National Family Business Study
Map of Variables
May 29, 2009
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Table of Contents
Household Interview Information
Business Interview Information
Child Care
Household Management
Household Functioning
Adjustment Strategy Adopted in Response to Conflicting Demands
Family Income and Assets
Business Goals
Family Goals
Tensions about Family Business
Outcomes and Satisfaction
Demographics of Household Manager
General Business Information
Business Managerial Activities
Household Interview Information
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Interview minutes for household interview / Minhh97 / Hminut00 / NOT RECORDED
Interview minutes for combo interview / Mincom97 / Cminut00 / NOT RECORDED
Household interview date (day, month, yr) / Dayin97, monint97, yrint97 / NOT RECORDED / Findat07
Interviewer ID for household interview / Intid97 / NOT RECORDED / Intidh07
Interview completion status / Compls97 / Finals00,Cmbfin0, Bmfin00, Hmfin00 / Compty07
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Business Interview Information
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Interview minutes for business interview / Minin397 / Bminut00 / NOT RECORDED
Business Interview date (day, month, yr) / Dayin397, monin397, yrint397 / NOT RECORDED / Findat07
Interviewer ID for business interview / Intid397 / NOT RECORDED / Intcbm07
State where business is located / B197 / BZA1b00 / State07
County where business is located / B297 / BZA1a00 / County07
What is the ZIP code of the main office / B397 / BZA1c00 / Zip07
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Child Care
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Child care for children under age 5 / H4a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Number of children under age 5 using child care / H4b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Child care type: Home day care / H4chom97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Child care type: Day care center / H4cdcc97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Child care type: Relative’s home / H4creh97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Child care type: Caretaker in child’s home / H4cchh97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Child care type: Preschool (includes Headstart) / H4cpre97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Child care type: Other / H4coth97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Total hours per week children are cared for / H4d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Cost of child care / H4d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
How often child care is paid / Typopa97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
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Household Management
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007When a task needs to be done, you wait until last minute / H5a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
You consider when to do a task, not just the time it will take / H5b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Each week you decide something you can do for your family / H5c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
When planning, you think the plan through beforehand / H5d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Before a task, you consider time, money and energy required / H5e97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Before complex task, you have an idea about judging the outcome / H5f97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
As you work, you check whether things are going as you want / H5g97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
You are pleased if the work gets done; not how effectively / H5h97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
When things aren’t going well, you figure out another way / H5i97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
When a task is done, you think about how well you like the result / H5j97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
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Household Functioning
Variable description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Family members coordinate schedules with each other / H6a97 / NOT ASKED / D4ach07
Family members discuss activities and decide what to do together / H6b97 / NOT ASKED / D4bch07
Family members look for different ways to do almost everything / H6c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Family decisions are easy because the rules almost never change / H6d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
You find friends of family in your house you didn’t know were there / H6e97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
You don’t have many family decisions –individual plans are made / H6f97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Your family is open to new ideas if they seem practical / H6g97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Someone coordinates members’ schedules to interfere with family / H6h97 / NOT ASKED / D4cch07
Your family usually does things the same way time after time / H6i97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Members come and go without knowing much about the others / H6j97 / NOT ASKED / D4dch07
People often drop by and are easily included / H6k97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
People visit your home only when the family decides to invite them / H6l97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
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Adjustment Strategy Adopted in Response to Conflicting Demands
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Family members, relatives, friends work in business without pay / H7a97, B44a97 / NOT ASKED / D6ach07, D3acb07
Family members put off/skip HH tasks to do business work / H7b97, B44b97 / NOT ASKED / D6bch07, D3bcb07
Family members get less sleep because spend more time in bus. / H7c97, B44c97 / NOT ASKED / D6cch07, D3ccb07
Family work usually completed at home is done at the business / H7d97, B44d97 / NOT ASKED / D6dch07, D3dcb07
Family members working in business do business tasks at home / H7e97, B44e97 / NOT ASKED / D6ech07, D3ecb07
Household responsibilities shifted among family members / H7f97, B44f97 / NOT ASKED / D6fch07, D3fcb07
Family hires temporary help for either business or home / H7g97, B44g97 / NOT ASKED / D6gch07, D3gcb07
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Family Income and Assets
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Household finances respondent / Hhfinr97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Household’s total income from all sources in past year / H897 / Hze100, Srh400 / NOT ASKED
How much money household received from business in past year / H997 / Hze200 / NOT ASKED
Were you or family able to save or invest any money in past year / H10a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
How much did you save or invest in past year / H10b97 / Hze300 / NOT ASKED
Is your home owned by someone in the household / H1197 / Hze4a00 / NOT ASKED
Approximate market value of home as of last day of previous year / H1297 / Hze4b00 / NOT ASKED
What is the total market value of your family’s assets / H1397 / Hze500 / NOT ASKED
As of last day of previous year, was home used to secure loans to finance the business / H14a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
What amount? / H14b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
As of last day of previous year, was other household real estate or property used to secure loans to finance business? / H14c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
What amount? / H14d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
As of last day of previous year, were other household financial assets used to secure loans to finance business? / H14e97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
What amount? / H14f97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Total amount of debt owed by family as of last day of previous year / H1597 / Hze6a00, Hze6b00 / NOT ASKED
During previous year, how often was there a cash-flow in household / H1697 / Hze700 / NOT ASKED
Meet cash flow problem by delaying payment of family bills / H17a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Meet cash flow problem by using HH savings for other purposes / H17b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Meet cash flow problem by using business income to meet HH needs / H17c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Meet cash flow problem by borrowing from extended family / H17d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
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Business Goals
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Which is most important long-term goal of business / H20a97, H20bot97, B2597, B25oth97 / Hzb2a00, Bzd1a00 / A1307
How successful has your business been in achieving goal / H2197, B2697 / Hzb2b00, Bzd1b00 / A1407
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Family Goals
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Which is most important long-range goal for your family / H18a97, H18bot97, B2797, B27oth97 / Hzb1a00, Bzd2a00 / NOT ASKED
How successful has your family been in achieving goal / H1997, B2897 / Hzb1b00, Bzd2b00 / NOT ASKED
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Tensions about Family Business
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Confusion over who does what in business / H22a97, B41a97 / Hzc1a00, Bzf1a00 / D2acb07, D2ahm07
Confusion over who has authority to make decisions / H22b97, B41b97 / Hzc1b00, Bzf1b00 / D2bcb07, D2bhm07
Unequal ownership of the business by family members / H22c97, B41c97 / Hzc1c00, Bzf1c00 / D2ccb07, D2chm07
Unfair compensation for family members / H22d97, B41d97 / Hzc1d00, Bzf1d00 / D2dcb07, D2dhm07
Failure to resolve business conflicts / H22e97, B41e97 / Hzc1e00, Bzf1e00 / D2ecb07, D2ehm07
Unfair workloads among family members due to business / H22f97, B41f97 / Hzc1f00, Bzf1f00 / D2fcb07, D2fhm07
Competition for resources between family and business / H22g97, B41g97 / Hzc1g00, Bzf1g00 / D2gcb07, D2ghm07
Death of spouse / H23a97 / Hzh1a00 / NOT ASKED
Divorce / H23b97 / Hzh1b00 / NOT ASKED
Marital Separation / H23c97 / Hzh1c00 / NOT ASKED
Detention in jail or other institution / H23d97 / Hzh1d00 / NOT ASKED
Death of a close family member / H23e97 / Hzh1e00 / NOT ASKED
Major personal injury or illness / H23f97 / Hzh1f00 / NOT ASKED
Marriage / H23g97 / Hzh1g00 / NOT ASKED
Being fired at work / H23h97 / Hzh1h00 / NOT ASKED
Marital reconciliation / H23i97 / Hzh1i00 / NOT ASKED
Retirement from work / H23j97 / Hzh1j00 / NOT ASKED
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Outcomes and Satisfaction
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Satisfied can turn to family for help / H24a97, B43a97 / Hzd1a00 / D5ach07
Satisfied with way family talks over things / H24b97, B43b97 / Hzd1b00 / D5bch07
Satisfied that family accepts and supports your wishes / H24c97, B43c97 / Hzd1c00 / D5cch07
Satisfied with way family expresses affection / H24d97, B43d97 / Hzd1d00 / D5dch07
Satisfied with way family and you share time together / H24e97, B43e97 / Hzd1e00 / D5ech07
Satisfied with quality of life / H25a97 / Hzh400 / NOT ASKED
Satisfied with how well children at home are doing / H25b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Satisfied with how well adult children are doing / H25c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Satisfied with role in family business / H25d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
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Demographics of Household Manager
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007How would you rate your overall health / H2697 / Hzh200 / NOT ASKED
Do you live…(on a farm, rural area, etc.) / H2797 / Hzh300, Srh500 / NOT ASKED
Number of years living in community / H28a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Is business located within 50 miles of home / H28b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Is English main language spoken in home / H2997 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
What is your religion / H30a97, H30bot97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
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General Business Information
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007In what year did the business begin operation / B497 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Do you consider the business to be a family business / B597 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
How did you first get involved in the business / B697, B6othe97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
How old were you when you first started working for bus. / B797 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Owner of business a (first, second, etc.) generation owner / B897 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Total employees other than self working for business / B10a97 / Bza2a00 / NOT ASKED
How many full-time employees / B10b97 / Bza2b00 / NOT ASKED
How many part-time or seasonal employees / B10c97 / Bza2c00 / NOT ASKED
How many employees are relatives who do not live in house / B10d97 / Bza2d00 / A307 (not exact)
How many relatives not in HH help out on an unpaid basis / B1197 / Bza3b00 / A307 (not exact)
Is the business based in or from your home / B13a97 / Bza5a00 / A707
Do you have a business office outside the home / B13b97 / Bza5b00 / NOT ASKED
What is the legal ownership of the business / B14a97 / Bza6a00, Bza6b00 / NOT ASKED
Is there more than one owner of the business / B14b97 / Bza7a00 / NOT ASKED
Other owners: family members living in the HH / B14ca97 / Bza7b00 / NOT ASKED
Other owners: family members not living in your household / B14cb97 / Bza7b00 / NOT ASKED
Other owners: non-family members / B14cc97 / Bza7b00 / NOT ASKED
Other owners: Other stock holders / B14cd97 / Bza7b00 / NOT ASKED
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Business Managerial Activities
Variable Description / 1997 / 2000 / 2007Analyze customer satisfaction on a continual basis / B15a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Evaluate the quality of services or products / B15b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Plan advertising and promotion budgets or strategies / B15c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Estimate cost and expense figures for the business / B15d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Prepare financial records such as cash flow statements, balance sheets or inventory control procedures / B15e97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Estimate/ settle personnel needs, labor costs, performance standards / B15f97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Evaluate employee performance / B15g97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Motivate workers to become better employees / B15h97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Determine numerical objectives such as sales or earnings / B15i97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Develop/update written strategic plan, mission statement / B15j97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Spouse / B16a97 / Bzb100 / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Parents / B16b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Adult or minor children / B16c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Other relatives / B16d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Non-family members / B16e97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Board of directors of family / B16f97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Board of directors of non-family / B16g97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Business decision maker: Are you the only one / B16h97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Asked for help from SBA or SBDC / B17a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Asked for help from state/local economic development offices or local chamber of commerce / B17b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Asked for help from county or state extension office / B17c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Asked for help from other organization / B17d97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Overall, how successful is your business to date / B1897 / Bza800 / NOT ASKED
Business is way of life or way to earn income / B19a97 / Hzb300, Bzb300 / NOT ASKED
Business needs come first or family needs come first / B19b07 / Hzb400, Bzd400 / NOT ASKED
Problem: Assessing customer needs / B20a97 / Bzb7a00 / NOT ASKED
Problem: Pricing products or services / B20b97 / Bzb7b00 / NOT ASKED
Problem: Finding qualified personnel / B20c97 / Bzb7c00 / NOT ASKED
Problem: Developing marketing strategies / B20d97 / Bzb7d00 / NOT ASKED
Problem: State and local regulations and laws / B20e97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Problem: Federal regulations and laws / B20f97 / Bzb7f00 / NOT ASKED
How satisfied are you with amount of support from your community / B2197 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Computers used in your business / B2297 / Bzb400 / NOT ASKED
Is internet or the WWW used in your business / B2397 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Do you use the WWW for computer communications / B24a97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Do you use the WWW for company web pages / B24b97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
Do you use the WWW to operate virtual store / B24c97 / NOT ASKED / NOT ASKED
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