissioner should state so here.} / {insert date here}
Section 2a - Outline of Commissioner’s requirements
To be completed by Commissioner
{The Commissioner should set their requirements for the Provider out in this section. It should include their development plan (if it exists) and a description of the lot(s) that they believe their need falls under. The Commissioner will need to decide here how specific they want their requirements to be i.e. some Commissioners will have very specific areas in which they require development, whilst others may have more generic needs.
The Commissioner should also decide and give further detail here if they wish to mandate the form of solutions they are expecting from the Providers i.e. whole Board workshops, specific training programmes etc. The Commissioner may decide to leave the form of delivery entirely down to the Provider, which will allow the Providers greater scope in their responses.}
Section 2b – Provider proposal
To be completed by the prospective Provider
Section 3a – Performance Management
To be completed by Commissioner
{TheCommissioner should detail how they will hold the Provider to account in this section. This should be comprised of specific targets e.g. particular milestones or quality indicators, a particular outcome at the end of a defined period etc.}
Section 3b – Performance Management
To be completed by the prospective Provider
Section 4a – Duration
To be completed by Commissioner
{The Commissioner should detail any specific dates for when they require the intervention to commence or conclude. The Commissioner may decide that this is something they are willing to discuss with prospective Provider and, if so, should state here}.
Section 4b – Duration
To be completed by the prospective Provider
Section 5a – Cost
To be completed by Commissioner
{The Commissioner should describe the funding parameters for the intervention they are commissioning e.g. £20,000 exactly, up to £20,000 or that the Commissioner wishes to see each Provider’s proposal to determine the best value. The Commissioner should give careful thought to the type of proposal they wish to receive as the responses will be heavily influenced by the level of specificity in this section.}
Section 5b – Cost
To be completed by the prospective Provider; the table below should be completed in a comprehensive manner to encompass all foreseeable charges.
The rates and deliverables outlined below are in accordance with the contract with the Provider when they were appointed to the Framework.
Item / Unit cost and type / Number of units / Total cost
e.g. Principal / Day rate - £2,500.00 / 2 / £5,000.00
e.g. Workshop delivery and interviews by Senior Associate / Day rate - £1,700.00 / 5 / £5,100.00
e.g. Recommendations report by Associate / Day rate - £1,200.00 / 3 / £3,600.00
e.g. Evaluation by Researcher / Day rate - £800.00 / 1 / £800.00
e.g. Presentation materials – Handouts, USB memory sticks / £200.00 / 1 / £200.00
e.g. Expenses capped at 5% of total intervention value / N/A / N/A / £735.00
The Provider should expand this table as necessary.
Section 6a – Location of interventions
To be completed by the Commissioner
{The Commissioner should state if they require the interventions to be performed at specific geographic locations e.g. their head office. Alternatively, the Commissioner may decide to leave this at the Provider’s discretion or review on receipt of the proposals. The Commissioner should ensure that the Provider’s response details items such as travel expenses.}
Section 6b – Location of interventions
To be completed by the prospective provider
Section 7 – Failure to meet targets
By submitting this response to the mini-competition, insert name of Provider here confirms that its proposal in line with the clauses, terms, conditions and specifications of the National Framework for CCG Development. Furthermore, insert name of Provider here confirms that they will supply Services of the exact quality, type and price specified in the Framework agreement.

Section 8 – Authorised representatives

To be completed by the Commissioner and the prospective Provider

For and on behalf of insert Commissioner name here / For and on behalf of insert name of Provider here
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position
Organisation: / Organisation:
Signature: / Signature:
Date: / Date:

Mini-Competition specification document – Version 1.4 – FINAL – October 2011